
qīng zǐ
  • lepton
轻子 [qīng zǐ]
  • [lepton] 有电荷或无电荷的基本粒子(如正电子或中微子),它的质量与电子同数量级或比电子的质量小

轻子[qīng zǐ]
  1. 中性Top介子与轻子味破坏衰变过程

    Neutral Top-Pion and the Lepton Flavor Violation Processes

  2. B介子的稀有非轻子衰变和CP破坏

    Rare Non - Lepton DisiNtegration of B meson and CP Destruction

  3. 在反μ子衰变中,总轻轻子数和总重轻子数也是守恒的。

    The antimuon decay also conserves the total light and heavy lepton numbers .

  4. B2羣与奇异粒子轻子型衰变

    The group b_2 and leptonic decays of strange particles

  5. B重子半轻子衰变的对称性

    Symmetry for Semileptonic Decays of B-Baryons

  6. (iV)不存在中性轻子弱流;

    ( iv ) absence of the neutral leptonic weak currents ;

  7. 非普适规范玻色子Z′与轻子味破坏过程

    Non - universal Gauge Boson Z ′ and the Lepton Flavor Violation Processes

  8. 油气勘探新技术:微轻子(ML)油气探测技术

    MICRO LEPTON-A New Technology for Petroleum Exploration

  9. 计算Bc介子半轻子衰变,末态强子是P波χc态或hc态的过程。

    The semileptonic B c decays to P wave x c or h c are presented .

  10. 轻子&夸克的SU(6)型统一规范理论

    SU ( 6 ) - Gauge Model Unification of the Leptons-Quarks

  11. 夸克、轻子形变与SU(3)对称

    The deformation of quark - lepton and su ( 3 ) symmetry

  12. 本文用SU3和G2羣讨论了奇异粒子非轻子衰变的弱作用的变换性质。

    In this paper we have discussed the SU3 and G2 transformation properties of the weak interactions .

  13. 北京谱仪(BES)轻子识别研究&MonteCarlo结果

    Studies of the Lepton Identification in BES & Monte Carlo Results

  14. SU(3)轻子模型与轻子质量差的动力学产生

    Su ( 3 ) lepton model and the dynamical generation of lepton mass differences

  15. 非极化e~+e~-→(?)过程轻子角分布与Top夸克CP破坏偶极耦合研究

    Lepton Angular Distribution in Unpolarized e ~ + e ~ - →(?) and CP-violating Top Dipole Couplings of the Top Quark

  16. D和Ds非轻子弱衰变的分支比与实验值不符。

    For D and Ds mesons , the nonleptonic decay branching ratios do not respect data .

  17. 推广x重新标度模型重标度参数公式与轻子-核DIS过程的核效应

    The x rescaling parameter ′ formula of the extended x rescaling model and the nuclear effect 1-A DIS process

  18. 关于SU(3)×U(1)轻子和夸克弱电统一模型的一些讨论

    Some discussions on the su ( 3 )× u ( 1 ) electro-weak unified model of leptons and Quarks

  19. ψ(2S)的τ轻子对衰变研究

    Study of ■( 2S ) Decay to τ Lepton Pairs

  20. BES新测τ轻子质量的物理含意

    The Implications of the New Measurement of τ Lepton Mass

  21. 电荷-宇称(CP)对称性破坏和夸克-轻子味物理&写在CP破坏发现和夸克理论提出40周年之际

    CP symmetry violation and quark-lepton flavor physics - at the 40 's anniversary on discovery of CP violation and quark theory

  22. 我们讨论了BES新近测得τ轻子质量的物理含意。

    We discuss the physical implications for the new measurement of τ lepton mass .

  23. 在寻找超对称时,可能存在的破坏轻子数和重子数的R宇称破缺耦合受到了充分关注。

    The possible appearance of the R-parity violating ( RPV ) couplings , which will violate the lepton and baryon number conservation , has gained full attention in searching for the SUSY .

  24. 根据守恒流是矢介子场的源的概念,讨论了重子数和轻子数所对应的矢介子场Z。

    Assuming that the conserved currents are sources of the vector meson fields , the vector fields Z 's coupled to baryon and lepton number are discussed .

  25. 高能碰撞轻子对产生的核Drell-Yan过程中的能量损失

    Energy Loss Effect in High Energy Nuclear Drell-Yan Process with the Production of Lepton Pairs

  26. 进一步,我们在较宽的t夸克质量范围内(50GeV&120GeV),计算了tt系的谱结构及轻子衰变宽度。

    Furthermore , we have calculated the energy levels and leptonic widths of ( tt ) in a wide range of t quark mass ( 50GeV ~ 120GeV ) .

  27. 为了解决夸克和轻子的家族问题,本文提出两类SU(3)(sc)×SU(N)复合模型(模型A和B)。

    Two kinds of SU ( 3 ) _ ( sc )× SU ( N ) composite models ( the model A and model B ) of quarks and leptons are suggested to solve the family problem .

  28. Drell-Yan过程可类比轻子对湮灭过程简单计算。

    It can be simply calculated to the Drell-Yan Process similar to the annihilation process of lepton pair .

  29. 组成夸克和轻子的成份(preon)是两类无质量自旋为1/2的费米子。

    Quarks and leptons are composed of two kinds of massless spin-1 / 2 preons .

  30. 我们用QCD分析了轻子核子深度非弹散射过程,借助于雅可比多项式,给出了味单态核子结构函数的解析式。

    We give analytical expression for flavour singlet structure functions through analysing the lepton-nucleon deep inelastic scattering processes by means of QCD and using Jacobi polynomials .