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  • giant;Titan;Goliath;colossus;skycraper;homo monstrosus
巨人 [jù rén]
  • (1) [giant]

  • (2) 传说中的类人种,躯体巨大,力大无穷,威力和资质比人高超,但不如神仙

  • (3) 身材或个子异乎寻常的人

  • 有一位身高七尺巨人的小人戏班子

  • (4) 具有超人的力量或资质的人

  • 作为他那时的巨人之一

  • (5) [colossus]∶伟人;远比别人卓越和杰出的人

巨人[jù rén]
  1. 他看上去可怕,实际却是个性格温和的巨人。

    He looks scary but he 's really a gentle giant .

  2. 他是个巨人。

    He 's a giant of a man .

  3. “巨人墙”是这座山最难攀登的一段山岩。

    Titan 's Wall is the mountain 's hardest rock climb .

  4. 他们以7比3的比分击败了巨人队。

    They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3

  5. 就我个人来说,我根本就不在乎巨人队来还是不来。

    Personally , I could care less whether the Giants come or not .

  6. 他从巨人队转会到扬基队。

    He was traded from the Giants to the Yankees

  7. 巍巍宝塔如巨人般屹立在山巅。

    The lofty pagoda stands like a giant at the top of the mountain .

  8. 高大的仙人掌是植物界巨人。

    The giant cactus is the vegetable skycraper .

  9. 牛顿是一个智力巨人。

    Newton was an intellectual giant .

  10. 杰克逊是篮球队里的巨人。

    Jackson was the giant of the basketball team .

  11. 论身材,他不是巨人。

    In inches he was not a giant .

  12. 你读过《自私的巨人》这个故事吗?

    Have you ever read the selfish giant ?

  13. 中国已经成为了一个经济巨人而且在展示他的肌肉

    China has become an economic superpower and is flexing its muscles .

  14. 邪术巨人是神秘奥术知识的强大传承者

    Eldritch giants are powerful scions of arcane lore .

  15. 没想到巨人的躯体捡起了自己的头颅,就这么走掉了。

    But then the monster picks up his own head and strolls away .

  16. 亚瑟王的侄子高文爵士(戴夫·帕特尔饰演)接受了挑战并砍下了这个巨人的头。

    King Arthur 's nephew , Sir Gawain ( Dev Patel ) , accepts the challenge and decapitates the giant intruder .

  17. 他提到的最早的一个线索是16世纪法国作家拉伯雷的《巨人传》的德语译本。

    One of the earliest clues he cites is a 16th-century German translation of the French writer Rabelais 's Gargantua and Pantagruel .

  18. Aspect实验与两位科学巨人的争论&兼对批评的回答

    Aspect 's experiment and contention between two great persons in science & Answer to criticism

  19. 如今这个时代,Communication在这些渠道的重要性愈加突出,因而这些“数字巨人”在社会化网络上的惨败愈加引人注目。

    In an era where communication is increasingly taking place on these channels , the inability of these digital giants to build social networks is rather striking .

  20. 而微软公司则与中国电脑巨人联想集团签署了10亿美元的软件采购协议,为联想全线产品预装WINDOWS正版系统。

    Microsoft has its own billion-dollar deal with Chinese computer giant Lenovo to install the Windows operating system in its computers .

  21. 过去人们对IBM的刻板印象是一位身穿蓝色制服的文化巨人。

    In the old days IBM was stereotyped as a cultural monolith , the man in the blue suit .

  22. 尽管名字叫做迷你,但这款7.9寸屏的iPadMini却是迷你平板电脑中的巨人之一。

    Despite its name , the 7.9-inch iPad Mini is one of the largest among the mini-tablets .

  23. 上个月,这个计算机行业的巨人与SONY公司达成协议将WINDOWS操作系统集成到将来的数字电视置顶盒中。

    Last month , the computer giant struck a deal with Sony to integrate the Windows operating system into future DTV set-top boxes .

  24. 经过数月关于GOOGLE开发什么东西来挑战Facebook的猜测之后,这个搜索巨人最终揭开了它的社会产品+1的面纱。

    After months of speculation about Google building something to challenge Facebook , the search giant has finally unveiled its social product + 1 .

  25. 拉杰:你们知道谁是Marvel世界里最勇敢的人不?必须是给女绿巨人做比基尼蜜蜡脱毛那位仁兄。.选自《生活大爆炸》第四季第9集

    Raj : You know who 's got to be the bravest person in the Marvel Universe ?

  26. 这位身高2.26米的上海人自2002年在NBA选秀夺得状元后,已经打了8个赛季的比赛了,这位小巨人已经饱受伤痛之苦。

    The2.26-meter Shanghai native , who played for eight seasons in the NBA , has been troubled with a series of injuries .

  27. 这两个巨人的精华在贯穿大学和NBA生涯的一场巨大的斗争在这个单子中为他们挣一个席位。

    A colossal battle between elite big men throughout college and their careers in the NBA earns the pair a spot on this list .

  28. 这个伟大的势均力敌的巨人之间的对抗在NBA历史中被视为是个体运动员中最伟大的宿敌之间的斗争。

    Regarded by some as the greatest rivalry between individual players in NBA history , this battle of the giants is of great proportion .

  29. 计划中的另一个人行道项目涉及的是第二街。它是通往巨人队(Giants)的棒球场AT&T球场(AT&TPark)的主要道路之一。

    A third sidewalk project is planned for Second Street , one of the main routes to AT & T Park , the baseball stadium where the Giants play .

  30. 在线游戏的奇幻世界里,索尼(Sony)这样的跨国公司就像一个笨拙的巨人,正与身手敏捷的英雄展开殊死搏斗。

    In the fantasy world of online gaming a multinational corporation such as Sony would be a lumbering giant locked in a battle to the death with a nimble-footed hero .