
chāo shēnɡ liáo fǎ
  • ultrasound therapy
  1. 全身麻醉后对他们进行高功率聚焦超声疗法,伴随激素治疗。

    HIFU was administered under general anesthesia , and they received concomitant hormonal therapy .

  2. 经颅超声疗法在脑卒中恢复期可以改善脑微循环,提高脑细胞代谢水平,促进侧支循环建立,加快肢体功能和语言障碍的恢复。

    For the recovery stage of stroke this treatment may potentiate the recovery of body dysfunction and dysphonia in that ultrasound may improve brain microcirculation .

  3. 高能聚焦超声联合内分泌疗法治疗前列腺癌

    High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Combined with Endocrine Therapy in Treating Prostate Cancer

  4. 超声药物透入疗法的临床应用进展

    Advance of medicine phoresis by ultrasound in clinical applications

  5. 目的观察氧驱动雾化吸入与超声雾化吸入疗法治疗小儿喘憋性肺炎疗效。

    Objective To study the difference between Oxygenic force atomization atmotherapy and supersonic atomization atmotherapy in child bronchiolitis .

  6. 第二篇介绍超声电导透药疗法的作用机理、实验研究、特点及其临床应用。

    The second introduction to ultrasound conductance through the mechanism of action of drug therapy , experimental research and its clinical applications .

  7. 尤其重点介绍了高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)无创外科、超声增强药物传递、超声基因疗法、超声血管成形术、肝癌的超声血管阻断疗法,并展望了超声治疗技术的发展前景。

    Especially this paper mainly introduces HIFU unwound surgical department , ultrasound strengthen the transfer of medicine , ultrasound gene treatment , ultrasound angioplasty and blocking vascular treatment of liver cancer , and then prospects the development perspectives of ultrasound treatment technology .