- 网络rotational states

The Influence of High Rotational States on Franck-Condon Factors
Consequently , on the base of experimental data of the transition probabilities for ground state to 2 ~ + , 4 ~ + , 6 ~ + rotational states or its electric multipole moments , The charge density distributions of deformed nuclei can be predicted theoretically by this method .
Calculation of fission and rotating states of  ̄( 221 ) Acusing continuous medium model
The Study on State-to-State Rotational Energy Transfer in NH_2 (■ ~ 2A_1 ) by Dispersion Fluorescence Spectrum
The vibrational predissociation lifetime and final rotational state distribution of Hei 2 van der Waals molecule for low vibrational excitation
A Quantum Scattering Theoretical Study on the Compound-State Formation and the Rotational-State Distribution of the Product for the Three-Dimensional State-to-State H + H_2 ( v , j )→ H2 ( v ' , j ' ) + H Reaction
For a given impact parameter and collisional velocity , the transition of CO from an initial rotational state J to the final state J ′ may proceed through many channels with different quantum numbers M of CO and different J and M quantum numbers of the collision partner .
In this paper , using the signal-to-noise theory the storage capacity of the complex phasor neural network was analysed , The analysis indicates that the storage capacity of the network is equal to that of the Hopfield model if the number of the states of neurons is small ;
A Transfer Matrix Method for the Vibration Analysis of Rotating Lightweight Gear
Hexapole rotational state-selection and orientation of B-type prolate limit asymmetric top molecules
Calculation of transition probabilities for excited light molecule
Stability , bifurcations and catastrophe of steady rotation of symmetric gyroscope with VISCOUS-LIQUID-FILLED cavity on plane
It was also found that the relative cross sections of rotational energy transfer decrease approximately with decreasing the reduced mass of the collision - pair .
Mechanism for dynamic recrystallization by subgrain tilt in 8090 Al-Li alloy
Dynamic property of rotating mirrors of high intensity aluminium alloy for ultra high speed photography
There are four results when the theoretical sentence meaning is changed into actual one . to turn static to dynamic ;
How to make the network security defense system dynamic and to change measure actively but not passively are the new research task .
The change of jurisdiction from static to dynamic leads to parallel proceedings in foreign divorce , thus the issue and the solution of parallel proceedings is discussed in this article .
Leading the Typhoon information system to prevention and mitigation field , the static programming can be converted into dynamic programming , this will make due contribution for improving the prevention and mitigation levels of cities and renewing the concepts .
In Chapter 5 , a new dynamic wake model is developed by employing the rotor free-wake method in chapter 2 , and is used to investigate the curve distortion during the conversion of tiltrotor aircraft between helicopter flight conditions and airplane flight conditions .
Dynamic Response Analysis of Single Motor Break off for Converter Tilting Mechanism
Measurement of Distortions for High-Speed-Rotation Mirrors Using Pulse Holography
Preliminary Study on the 3D Conceptual Model of Sunny to Rainy in Liuzhou City
The motion characteristic of the ball-rotor with variable inertia of moment was obtained by simulation .
Since then , the focus of the Liaohe Oilfield in 1998 , carried out in homogeneous 40 and the expansion of the steam drive pilot test , begun in 2006 Qi 40 turn drive the dynamic development of the overall evaluation of results .
At last , for a class of switched singular NCSs with certain time-delay and data packet dropout , the switched singular NCSs are modeled as asynchronous dynamical systems . The exponential stability condition of the systems is given , also the desired dynamic output feedback controllers are obtained .
As a special kind of verb , it has its own peculiar lexical features , such as conversional nature , dynamic nature and richness in expression .
The effects of wake curvature on unsteady dynamic inflow of tiltrotor are considerable and the modification to the unsteady dynamic inflow is necessary .