
  • 网络Radiation environment monitoring;environmental radiation monitoring
  1. 本文提出了基于地理信息系统(GIS)的辐射环境监测信息管理系统的设计方案,着重阐述了该系统的设计目标、主要功能以及GIS技术的作用。

    The design goal , main function and the position of GIS technology of environmental radiation monitoring system were discussed in this study .

  2. 随着核技术应用范围的扩大和反核恐怖活动的需要,建立和完善辐射环境监测系统变得越来越重要。

    With the application enlargement of nuclear technology and the necessary of anti-terror , it is becoming more and more important to establish and update the environmental radiation monitoring system .

  3. 辐射环境监测优化布点的TOPSIS方法

    Optimal layout of radiological environment monitoring based on TOPSIS method

  4. 熵权TOPSIS法在新疆辐射环境监测优化布点中的应用

    The application of entropy weight TOPSIS method to optimal points in monitoring the Xinjiang radiation environment

  5. 基于此,本文提出将GPRS数据传输技术应用于辐射环境监测系统,它具有低成本维护与运行,无需布线等优点。

    Based on this , the thesis proposed the application of GPRS data transmission technology in radiation environment monitoring system , which has a low-cost in maintenance and operation and no wiring problem .

  6. 通过对国外辐射环境监测系统的现状研究表明,欧美工业发达国家在经历上世纪的核泄露危机后,早已将IMIS(InternetManagementInformationSystem)应用于环境辐射数据的公布。

    Radiation through the research of status in foreign environmental monitoring systems , it shows that industrial countries in Europe and America have already used the IMIS ( Internet Management Information System ) to release the environmental radiation data after the nuclear-leak crisis in the last century .

  7. 移动通信基站电磁辐射环境监测与评价

    Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation on Electromagnetic Radiation of Mobile Communication Base

  8. 回归模型在辐射环境监测中的应用

    The Application of Regressive Model to Radiation Environmental Monitoring

  9. 我国辐射环境监测网络质量管理现状及发展对策

    Quality management status of national radiation environmental monitoring network and strategy for development

  10. 北京奥运场馆变电站的电磁辐射环境监测系统

    The Establishment of the Monitoring System of Transformer Apparatus Electromagnetic Radiation in Beijing Olympics Gymnasium

  11. γ场理论计算方法在矿山核辐射环境监测中的应用探讨

    Application of γ field theory based calculation method to the monitoring of mine nuclear radiation environment

  12. 铀矿地质实验室退役整治辐射环境监测结果分析

    An Analysis of the Radioactive Circumstance of the Renovation Work on a Uranium Mine Geological Laboratory out of Commission

  13. 建设和完善全国辐射环境监测网络初探建立县(市)环境监测网络势在必行

    Preliminary Study on Establishing National Radiation Environmental Monitoring Network in China Necessity for Constructing the Environmental Monitoring Web in County

  14. 放射性污染是现代工业污染中重要的组成部分,因此,辐射环境监测也是环境监测中不可或缺的一部分。

    Radioactive pollution is an important part of the modern industrial pollution , therefore , radiation environmental monitoring is an integral part of environmental monitoring .

  15. 通过监测,了解不同距离的测点高度变化对测量结果的影响,探讨电磁辐射环境监测中测量位置高度改变时监测结果的变化规律。

    This paper analyzed the effect of height change on electromagnetic irradiation monitoring , discussed the rule of change while the monitoring height is changed .

  16. 中国生态环境部表示,将密切跟踪事态发展,认真评估对海洋生态环境可能造成的影响,加强海洋辐射环境监测。

    The ministry says it will closely follow the situation , carefully assess the possible impact on the marine ecology , and strengthen the monitoring of marine radiation .

  17. 国家核安全局表示,日本福岛第一核电站周一上午发生爆炸后,我国各地辐射环境监测均未发现异常。

    No abnormal radioactive levels were detected in China after an explosion at Japan 's Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant Monday morning , according to China 's National Nuclear Security Bureau .

  18. 自1992年,浙江省辐射环境监测站对秦山核电基地外围环境放射性水平进行了连续的监督性监测。

    Since 1992 , a continuous surveillance was made of environmental radioactivity levels around QNNP ( Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant ) base by the Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center of Zhejiang Province .

  19. 随着国家一系列扶持核电与核工业的新政的出台,现有辐射环境监测网亟待改进。传统的监测点组网及数据传输都有布线难,维护成本高,运行费用高等缺点。

    Along with the series of new policy supporting nuclear power and nuclear industries , it is urgent to improve the existing radiation monitoring network . However , traditional network monitoring has certain disadvantages , such as difficult wiring , high maintenance cost , and high operating cost .

  20. 我国城市辐射环境自动监测网建设研究

    The Study of Chinese cities of Automatic Environmental Radiation Monitoring System

  21. 静电加速器辐射污染环境监测系统

    Environmental Monitoring System for Radiation Pollution of Static Electricity Accelerator

  22. 核事故应急辐射环境实时移动监测系统研究

    Research on Nuclear Accident Emergency Real-time Mobile Monitoring System

  23. 大亚湾和岭澳核电站外围辐射环境监督性监测

    Supervision monitoring for radiation environment around Daya Bay and Ling Ao nuclear power stations

  24. 电磁辐射污染与电磁环境监测

    The Pollution of Electromagnetic Radiation and Electromagnetic Environment Monitor

  25. 核辐射环境下佩戴生理监测计算机系统研究

    Research on the Computer System to Monitor the Physiological Parameter under Nuclear Radiation Environment

  26. 建成辐射环境管理中心、放射性废物库,建立辐射环境监测网络与管理体系。

    A management center for radioactive environment will be established . Storehouse for radioactive waste and the monitoring network and management system for radioactive environment will be set up .

  27. 本文系统地介绍了广东省环境辐射研究监测中心自1994年以来对广东大亚湾和岭澳核电站外围辐射环境的监督性监测,包括监测方案、方法、质量保证、主要结果和结论。

    This paper systematically introduces the supervision monitoring for radiation environment around the Guangdong Daya Bay and Ling Ao nuclear power station by the Guangdong Environmental Radiation Research and Monitoring Center . It includes the monitoring plan , methods , quality assurance , main results and conclusions .

  28. 空间辐射环境能够引起半导体集成电路发生的总剂量效应、单粒子效应等辐射效应,可以被用来进行空间辐射环境监测。

    Radiation effects in Si ICs , such as total dose effect , single event effect , et al . , can be utilized to measure space radiation environment .