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  1. 弹载双路磁传感器测角原理及实现方案

    Ball is Loaded with Pair of Road Magnetism Sensors Measure Angle Principle and Realize A Scheme

  2. 动量比对气液射入压载水管路混溶过程的影响

    Influence of momentum ratio on mixing process of gas-liquid jetting into ballast water discharge pipe crossflow

  3. 流量组合框里的传感器、I/O、压力是用来显示分析仪上样品气和载气流路。

    The Flow association represents which sensor on which I / O Board or Pressure Board should be used to view the sample flows and carrier flows in the analyzer .

  4. 通过分析讨论,得出按周减载四路缺少负极小母线和直流系统存在接地点是造成这种事故的主要原因。

    It is concluded through analysis that this kind of failure mainly results from the absence of negative small busbar in frequency-based load-shedding circuit and the defects in DC system .

  5. 分析结果表明,移动荷载下,路表面的最大弯沉要大于静载下路表面最大弯沉,,而基层和底基层底面的最大弯拉应力却有较大幅度的降低。

    The results show that the maximum deflection of the pavement surface under the moving load is less than it under the static load and the maximum tensional stresses of the underside of the base and subbase have a lot decrease .

  6. 高空载电压双路防电击交流焊机的研制

    Development of a high open curcuit voltage AC arc welder with double protection system against electric strike

  7. 分析了兴建南水北调工程的缘由以及50载漫漫规划路,揭示了该项工程的兴建任重而道远,假以时日,工程的竣工必将谱写中国水利史的新篇章。

    This paper analyzes the causes of the project of South Water Transferring to the North and its 50 years ' planning history , proclaims that the project shoulder heavy responsibility , and one day its accomplishment will write a new page in Chinese water conservancy history .

  8. 如果这些措施都没有用,找到离你最近的一个人,请他载你一段路。

    If all else fails , find the nearest man and convince him to carry you .

  9. 艾尔买了一辆古老的卡车好载着他们一路到西部去。这家人请吉姆·凯西和他们一道走。

    Al had Bought an ancient truck to take them west . The family asked Jim Casy to go with them .