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biān chuí
  • frontier;border area
边陲 [biān chuí]
  • [border area;frontier] 边疆

边陲[biān chuí]
  1. 云南地处祖国边陲,是一个以山地为主的山区省份,公路交通是云南省交通的主要方式。

    Yunnan province is located in the border area of homeland .

  2. 边陲山区的风光美丽如画。

    The mountains in the border area are as beautiful as a painting .

  3. RF企业是一家年轻的房地产开发公司,地处云南边陲的西双版纳州,属典型的中小房地产开发企业。

    RF Real Estate Development Company is a young company , located in the border of Yunnan , Xishuangbanna is a typical small real estate development companies .

  4. 会同县位于湖南省西南边陲。

    Huitong County is located in the south-west of Hunan Province .

  5. 二是和平解放新疆,巩固西北边陲。

    Second , liberated peacefully Xinjiang and consolidated Northwestern China .

  6. 中国与印度:从人类学视角来看文化边陲

    China and India : An Anthropological View in Relation to Cultural Peripheries

  7. 广西,位于西南边陲,是我国唯一既沿海又沿边的省份。

    Located in the southwest of China , Guangxi has rich natural resources .

  8. 犹如古代兵将守边陲。

    Like past time command troops in the borderland .

  9. 他们都在西南边陲。

    All of them are on the southwestern border .

  10. 它地处我国西北边陲,有重要的战略地位。

    As the gate of northwest China , it has the important strategic position .

  11. 现在,你在这个边陲之地的学习之期已近尾声。

    Now , the end of your time at this borderland school draws near .

  12. 湘鄂渝黔边陲缬草精油成分的GC/MS测试

    The GC / MS Testing of Essential Oil and the Valeriana in Xiang-e-yu-qian Areas

  13. 妹妹,你要牢牢铭记,在心灵的边陲。

    My little sister , you should firmly engrave , by the side of heart .

  14. 明清嬗代与西北边陲的变迁以1618世纪的河西走廊为例

    Transition of North West Frontier as an Example to the Gansu Corridor in 16-18 Century

  15. 15世纪初,明入越的深刻原因在于胡氏派兵屡次寇边,侵占广西边陲诸地;

    The deep reasons for Ming 's entrance into Vietnam in the early 15th century A.

  16. 亳州市位于皖西北边陲,黄淮平原南端。

    Bozhou City is situated in northwest of Anhui Province and south of Huanghe-Huaihe plain .

  17. 川甘边陲热泉分布特征及形成机制

    Distribution and forming mechanism of the hot springs along the frontier between Sichuan and Ganshu Province

  18. 新疆地处祖国西北边陲,具有重要的战略地位。

    Xinjiang is situated at the motherland northwest border region , has the important strategic status .

  19. 本矿床属石英脉型,近年发现于滇西南边陲。

    Gongding Au deposit is a quartz-vein type An deposit recently found in the southwest Yunnan Poovince .

  20. 从边陲到中央的自生秩序&对中国乡村法律秩序的整体性阐释

    Spontaneous Order from Countryside to the Center : An Overall Interpretation of Rural Legal Order in China

  21. 第二部分,通过对辽东边墙阶段性修筑及其特点的论述,总结出明代辽东,作为一个多民族聚居的边陲地区,其社会结构有着鲜明的地方特点。

    Ming Liaodong summarized as a multi-ethnic border regions , its social structure has a distinctive local characteristics .

  22. 不过,位于中国东北边陲熙熙攘攘的丹东市居民对此并不买账。

    Don 't tell that to the residents of Dandong , a bustling border town in northeastern China .

  23. 安乡县位于湖南北部边陲,安乡方言属西南官话。

    Anxiang County sits northern backland in Hunan , the dialect of Anxiang township belongs to the southwest mandarin .

  24. 毛南族聚居在中国西南边陲的广西壮族自治区境内的大山中,现有人口7万左右。

    Maonan people live in the mountains of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , which is situated in Southwest China .

  25. 新疆地处西北边陲,与其他省市存在着一定的差异。

    Xinjiang is located in the northwest frontier , and it has many differences with other provinces and cities .

  26. 特别是地处中国西北边陲的新疆,虽然具有充足的自然资源和良好的区位条件,但发展水平仍然较低。

    Especially Xinjiang , though it has rich resource and favorable position , the developmental level is still low .

  27. 新式企业的地域分布由沿海沿江向内地和边陲延伸和扩展;

    The distribution of newly-developed industries started to extend from the coastal and riverside areas to inland and remote areas .

  28. 哈萨克族作为中国西北边陲的一支少数民族,同样也有着其独特的民俗文化。

    Kazak , one of the ethnic minorities in the northwest of china , has its own unique folk custom .

  29. 鼎远义齿座落于一个由边陲小镇,发展成至今举世瞩目的城市&深圳。

    Ding Yuan denture is located in a remote border town , has developed into a remarkable city City & Shenzhen .

  30. 俄国是否对她西部边陲的国家纷纷加入欧盟的现状感到担忧呢?

    I mean , is it scared to see its western fringes , if you like , joining the European Union ?