
  • 网络border post
  1. 那么我们现在要去的,就是那个村里的边境站。

    This was the border that we were going to !

  2. 这些苏丹人滞留在一个边境站长达数月。

    The Sudanese were stranded at a border way station for months .

  3. 他们可以对我们的南部边境站,他们自己拍的东西是火箭北移。

    We can station them on our southern border and they shoot their rockets at anything that is moving north .

  4. 他是星期六首先抵达拉法边境站的几百人中之一,之后他搭上接驳车,接驳车将他载过边境大门进入埃及。

    He is among the first of hundreds who arrived at the Rafah border terminal Saturday before boarding a shuttle bus that would take him past a gate into Egypt .

  5. 俄罗斯天然气垄断公司Gazprom于莫斯科当地时间上午10点在乌克兰边境的库尔斯克压缩站停止了天然气供应。

    Gazprom , the Russian state gas monopoly , reduced the flow at 10:00 AM Moscow time at a compressor station in Kursk near the Ukrainian border .

  6. 他表示,那些边境线是“站不住脚的。”

    Those lines , he said , are " indefensible . "

  7. 边境地区无线电台站频率冲突分析与对策研究

    Review on radio frequency interference and strategies in the border areas

  8. 我们在边境线的一边站成一排,而他们则站在另一边。

    We were lined up on one side , with them on the other .

  9. 联合国表示,维和部队在检查叙利亚边境附近的观察站时被劫持,当时维和部队并没有携带武器。

    The U.N. says the peacekeepers were unarmed at the time of their abduction and were going to check an observation post near the Syria boarder .