
  1. 旺群药机将与您共创辉煌明天。

    The prosperous group of medicine machines will create brilliance tomorrow with you .

  2. 创造辉煌明天

    To create a brilliant tomorrow

  3. 大力公司愿为广大中外客商一起创造更加辉煌明天。

    The company is willing to create a bright future in cooperation with its customers both at home and from abroad .

  4. 我们真诚希望能够与新老客户一起努力,为蓄能保冷技术辉煌明天再创佳绩!

    We sincerely look forward to cooperating with all old and new customers to enjoy and improve the gel energy storage technology .

  5. 我们将竭诚与广大新老客户合作,诚交天下朋友,共创辉煌明天!

    We will do our best with the new and old customers sincere friends to pay the world to create a brilliant tomorrow !

  6. 公司以“诚信为本、服务第一”为宗旨,欢迎各新老客户前来洽谈合作,共创辉煌明天。

    The company always insists on the tenet " Sincerity as Foundation , Service First " . We are looking forward to your visit and cooperation .

  7. 我公司热忱欢迎国内外客户前来洽谈合作,成为您可信赖的合作伙伴,共同创造辉煌明天!

    The company warmly welcome customers at home and abroad come to discuss cooperation , to become your trusted partner to jointly create a bright future .

  8. 秉承敬业、爱业的企业精神,锐意改革,不断创新与广大用户携手共进,缔造辉煌明天。

    Receives professional , loves industry the spirit of enterprise , firm will reforms , will innovate unceasingly and user community advances together hand in hand , creates magnificent tomorrow .

  9. 以“优质、真诚、高效”为企业宗旨,将一如既往与海内外朋友携手共创辉煌明天!

    " High quality , sincere and efficient " for business purposes , will , as always , and friends at home and abroad to join hands in creating brilliant tomorrow !

  10. 卡福集团欢迎新老加盟商,携手并进,共同打造中国干洗连锁第一品牌,共创辉煌明天!

    Cafu to join the Group welcomed the new and old business , and work together to create the first brand of Chinese dry cleaning chain , to create a brilliant tomorrow !

  11. 我们的目标就一个:为安特佳谱写辉煌的明天。

    Our target is only one : Autosecu compose refulgent tomorrow !

  12. 我们有理由相信,P2P不仅是一个有意义的研究领域,也是一个有契机的商业市场,P2P技术必将迎来更加辉煌的明天!

    We firmly believe that P2P is not only a meaningful research field , but also a potential business market . P2P technology will have a brighter future !

  13. 我们期待公司更加辉煌的明天。

    We look forward to a brilliant future of our company .

  14. 我们要更加努力,创造更辉煌的明天!

    We will make more efforts to create a prosperous future !

  15. 让我们精诚合作,共同发展创造辉煌的明天。

    Let us sincere cooperation and common development and create brilliant tomorrow .

  16. 景河田电子愿与广大客户携手共创辉煌的明天!

    JHT electronic would like to make our future glorious all together !

  17. 最后祝愿金龙有更辉煌的明天!

    Finally I wish King Long a very fruitful future !

  18. 信义愿与各界朋友共创辉煌的明天。

    Lutheran Church and friends of all circles to create a brilliant tomorrow .

  19. 我们愿与您携手合作,创造更加辉煌的明天。

    We are ready to cooperate with you and create more splendid tomorrow .

  20. 恒艺衷心与您共创美好辉煌的明天。

    Hengyi heartfelt and brilliant you a better tomorrow .

  21. 让我们一起携手共进,共创辉煌的明天!

    Let us go forward hand in hand , to create a brilliant tomorrow !

  22. 鑫成、鑫拓期待与更多的名优厂商共进取、同发展、创造更加辉煌的明天!

    Xincheng and Xintuo are expecting to create a more splendid tomorrow together with more friends .

  23. 与所有追求高品质的客户一道,携手共创辉煌的明天!

    Hand in hand with all customers pursuing high quality , we will create a splendid future .

  24. 合和装饰材料厂愿与广大客户携手共进,创造美好的室内空间,缔造辉煌的明天。

    Hetai Decorative Materials Plant hopes to create perfect indoor space with our customers and brushes splendid future .

  25. 福清市天达鞋业有限公司热忱欢迎海内外有识之士携手共创辉煌的明天。

    We sincerely welcome the people of insight from and abroad to create bright future hand in hand .

  26. 愿我们携手共同创造亚太集团在国际制冷市场辉煌的明天。

    Hope we work together to bring a brilliant future to Yatai Group in the international refrigeration markets .

  27. 我们更真诚的希望与社会各界同仁携手起来真诚合作、共同发展、创造辉煌的明天。

    We sincerely hope and social coloser up sincere cooperation and common development , and create brilliant tomorrow .

  28. 着眼于未来,新庙公司愿与您一起走向辉煌的明天!

    Looking forward to the further , Xinmiao company will go to a bright future together with you !

  29. 欢迎新老客户光临惠顾,商洽业务,携手共创辉煌的明天!

    Welcome new and old customers throughout the visit , negotiate business , to join hands in creating a brilliant future !

  30. 环通公司愿与广大客商本着“互惠互利,和谐发展”的经营宗旨,共创美好辉煌的明天。

    Loop-through company hope to merchants in a " mutually beneficial and harmonious development " business purposes , creating a brilliant tomorrow .