
zhuǎn jī yīn shēnɡ wù
  • Genetically modified organisms;transgenic organism
  1. 转基因生物选择标记基因与对照基因及检测技术初步研究

    Transgenic Organism Selectable Maker Gene and Control Gene Clone and Detection Technology Research

  2. 转基因生物的风险评价

    Risk Assessment of Transgenic Organism

  3. Hoffman说,对于转基因生物,立法滞后于这种技术。

    Hoffman said that , as with GM organisms , legislation is lagging far behind the technology .

  4. 到现在为止AGRA的发言人们说辞一直难以捉摸,坦率地说,他们对转基因生物的立场自相矛盾。

    Up to now AGRA spokespeople have been slippery , and frankly , contradictory about their stance on GMOs .

  5. 去年,美国农业部规定,经过简单顺基因编辑的植物——即改变植物自身DNA,理论上可以通过多年的传统杂交产生——将不再受到与其他转基因生物相同的监管。

    Last year , the U.S.D.A. ruled that plants that had undergone simple cisgenic edits - changes to the plant 's own DNA , of the kind that could theoretically be created by years of traditional crossbreeding - would not be subject to the same regulation as other G.M.O.s.

  6. 欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)转基因生物(GMO)专家组(Panel)再次得出结论表明,目前没有新的科学证据证明MON810玉米禁播令合法。

    The scientific GMO Panel of EFSA again came to the conclusion that there is no new scientific-based evidence to justify a national ban on MON810 .

  7. 2000年1月29日在蒙特利尔通过并于同年5月15日~26日在内罗毕开放签署的联合国《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》对转基因生物(GMOs)及其产品的国际贸易具有深远的影响。

    The UN Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety adopted in Montreal , Jan.29 , 2000 and opened for signature in Nairobi , May 15-26 , 2000 will exert a profound impact on international trade of genetic modified organisms ( GMOs ) and their products .

  8. 中国农业转基因生物的安全性管理与评价方法

    Management and evaluating methods of biosafety of transgenic crops in China

  9. 制定转基因生物的环境监测规划;

    Working out a program for monitoring the environment of transgenic organisms ;

  10. 第八条国家对农业转基因生物实行标识制度。

    Article8The State institutes a labeling system for agricultural genetically modified organisms .

  11. 迷信家曾经证明:转基因生物对哺乳植物是无害的。

    Scientists have proved that Genetically Modified Organisms are harmful for mammals .

  12. 凯西-卢格全球食品安全法将对外援助与转基因生物联结起来。

    The Casey-Lugar Global Food Security act ties foreign aid to GMOs .

  13. 农业转基因生物安全评价申报资料要求

    Application Requirements for Safety Assessment of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms

  14. 转基因生物及其产品相关数据库的构建

    Construction of database of genetically modified organism and its products

  15. 为了给转基因生物技术的发展提供法律保障。

    To provide legal protection for genetically modified organisms ' technology development .

  16. 本文综述了转基因生物及其产品的生物安全性。

    This paper summarized the bio-safety of transgenic organisms and their products .

  17. 中国农业转基因生物安全政策模式的选择

    Selection of Security Policy Pattern of Genetically Modified Organisms in Chinese Agriculture

  18. 转基因生物及其产品的风险与管理

    The Risk and Management of Transgenic Organisms and Their Products

  19. 哪些因素影响到农民采用转基因生物技术?

    Which factors will drive farmers to adopt biotech ?

  20. 美国转基因生物安全管理体系及其对我国的启示

    Safety Administration System for Transgenic Organism in America and its Enlightenment for China

  21. 方法综述国内外转基因生物的研究进展和安全性探讨。

    Methods : Survey the study progress and the security of transgenic organisms .

  22. 农业转基因生物检测技术的初步研究

    The Preliminary Study on Detection of GMO in Agriculture

  23. 美国转基因生物知识产权保护战略的经验及启示

    Experiences and Enlightenments of Protection Strategy on Transgenic Organism Intellectual Property in America

  24. 一些转基因生物的反对者们希望他们被禁止。

    Some opponents of these GMOs want them banned .

  25. 欧洲的科学权威机构没有发现关于(转基因生物的)环境或健康问题的证据。

    Europe 's scientific authorities have found no evidence documenting environmental or health risks .

  26. 需求不确定条件下转基因生物材料的交易定价机制研究

    Research on Transaction and Pricing Mechanism of Transgenic Biological Material in Demand Uncertainty Situation

  27. 建立有关转基因生物的环境监测网络和基地;

    Building up networks and bases for monitoring ;

  28. 随着我国转基因生物活动的发展,许多生物安全问题逐渐凸显。

    Many problems appear as the development of the activity concerning genetic modified organism .

  29. 农业转基因生物的发展及安全管理

    Development and Safety Management of Agriculture Transgenic Creature

  30. 转基因生物安全之法律管制研究

    Study on Regulating of Laws of GMOs Biosafety