- 动kick one's legs

(1) [stretch out one's legs]∶伸腿,腿向前下用力
(2) [die;pass away] [口]∶指人去世
I thought the oldest were going to peg out .
His stroke is smooth , leg drive powerful recovery fast .
On The Feature and Practice of Stretching in Sanshou Exercise
Bend knees and lift legs and pedal with legs in a cycling motion .
In fast , shallow water , swim on your back , feet first .
They all have a great streamlined body , a well-developed kick and great timing .
A single downward dolphin kick followed by a breaststroke kick is permitted while wholly submerged .
Throughout the race the stroke cycle must be one arm stroke and one leg kick in that order .
The most common mistake I see in breaststroke kicking is letting the knees go wider than the feet .
As you finish the kick , start your first pull , trying to keep your head down and in line .
Patterns of Electromyography Activities , Types of Joint Movements and Mechanism of Balance Control of Low Extremities during Heel Kick Action of Taijiquan
When they plant the feet too low , it 's usually because they cannot WAIT to push off and start swimming again .
There may be a crackling noise from live lobsters as they rub their legs , together , but that 's about it .
No matter what the matter may be , we should do our best . When I am kicking , I am kicking my best .
The Common Mistakes of Leg Movements and The Analysis In Brest Stroke Teaching for First Learners Swim breaststroke , adding an extra kick to each cycle .
He kicked toward the surface and emerged , panting , to see enormous ripples emanating in circles from the places where Ron and Hermione had fallen .
Count drill-For the more advanced , I like them to do a drill that I also do in fly , but with kicking only in the middle .
What is determined is that at 11:50 a.m. the day-care assistant saw my baby kicking his legs and brought it to the attention of the day-care owner .
I like music , stretching my legs , eating hands and I am practicing sitting , I also like outdoor activities , like to be in fresh places , the colourful things , the amusement park .
Knees only-Full body against a wall ( head is about the only thing out of the water ) bringing your heels up to be able to kick breast without being able to move their knees to start their kick .
Your kick action should be a little slower at this level . Slow kicks are better for long distances . For more resistance , place the float vertically into the water so it is half submerged and practise your slow kick action .