
  • 网络Captain Tsubasa
  1. 最初,将《足球小将》翻译成阿拉伯文版只是一家日本出版商的商业决策。

    Initially , adapting the books for the Arab market was a mere business decision by a Japanese publisher .

  2. 在东京,奥巴达?凯瑟马仍在努力把更多《足球小将》的冒险故事翻译成阿拉伯语。

    Back in Tokyo , Obada Kassoumah is still at work putting ever more adventures of Captain Tsubada into Arabic .

  3. 一年后,奥巴达的奖学金结束了,他被录取为普通学生,得以留在日本,并接下了翻译《足球小将》的兼职工作。

    When his scholarship ended a year later , he was able to stay in Japan by enrolling as a regular student , and picked up a part-time job translating Captain Tsubasa .

  4. 在命运的安排下,他翻译的众多阿拉伯文版《足球小将》漫画被捐赠给救助机构,并送到欧洲和中东的叙利亚难民儿童手中。

    And by another twist of fate , many of these Arab editions of football saga Captain Tsubasa have been donated to aid agencies and are being handed out to Syrian refugee children across Europe and the Middle East .