
fú zhào
  • irradiation;irradiate
辐照 [fú zhào]
  • [irradiation] 射线(如紫外线、X射线或射线)的照射

辐照[fú zhào]
  1. 强激光辐照PC型探测器的动态响应

    Dynamic Responses of Photoconductive Detectors under High Power Laser Irradiation

  2. GaP中电子辐照产生的深能级

    Deep Levels Introduced by Electron Irradiation in GaP

  3. 激光辐照对离体质粒DNA的断裂效应

    Effect of Laser Radiation on Single and Double Strand Breakage of in vitro Plasmid DNA

  4. 单细胞电泳观察重离子辐照人肝癌细胞所致DNA损伤

    Observation of DNA damage of human hepatoma cells irradiated with heavy ions using comet assay

  5. Si(100)面的红宝石激光辐照氧化问题

    Ruby Laser Induced Oxidation of the Si ( 100 ) Surfaces

  6. 强CO2激光辐照下离子注入Si反射率的动态干涉效应

    Dynamic interference effect of reflectance of ion-implanted Si by intense CO_2 laser radiation

  7. 高能Ar离子辐照PET引起的光吸收变化研究

    Modifications in Optical Absorption of PET Films by High Energy Ar Ion Irradiation

  8. 飞秒脉冲激光对YAG晶体的辐照作用的研究

    Effect of Irradiation on YAG Crystals by Femtosecond Pulse Laser

  9. 预估CMOS器件辐照后热退火效应的加速实验方法

    One accelerated method for predicting thermal annealing effects in post-irradiation CMOS devices

  10. ~(60)Coγ射线辐照萝卜种子筛选抗黑斑病突变体

    Screening for Resistant Mutant to Alternaria Brassicae from Radish Seeds Irradiated with ~( 60 ) Co Gamma Ray

  11. ~(60)Coγ射线辐照对小麦种子根尖细胞有丝分裂的影响

    Effects of ~ ( 60 ) Co γ ray irradiation after mitosis on root tip cells in wheat seeds

  12. MOS器件的X射线辐照效应

    Effects of X-Ray Radiation on MOS Devices

  13. 0.351μm激光辐照Au盘靶吸收、散射规律的实验研究

    Absorption and scattered light of gold disks irradiated with 0.351 μ m laser light

  14. 激光辐照金(Au)圆盘靶的二维数值模拟

    Two-dimensional numerical simulation of laser-irradiated gold disk targets

  15. PE、EVA及LDPE/EVA共混物辐照特性的研究

    Studies on the Radiation Behavior of PE , EVA and LDPE / EVA Blends

  16. MeV级~(12)C离子束辐照玉米种子的诱变效应研究

    Studies on mutagenic effects on corn seeds irradiated by MeV ~ ( 12 ) c ion beam

  17. 目的:研究高功率脉冲微波(HighPowerPulseMicrowave,HPPM)辐照对心肌酶谱的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of high power pulse microwave ( HPPM ) on myocardial enzyme spectrum of serum .

  18. 选择适当的激光辐照工艺参数,获得致密的TiN增强金属基复合材料激光改性层。

    A compact laser modified surface coating reinforced with fine TiN can be achieved with optimum process parameters .

  19. MOS器件电离辐照瞬态光电流的数值解

    Numerical solution of transient photocurrent in ionizing radiated MOS device

  20. 利用锥型量热仪(CONE)在50kW/m2的热辐照条件下,研究了纯PET和阻燃PET的阻燃和烟释放。

    The flame retardation , smoke emission of pure polyester and flame retarded polyester were studied with cone calorimeter .

  21. ESR波谱法及其他物理法检测淀粉类辐照食品

    Detection of irradiated starch foods by ESR spectroscopy associated with other physical methods

  22. 发现SIMON材料具有更优良的抗总剂量辐照能力。

    The results prove SIMON materials have superb ability to tolerate total-dose effect .

  23. 低剂量~(60)Coγ射线辐照对白菜苗期酶活性及同工酶的影响

    The effects of low-dose  ̄( 60 ) co - γ rays irradiation on some enzyme activities and isoenzyme zymogram in pak-choi seedlings

  24. 低剂量率下MOS器件的辐照效应

    Radiation Effects of MOS Devices at Low Dose Rate

  25. 分析比较了计算X射线辐照固体材料引起汽化反冲冲量的几种计算公式。

    A number of models that predict the blowoff impulse generated in solid target by pulsed X ray radiation are analysed and compared .

  26. 浅杂质注入LEC半绝缘GaAsγ射线辐照缺陷

    γ radiation defects in semi-insulating LEC GaAs after shallow impurity implantation

  27. SPF试验动物饲料辐照剂量的模糊优化

    The fuzzy optimization on irradiation sterilization dose of SPF animal feed

  28. SiO2/6H-SiC界面的物理性质及其辐照特性的研究

    The Study of Physical and Irradiation Properties of SiO_2 / SiC Interface

  29. 电子辐照SiGeHBT和SiBJT的直流特性分析

    Electrical performance analysis of electron irradiated SiGe HBT and Si BJT

  30. 全耗尽SOIMOSFET辐照导致的阈值电压漂移模型

    A New Threshold Voltage Shift Model Due to Radiation in Fully-Depleted SOI MOSFET