
  • 网络radiation sterilization
  1. 为了解不同灭菌方法对微球菌的杀灭效果,采用了两种灭菌方法,结果显示各种微球菌对环氧乙烷灭菌是敏感的,不同微球菌对60Coγ射线辐照灭菌有一定的抗性。

    In order to study the effect of different methods of sterilization on micrococcus , two methods are applied to find out that all micrococcus are sensitive to ethylene oxide sterilization , and that different micrococcus carries certain fastness against 60Co γ radiation sterilization .

  2. 方法采用载体定性杀菌试验方法,对石蜡油分别用下排气式压力蒸汽灭菌、干热灭菌、Co60γ射线辐照灭菌的多种方法进行测试并比较其结果。

    METHODS By using carrier qualitative germicidal test , to compare pressure steam sterilization , dry heat sterilization and cobalt-60 ( gamma ) - ray radiation sterilization to test the sterilizing effect and operating procedure .

  3. 医院普通制剂~(60)Co辐照灭菌效果探讨

    Sterilization Effect of ~ ( 60 ) Co Irradiation on Hospital Commonly Used Preparations

  4. 葡萄皮渣超微粉体特性及辐照灭菌的研究CO2超临界萃取葡萄皮渣中白藜芦醇的研究

    Study on the Property of Ultrafine Powder of Grape Wine Pomace and Its Sterilization by Irradiation

  5. ~(60)Co辐照灭菌对胶原膜体外稳定性影响的研究

    Effect of ~ ( 60 ) Co Irradiation Sterilization on the Stability of Collagen Membranes in Vitro

  6. 对应用MonteCarlo(蒙特卡罗)方法计算电子束邮件辐照灭菌系统的屏蔽问题进行了研究。

    To simulate the shielding of mail irradiation system , Monte Carlo method is used to investigate .

  7. 动物性食品辐照灭菌效应及辐照肉ATP检测技术的应用研究

    The Irradiation Sterilization Effects of Animal Food and Application of ATP Detecting in Irradiated Meat

  8. 目的:研究60Co-γ辐照灭菌对3种保健品中维生素C,E含量的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of 60Co - γ ray irradiation on the contents of vitamin C and E in 3 health care products .

  9. SPF鸡群多种维生素饲料辐照灭菌技术研究简报

    Radiation Sterilization of Multi-vitamin Fodder SPF for Poultry

  10. 方法:通过复乳溶剂挥发法制备bFGFPLGA微球,采用60Co辐照灭菌。

    Methods : The bFGF-PLGA microspheres were prepared by double-emulsion solvent evaporation technique and were sterilized using 60 Co irradiation .

  11. 我们应用~(80)Coγ射线对酱油进行辐照灭菌实验,探讨γ射线灭菌效果,改善酱油的品质。

    An experiment of sterilization in soy sauce , using gamma ray of ~ ( 60 ) Co , is introduced in this article . The affects of sterilizing ang improving quality of soy sauce are also discussed .

  12. 目的:睾丸酮(T)/乳酸-乙醇酸共聚物(PLGA)微球60Co辐照灭菌可行性研究。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the possibility to sterilize testosterone ( T ) / poly ( DL-lactide-co-glycolide )( PLGA ) microspheres with 60 Co irradiation .

  13. ATP生物发光技术已广泛应用于样品含菌量的快速检测,但在应用该方法检测农产品的辐照灭菌效果时却出现了发光强度均高于对照的现象。

    ATP bioluminescence technique has been widely used as a rapid method for detection of bacteria in sample , however , such a phenomenon that ATP bioluminescence value of irradiated sample was higher than that of control was observed .

  14. 支架材料按实验需求切割成6mm×6mm×4mm大小,60Co辐照灭菌,使用前DMEM-LG浸润。

    Scaffold materials were cut into blocks with the size of 6 mm × 6 mm × 4 mm , sterilized by 60Co irradiance and infiltrated with DMEM-LG before using .

  15. 使用辐照灭菌能够解决某些棘手的问题。

    The use of radiation disinfection could solve some sticky problems .

  16. 冷冻龙虾仁辐照灭菌保鲜工艺技术研究

    Process Study on Sterilization and Preservation of Frozen Crawfish by Irradiation

  17. 辐照灭菌前医疗用品生产环境微生物学监测的研究

    A Study on the Microbiological Surveillance Before Sterilization by Irradiation

  18. 牛初乳辐照灭菌效果及辐照对免疫球蛋白质量分数的影响

    Effect of the irradiation sterilization and the effect on immunoglobulin in colostrum

  19. 罗布麻茶辐照灭菌工艺中的剂量控制

    Dose Control of Irradiation Sterilization for Bluish Dogbane tea

  20. 蜂花粉辐照灭菌的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Disinfection of Bee Pollen by Irradiation

  21. 虫草菌丝粉辐照灭菌研究

    The decontamination of mycelium powder of sinensis by irradiation

  22. 醉蟹辐照灭菌保质加工工艺研究

    Sterilizing effect of irradiation processing on drunk crab

  23. 一种医用消毒擦片的辐照灭菌剂量确定

    Dose confirmation of irradiation sterilization application for a kind of medium isopropyl alcohol swab

  24. 普鲁兰可食膜辐照灭菌后性能变化及储藏稳定性研究

    Effect of radiation on the properties of pullulan edible films and their storage stability

  25. 药用淀粉辐照灭菌的应用研究

    Application Research on Irradiation Decontamination of medicinal starch

  26. 花粉的电子束辐照灭菌

    Irradiation sterilization of pollen by accelerated electron beam

  27. 辐照灭菌对红曲粉品质的影响

    Quality Effect of Monascorubin Powder by Irradiation Decontamination

  28. 电子辐照灭菌中剂量深度分布的分析

    Dose-depth distribution during sterilization with electron radiation

  29. 虫草头孢菌粉辐照灭菌及对其主要成分的影响

    Decontamination of Fermental Powder of Cephalosporium Sinensis and Influence on Its Main Components by Irradiation

  30. 调料的辐照灭菌研究

    Study on irradiation sterilization of spices