
  1. 这些对虾是如何从挪威跑到超市货架上来的呢?

    How do those prawns find their way from Norway to the supermarket shelf ?

  2. 英国超市货架上的许多葡萄酒都是几天前刚从海峡那边用货车装运过来的。

    Many a bottle on a British supermarket shelf was trucked across the channel only days before .

  3. 官员们表示,一些超标猪肉可能已经出现在超市货架上。

    Some pork may have reached supermarket shelves , officials said .

  4. 把货物摆到超市货架上,让家庭可以找到自己想要的食物,这是一件有意义的工作。

    Stacking supermarket shelves so that families can find what they want to eat is worthwhile .

  5. 这种做法跟各大品牌为自己的产品购买超市货架里的显眼位置非常类似。

    It 's similar to the way brands pay for eye-level product placement on supermarket shelves .

  6. 适用于各类共挤生产工艺的超市货架标签制品,其产品主要运用于各类高速共挤超市货架标签制品等。

    The products are applicable to co-extrusion processing techniques and high-speed co-extrusion for production of labels on supermarket shelves .

  7. 我们不需要努力想象就能设想出机器卸下啤酒桶或把货物放到超市货架上的场景。

    No great effort of imagination is required to visualise machines that unload casks of beer or stack supermarket shelves .

  8. 你会发现超市货架上中国造的零食琳琅满目,因为这里的大部分食品是从中国进口的。

    You will find a good stock of Chinese-made snacks on the supermarket shelves , since much of the foodstuff here comes from China .

  9. 随后对系统进行了需求分析,通过对总体业务的概括得出了超市货架管理的总体业务流程。

    After that , we do requirement analysis about the system , and get the overall operation process by the way of generalizing the business .

  10. 尽管遥控玩具的进口已经被禁止,但在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡的超市货架上仍然摆放着许多遥控玩具存活。

    However , while imports have been banned , existing stocks of remote-controlled toy cars are still readily available on supermarket shelves in central Colombo .

  11. 反式脂肪会使胆固醇升高,所以有可能从超市货架上消失。但是它的某种替代品其实也未必有利健康,这是最新研究得到的结论。

    Cholesterol-raising trans fats may be disappearing from supermarket shelves , but one type of fat taking their place may be no healthier , new research suggests .

  12. 目前超市货架上销售的含有较少量反式脂肪的食品,美国政府已开始要求制造商在其包装标签上列出。

    Fewer trans fats now lurk in the processed foods on supermarket shelves , and the U.S.government has started making food manufacturers list them on package labels .

  13. 本公司专业生产超市货架、储货架、板背网式大货架、碟架、架、功能置物架等系列产品。

    We mainly produce supermarket rack , warehouse storage rack , back plate & back mesh big rack , disk rack , bookstack , multifunctional shel fect .

  14. 结果:贵阳市4大超市货架食品中植物油的转基因标识达100%,其余被调查食品均无转基因标识。

    Results : The ingredient ratio of plant oil was 100 % marked in four supermarkets , while other foods were not marked about genetically modified food ingredients .

  15. 就是在今天,每次我站在超市货架前选东西时,我都会表现出品牌倾向度,那是受了我6岁时所看的广告的影响。

    Even today , every time I choose a product on a supermarket shelf , I am expressing brand preferences influenced by advertisements I saw when I was six .

  16. 街道两旁满是咖啡馆和酒吧。奶酪,法棍面包和芥末出现在超市货架上。

    Cafes and bars line the streets ; cheese , baguette and mustard are on supermarket shelves ; and baggy hip-hop clothing hangs in fashion stores near the campus .

  17. 在烟熏三文鱼三明治和一盒盒的三文鱼寿司出现在超市货架上之前,三文鱼一度曾是一种昂贵的待客之物,而不是可随意取走的外卖食品。

    Before smoked salmon sandwiches and trays of salmon sushi on supermarket shelves , there was a time when the fish was an expensive treat rather than casual takeaway .

  18. 除了提取现钱外,这些狗助手还拥有其它非凡的能力,如按动交叉路口的红绿灯按钮、操作洗衣机、从超市货架上取商品以及帮助主人穿衣和脱衣等。

    Other tasks they learn include operating a pedestrian crossing button , loading a washing machine , picking items off supermarket shelves and helping their owners dress and undress .

  19. 良好的超市货架管理系统是超市生存与发展的根本,是其提高运作效率与竞争力的手段之一。

    A good supermarket shelf management system is the root which the supermarket lives and develops on , and the means which it improves working ratio and competition power by .

  20. 第三,对于超市货架空间分配问题,本文在前人所作研究的基础上,建立了一个多目标优化模型,并且针对该模型设计一种遗传算法和局部搜索算法结合的混合算法。

    Thirdly , a bi-objective model for the shelf space allocation problem is proposed based on improving the existing work , and a hybrid genetic algorithm for this model is designed .

  21. 但在过去几年,超市货架上的袋装海藻已经让位给中国的面条,拥挤的大街上到处都是中国普通话的声音。

    But over the past few years , packets of seaweed have been pushed aside to make room for Chinese noodles on supermarket shelves , and Mandarin voices now fill the crowded streets .

  22. 现在,来自美国的数据显示,一名尿路感染病人身上出现首例粘菌素抵抗,农场牲畜和超市货架的肉类上也发现了对粘菌素产生耐药性的细菌。

    Now data from the US has identified the first case in a patient , who had a urinary-tract infection , as well as colistin-resistant bacteria in farm animals and meat on supermarket shelves .

  23. 一些公司已经在其产品中减少了反式脂肪的用量,但超市货架上一些最受喜欢的食品仍含有大量的“无形杀手”。

    A number of firms have reduced the amount of trans fats in their products , but some of the most popular products on supermarket shelves still contain significant quantities of the " silent killer " .

  24. 然而,驴奶酪高昂的价格意味着它近期不太可能出现在你当地的塞恩斯伯里超市货架上——因为它每千克的售价为880英镑。

    However donkey cheese 's hefty price tag means it 's unlikely you 're going to see it on the shelves of your local Sainsbury 's any time soon - the cheese costs 880 per kilo .

  25. 在竞争对手从独立仓库为网络订单送货的时候,特易购则选择利用现有店铺网络,并让店员从超市货架上“取”商品供应在线订单,因为这样做成本更低。

    While rivals were delivering online orders from standalone warehouses , Tesco opted for using its existing store network , and having staff " pick " goods from supermarket shelves to fulfil online orders , because this was cheaper .

  26. 谁也没有想到,整天忙着给超市货架上货的前足球运动员会重返他喜爱的赛场,一举成为美国橄榄球超级杯大赛最佳选手,然后来到亚利桑那,带领你们的红雀队首次冲进超级杯。

    No one thought a former football player stocking shelves at the local supermarket would return to the game he loved to become a Super Bowl MVP and then come here to Arizona and lead your Cardinals to their first Super Bowl .

  27. 零食爱好者们正在抢购薯片,许多超市的货架上空空如也。

    Snack lovers are panic buying , and many supermarket shelves are bare .

  28. 有的国家更是要求在本国超市的货架上去除一切中国制造的产品。

    Some countries even require removal of all Chinese-made food products off their supermarket shelves .

  29. 下面这11个词在超市的货架上就有着特殊的意义。

    Here are 11 words that mean something more specific on thesupermarket shelves . 1 .

  30. 顾客们尽可以推着自己的购货车,徜徉于超市的货架间,享受这难有的特别待遇。

    Customers can also savour the rare privilege of pushing their own trolleys and serving themselves from the shelves .