
  • 网络radiative transfer equation;RTE;VRT
  1. 利用LANDSATTM热红外波段数据,根据辐射传输方程反演得到北京地区地表温度,讨论了北京城市热岛现象及其与土地覆盖类型和植被指数的关系。

    In this paper , the land surface temperature ( LST ) of Beijing area is retrieved from Landsat TM thermal band data utilizing a radiative transfer equation and the urban heat island effect of Beijing and its relationship with land cover and vegetation index are discussed .

  2. 球谐函数法求解辐射传输方程的假散射和射线效应

    False Scattering and Ray Effect in Spherical Harmonics Approximation for the Radiative Transfer Equation

  3. 球谐函数法解点源辐射传输方程的P3近似及其在生物组织中的应用

    P3 Approximation in Spherical Harmonics Method for Radiative Transfer Equation and Application in Biological Tissues

  4. 通过对带偏振的辐射传输方程进行求解得到精确的Rayleigh散射计算结果,便可以对水色遥感器进行偏振修正。

    It can be corrected by the method that the vector radiative transfer equation ( VRTE ) is calculated to get the value of exact Rayleigh scattering .

  5. 利用高温气体高分辨率光谱参数数据库HITEMP对辐射传输方程进行求解,得到三种情形下尾焰中CO2和H2O的光谱辐射亮度分布。

    The radiation transmission equation is numerically solved by high temperature gas high resolution HITEMP database for spectral radiance distributions of CO2 and H2O .

  6. 给出非均匀分层、各层各异非球形粒子随机介质在脉冲波入射下矢量辐射传输方程(VRT)的Mueller矩阵解,数值模拟了极化后向散射。

    The Mueller matrix solution of vector radiative transfer for inhomogeneous random media of non spherical scatterers under a pulse incidence is presented . Co polarized and cross polarized bistatic scattering echoes can be numerically simulated .

  7. 为纳入矢量辐射传输方程的多次散射,将非均匀平行分层分布的随机散射介质划分成多个薄层,利用各薄层的低阶Mueller矩阵解推导出整层的高阶散射迭代解。

    Taking into account the multiple scattering of vector radiative transfer ( VRT ), an iterative layering method is developed by stratifying the random media into multi-slabs and employing the lower-order Mueller matrix solution to derive high-order scatterings .

  8. 建立了化学烟雾的红外辐射传输方程。

    The radiance transfer equations of chemical vapors are given .

  9. 同时对辐射传输方程进行了归一化处理,给出了数值算法。

    The radiation transfer equations were normalized , and the numerical method was given .

  10. 辐射传输方程的一个改进算法

    An improved algorithm for Solving Radiative transfer equation

  11. 辐射传输方程微分方法的近似解通常以吸收系数为基本参数。

    In approximate calculation of radiation transport differential equation absorption coefficient is a fundamental parameter .

  12. 该算法可以快速有效地求解辐射传输方程,提高多次散射的计算速度。

    This algorithm can speedup the calculation of radiation transfer equation , calculate multiple scattering quickly .

  13. 重点介绍了求解多层介质辐射传输方程的离散坐标法;

    The exact solution of radiative transfer in multi-layers was fully discussed , especially for DISORT .

  14. 另外,采用大气多次散射的辐射传输方程,计算了火山喷发对大气辐射变温的影响效果。

    Meanwhile , by using the equation of atmospheric radiation transfer , and the change rate of .

  15. 从辐射传输方程出发讨论了波束在复合随机介质中的传播问题。

    We studied the propagation of wave beam in composite random medium by solving radiative transfer equation .

  16. 与标量辐射传输方程相比,加入了偏振信息。

    By comparison with the scalar radiative transfer equation , vector radiative transfer equation combines the polarization message .

  17. 首先阐述了基于辐射传输方程光学层析成像的前向模型,进而提出基于平滑准则的正则化重建方法。

    After introducing its forward model , the regularized reconstruction algorithm is presented based on the smoothing criterion .

  18. 本文讨论一层密集随机分布的球形散射粒子矢量辐射传输方程的数值求解方法。

    Numerical approach to vector radiative transfer equation for a layer of densely random , spherical scatterers is discussed .

  19. 首先,详细地推导了加倍法解大气矢量辐射传输方程的基本关系式和实际的计算原理。

    The vector radiative transfer equation ( VRTE ) in a plane-parallel atmosphere with the adding-doubling method is deduced and solved in detail .

  20. 本文推导了非均匀随机取向非球形粒子散射矩阵的各个元素,得到了矢量辐射传输方程中非对角化的消光矩阵,以及相矩阵。

    A nondiagonal extinction matrix and the phase matrix in vector radiative transfer equation for a layer of nonuniformly-oriented and nonspherical scatterers are derived .

  21. 简要叙述了基于输运理论建立辐射传输方程的过程以及求解辐射传输方程的一些近似方法;

    Then we discussed the process of deducing the RTE from theory of particles transport and the approximation methods were used to solve RTE .

  22. 利用大气和水体的辐射传输方程推导出太阳光的菲涅耳反射模式,在合适的参数条件下计算出试验海区的太阳耀光。

    A model of the specular reflectance of direct Sun light at a rough sea surface was derived by radiative transfer through the atmosphere and water .

  23. 最后,利用开发的加倍法解矢量辐射传输方程软件包,生成了海洋水色及水温扫描仪的精确瑞利散射查找表。

    Finally , using the developed vector radiative transfer code with adding doubling method , we had generated the exact Rayleigh scattering look up tables for COCTS .

  24. 本文采用离散坐标法对矢量辐射传输方程进行求解,并与其他文献的结果相比较。

    In this article we solve the vector radiative transfer equation using the discrete ordinates method , and compare the solution with that given in other literature .

  25. 根据大气的辐射传输方程提出了一种计算速度快、精度高尾焰紫外辐射传输的模型,这种模型的收敛性已得到证明。

    Based on radiative transfer equation , a model which has high precision and compute fast has been designed . The convergence of this model has been confirmed .

  26. 矢量辐射传输方程定量描述了辐射在地表-大气耦合介质中的传输过程,是定量遥感的基础。

    The propagation and redistribution of radiation in surface-atmosphere medium can be fully described by vector radiative transfer equation , which is the basis of quantitative remote sensing .

  27. 根据辐射传输方程建立的雾天景物成像的退化模型能够很好地描述雾天景物成像退化的机理,文中对此模型进行了合理化简并导出最终的复原模型。

    The foggy scenery degradation model based on the radiation transmission equation can describe the degradation mechanism properly and we refine a final simple restoration model by some rational assumptions .

  28. 本文研究了散射相函数的有限项的勒让德展开对于求解辐射传输方程的误差效应,提出了一个改进算法。

    In this paper , the effect of Legendre expansion of scattering phase function with a finite number of terms on solving radiative transfer equation is studied and an improved algorithm suggested .

  29. 开发的加倍法解矢量辐射传输方程软件包可直接用于我国第二代高性能海洋水色遥感器精确瑞利散射查找表的生成。

    Also , the vector radiative transfer code developed can be used to generate the exact Rayleigh scattering look up table for Chinese second generation ocean color remote sensors which have high performances .

  30. 理论上,只要知道一定波长下的组织光学特性参数,就可由辐射传输方程确定组织中的光分布。

    Theoretically , as long as we know the optical properties of biological tissue in certain wavelength , we can determine the distribution of light in biological tissue by the radiative transport equation .