
  • Super Bowl
  1. Wardrobemalfunction在2004年第38届超级碗比赛中歌手贾斯汀•汀布莱克就珍妮•杰克逊右乳外露事件做出解释时被首次使用。

    Wardrobe malfunction is first used by singer Justin Timberlake in 2004 to explain the incident during Super Bowl XXXVIII in which Janet Jackson 's right breast was bared .

  2. 除了让现场真球迷保持距离,NFL还采取了其他预防措施来保证超级碗球迷的安全。比如,NFL向所有球迷分发包含N95口罩的礼品袋。

    In addition to spacing out the real fans , the NFL is also taking other precautions to keep Super Bowl fans safe . Among the safety measures , the NFL also handed out gift bags to all fans with N95 face masks .

  3. 或许超级碗就是小布什一直在期盼的大规模分散注意力武器。

    Maybe the Super Bowl will be the weapon of mass distraction that Bush has been praying for .

  4. 在超级碗赛场上,“纸板球迷”被分散开来,以让现场球迷真正保持社交距离。而在一些其他体育赛场上,纸板观众通常都“聚集”在一些电视报道较集中的区域。

    Unlike other sporting events where the cardboard cutouts are all bunch together in some areas of the stadium that receive the most TV coverage , the fake Super Bowl fans are spread out to keep the real fans socially distant .

  5. 对奥斯卡奖、超级碗(SuperBowl)的兴趣抹平了人们的社会差异。

    Interest in the Oscars and the Super Bowl obliterates sociological distinction .

  6. 观众仍会一起观看奥斯卡和超级碗(SuperBowl);

    The populace still reunites for the Oscars and the Super Bowl ;

  7. 与之形成对照的是,1月份的超级碗(SuperBowl)实时流媒体观众在高峰时段为110万人。

    In comparison , live streaming of January 's Super Bowl peaked at 1.1m .

  8. 美国国家橄榄球联盟(NationalFootballLeague)警告称,这项举措或对亚特兰大申办超级碗(SuperBowl)赛事产生影响。

    The National Football League warned the measure could affect Atlanta 's bid to host a Super Bowl .

  9. 所以Clay你会看超级碗比赛吗会啊Ellen

    So , Clay , will you be watching the Super Bowl ? Yes , Ellen .

  10. 经过了8次超级碗(superbowls)决赛,我出狱了,希望开始新的生活。

    After eight Super Bowls , I got out and wanted to start a new life .

  11. 这一周,全世界体育迷们的目光都投向了休斯顿,这里将举办爱国者VS猎鹰的超级碗决赛。

    The eyes of the sports world are on Houston this week as the Patriots and Falcons prepare for Super Bowl LI .

  12. 由于高昂的成本,他停止在Facebook上投放广告,并宣布2013年终止在橄榄球赛事超级碗(SuperBowl)的广告业务,这些举措都吸引了媒体的关注,但同时也引发了争议。

    His moves to suspend paid advertising on Facebook ( FB ) and skip the 2013 Super Bowl because of costly rates generated headlines and controversy .

  13. 她们将决出胜负这个游戏我们叫做Ellen超级碗对决

    They 're gonna battle it out , in a game we call Ellen 's Super Bowl Smackdown .

  14. 贾斯汀·汀布莱克第二次出现在超级碗中场秀。不过大家对他的表演情感复杂。很多粉丝对于他用已故歌手Prince生前表演片段有些失望。

    Justin Timberlake 's second Super Bowl halftime show drew a suitably mixed reaction , many fans disappointed by the singer 's use of achived Prince footage .

  15. Tony?在我知道你很期待这周的超级碗因为你喜欢的球队进入了总决赛

    Wow , all right . Tony ? yes.You are excited for teh Super Bowl this weekend I know.Cause your team is in there .

  16. 今年二月,LadyGaga的超级碗中场秀结束后,就和卡里诺确定了关系。

    Gaga and Carino 's romance was confirmed in February this year , after the star performed at Super Bowl Half Time show .

  17. 所以Adam你也参加超级碗演出是的我也会在你和谁合唱呢

    So , and Adam , you 'll be there as well . I 'll be there as well.And you 're singing with who ?

  18. 第二天晚上,艾丽·曼宁领跑,赢得了他的第二个超级碗MVP。

    Next night , Eli Manning led the way , earned his second Super Bowl MVP .

  19. 我是当看到圣徒队的Drew在超级碗的表现才迷上的因为我来自新奥尔良那是让我迷上橄榄球的原�

    I got into it when the Saints ' Drew in the Super Bowl , because I 'm from New Orleans , that 's what got me into football

  20. 尽管两人的恋情非常低调,但在Gaga进行超级碗的节目表演之前,被看到和Christian亲吻.

    Christian and Gaga were spotted kissing ahead of her Super Bowl performance despite trying to keep a low profile at the event .

  21. 当然,如果产品本身不行,就算在超级碗(SuperBowl)或世界杯(WorldCup)上一掷千金做推广也无济于事,最多也就是令产品苟延残喘一阵。

    Of course , if it 's a horrible product , millions spent at the Super Bowl or World Cup won 't help sway users . That marketing push will just prolong the inevitable .

  22. 他也许正进行半场秀和Madonna共同在超级碗上演出是的

    He might be doing it at the half-time show with Madonna at the Super Bowl , That 's right .

  23. 超级碗比赛是在事先选定的场地进行,通常主办城市都拥有一支NFL球队。

    This game is held at a selected site , usually a city that hosts an NFL team .

  24. 例如,它提供的超级碗(SuperBowl)套餐中除了有常规的机票、汽车和宾馆的预订外,还有比赛、聚会和其他庆典的票券。

    For example , it offers a Super Bowl package with tickets to the game , parties , and other festivities in addition to the regular air , car , and hotel reservations .

  25. 作为遥遥领先的第一大视频网站,youtube在吸引观众观看在线直播方面要赶上诸如超级碗(superbowl)之类火爆的电视直播节目,仍有一段路要走。

    YouTube the largest video website by some distance still has some way to go before it can attract a live audience to match TV blockbusters such as the super bowl .

  26. 他还为电台报道了2006年的世界大赛,NBA决赛和2005年主要联赛棒球,以及超级碗超级秀比赛。

    Along the way he 's also covered the2006 World Series , the NBA Finals , the Major League Baseball All-Star game in2005 , and Super Bowl XL for the station .

  27. Randy和Paula的超级碗表演策划的比较晚,可能会在赛前或者中场进行。

    Randy and Paulas Super Bowl performance idea came in very late in the game , to be scheduled for the pre-game or halftime .

  28. 两人曾参加过彼此的婚礼,两家还曾一起度假,观看超级碗(SuperBowl)比赛,但从纳努拉辞职之后,两人之间便再无往来,直到多年以后两人不期而遇,才打破了两人之间的沉默。

    The two men , who had once been in each other 's weddings and had gone on family vacations and trips to the Super Bowl together , didn 't talk until they ran into each other years later .

  29. 绿湾包装工队赢得超级碗冠军后,NFL手里就积压了大量宣传匹兹堡钢人队得冠军的T恤。

    After the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl , the NFL was stuck with thousands of T-shirts heralding the Pittsburgh Steelers as champs .

  30. 超级碗LV比赛在坦帕湾海盗队和堪萨斯城酋长队之间拉开帷幕,佛罗里达州坦帕市的雷蒙德·詹姆斯体育场在一些假球迷的衬托下显得“人”满为患。

    Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs , Raymond James Stadium in Tampa , Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans .