
  • 网络ZHANG;Jan-Gowth Chang
  1. 据张建国说,工行(industrialbankofchina)是四大银行中唯一一家此前收购过海外企业的银行(也是在香港)。

    According to Mr Zhang , Industrial Bank of China is the only big-four bank to have previously acquired overseas businesses also in Hong Kong .

  2. 建行行长张建国说:这是我们成为一家国际银行的重要一步。

    Zhang Jianguo , CCB president , said : This is a very major step for us to become an international bank .

  3. 外国专家局局长张建国也出席了伊莎白的生日会,并且带来了中国政府的特别礼物——“中国改革开放40周年最具影响力的外国专家”奖项,以此表彰她做出的贡献。

    Zhang Jianguo , director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs , also attended the birthday ceremony and brought Isabel a special birthday gift from the Chinese government - the award of " The Most Influential Foreign Expat during 40 Years of China 's Reform and Opening up , " to commend her commitment and dedication .