
tiào xiānɡ
  • box horse;vaulting box
  • jump over the box horse
跳箱 [tiào xiāng]
  • (1) [box;vaulling box]∶一种体操器械,可调节高度,形状像箱子,略呈梯形

  • (2) [jump over the box]∶体操项目之一,运动员以种种不同的姿势跳过跳箱

跳箱[tiào xiāng]
  1. 纵跳箱分腿腾越是中学体育教学中的难点问题。

    Longitudinal box horse straddle is a difficulty problem in the teaching of physical education in high school .

  2. 结论:青少年ACL损伤女运动员发病率高于男运动员,非运动员中ACL损伤较多发生于跳箱、跳高项目。

    Conclusion The adolescent ACL injury incidence in female-athlete was significantly higher than male . In non-athletes , the ACL injury has higher incidence in jumping box and high jump .

  3. 非运动员组跳箱、跳高项目的发病率较高。

    In non-athlete group , ACL injury has higher incidence in jumping box and high jump than in other events .

  4. 中程跳远和跳箱练习起跳技术与跳远起跳技术的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Take off Technique : Long Jump to Long Jump of Half Distance Running up and the Vaulting Box Practice

  5. 右腿站在练习跳箱前,左脚脚趾放在箱子上,手臂放在身体两侧,双手各握8英镑的哑铃(如图A)。

    Stand on right leg in front of a plyo box ( or bench ) , with toes of left foot resting on box and arms at sides , an 8-pound dumbbell in each hand ( A ) .

  6. 训练采用为大鼠跳跃训练所制成的跳箱,跳跃高度为大鼠体长的2.3倍,频率10次/分,每周6天,共训练8周。

    Training of rats is in the box that was made for rat jumping . The height of jumping was 2 . 3 times as much as the height of rat , and the frequency of jumping is 10 times / m , 6 days / week , 8 weeks .