
  1. 置身其谷,步游路随山峰而转,溪水绕游路而行,山水相依,植被茂密,空气清新,世间无比。

    Exposure to the Valley Road-step tour with the peaks and switch , streams around the swim to the road line , mountains and rivers , lush vegetation , fresh air , earth incomparable .

  2. PC和笔记本电脑产业已经有一段时间捉衿见肘了。WindowsOEM如戴尔和惠普等眼看自己的盈利之路已随WindowsPC和笔记本电脑销量下滑黯淡下去。

    The PC and laptop business has been a race to the bottom for a long time now , and Windows OEMs such as Dell and HP are seeing their profits from Windows PCs and laptops decline .

  3. 勇气,是坚持走自己的路,随别人去说吧。

    Courage is continuing to walk your walk regardless who says what to you .

  4. 我们各走各的路,随自己的意思,或停下,或走开。

    We walked by ourselves , genuine loiterers stopping or straying as our fancies dictated .

  5. 通过分析冷冻水管路特性随空调负荷变化的特点,得出了计算空调冷冻水泵变频调速运行总能耗的一般关系式。

    Based on analyzing the characteristics of chilled water loop resistance varying with the air-conditioning loads , a general formula of the energy consumption of variable speed chilled water pumps is obtained .

  6. 哪怕没有路也愿意随你天涯海角。

    Would go anywhere with you even there 's no road .

  7. 利用此方法分析了高路堤坡稳定性随路堤高度及路堤边坡形式改变的变化规律。

    And it uses this method to analyse the change law of the slope stability with the change of embankment heights and slope styles .

  8. 我觉得她比我儿子更听话,每次带她到外面锻炼、玩耍,她都一路小跑地随我而去,而我的胖儿子让他去锻炼就是不出门。

    Because every time I go out to do exercise or play with her , she is always pleased to follow me while my son is not willing to be out of the door .

  9. 矿渣水泥砼的各项路用性能随矿渣掺量的变化不同,当矿渣掺量为30%时,砼的力学性能和耐磨性能均高于其他掺量的砼。

    Every road property of slag cement concrete was varied in slag content , as its content is 30 % , the mechnical property and durability of concrete were higher than that of other slag content .