
chāo chánɡ qī yù bào
  • extra long-range forecast
  1. 山东省近600年旱涝霜雹数据库和超长期预报系统研究

    Study on the database of drought , flood , frost and hail during last 600 years and the extra long-range forecast system in Shandong Province

  2. 超长期预报的相空间技术

    The methods of phase space for ultra-long - term forecast

  3. 天灾预测最新的原理和方法&天文气象超长期预报新学科

    The newest principle and method of prediction of natural disaster & very long term prediction of astronomy and meteorology

  4. 利用模型对永宁地区1990~1992年的终霜日期进行了超长期预报。

    Using the model , the date of the end frost day in 1990-1992 in Yongning area have been forcast-ed of superlong period .

  5. 这种关系的深入研究,将有利于我国的长期与超长期水文气象预报。

    The deep study for this relations is going to be beneficial to the long-term and extra long-range hydrometeorological forecast of China .

  6. 利用大气环流、海温、太阳黑子面积指数等多种信息作为预测信息,建立以长期及超长期农业气象预报为主体的农业气象预测系统。

    An agrometeorological forecast system with the main purpose of long term or extra long term agrometeorological prediction was developed by using multiple informations such as atmospheric circulation , marine temperature , sunspot area index as forecast informations .