- 名occult phenomenon

Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena .
Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal ?
A considerable degree of agnosticism about the supernatural has been a mark of almost all thinking people in the20th century .
Scholars sometimes talk about this supernaturalization as a kind of " re-enchantment " of the world - as a growing awareness that the modern world is not stripped of the magical , as the German sociologist Max Weber and so many others once thought ,
She spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area .
Such paranormal phenomena as telepathy ; a medium 's paranormal powers .
Supernatural belief systems are shared by millions of people .
It created a bed of paranormal activity .
The first was skepticism about the supernatural , generated by the new developments in science .
It may not be supernatural , but it certainly shows the brain works in mysterious ways .
Active-stream : the story tellers-a collection of short stories and essays focusing upon the paranormal phenomena .
A wave of paranormal activity claims flooded the Internet after The Conjuring 2 was released in 2016 .
Hex is the chilling story of one girl 's exploration of the supernatural and her own sexual awakening .
In part , I think , this is because skepticism has made the supernatural safe , even fun .
The gang travelled throughout the country in their van , The Mystery Machine , on the trail of supernatural adventures .
Specialists in paranormal research are investigating whether a historic whaling ship might be home to the ghost of a long-ago seafarer .
One can not rely upon him ; he is apt to fly off at a tangent . UFOs are often explained as supernatural .
Supernatural phenomena intermingled with the flow of gentle as well as realistic occurrences found in the Sutra cannot be taken as historical truth .
Although many scientists dispute spiritualist claims , spiritualists defend their beliefs . They claim that communication between the living and the dead has been scientifically verified .
Dan has shown his CCTV images to ghost enthusiasts from Paranormal Investigation Scotland , and has talked to them about the other strange happenings at his cafe .
Evolutionism is based on the belief that there are no supernatural causes , and asserts that the Bible is either allegorical or mythological , but not historical .
Numerous miracles and other supernatural events are attested . He 's denied having an affair with his secretary , but of course there 's no smoke without fire .
A spokesman for Paranormal Investigation Scotland said : This is the most convincing image we have seen in almost a decade , so we were keen to start looking into it .
A spokesman for Paranormal Investigation Scotland said : " This is the most convincing image we have seen in almost a decade , so we were keen to start looking into it . "
Those who wanted to hang on to their belief in the supernatural despite the apparent threat posed by science found in the idea of the hallucination a kind of scientific evidence that the dead came back to life .
Singer was not dedicated to explaining of facts and the certainty and ending of plots , and he was deeply affected by the Jewish culture and supernatural phenomena . His Short Stories had uncertain factors of plots , supernatural phenomena and religion .
For anyone out there wishing to become a Ghost Hunter , or better yet , a Ghostbuster , you might want to consider a school like the University of Arizona , which is one of several that offer Paranormal Studies as a major 。
But Stanley Coren , the author of many books about dog intelligence and behavior , suggests that the explanation for dogs ' ability to sense earthquakes has nothing to do with anything supernatural - and everything to do with dogs ' keen hearing .
Even with his scientific training , Gary keeps an open mind about the possible existence of paranormal phenomena .
One group of arguments for the existence of a soul says ," We need to posit a soul in order to explain something , whether it 's something everyday or something supernatural . "