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  1. 荣耀总裁赵明表示,5G网络的推出为科技公司提供了约十万亿美元的商业机会。

    Honor 's president Zhao Ming says the roll-out of 5G network offers an estimated 10 trillion US dollars worth of business opportunities for tech companies .

  2. 咱们让赵明写点什么吧。

    Let 's ask Zhao Ming to write something .

  3. 圣诞节快到了,赵明,我问你个问题。

    Christmas is coming up . Zhao Ming , let me ask you a question .

  4. 我是天津进出口公司的赵明。这是我的名片。

    I am Zhao Ming from Tianjin Import and Export Corporation . Here is my card .

  5. 今天早晨我和赵明、肖涵去医院看她。

    This morning Zhao Ming , Xiao Han and I went to the hospital to see her .

  6. 据一家当地网站星期天报道说,赵明计划在他的身高稳定下来之后挑战吉尼斯世界最高男人的纪录。

    A local website on Sunday reported Zhao Liang plans to challenge the World 's Tallest Man for his title as soon as his height stabilizes .

  7. 赵明虽然不喜欢哥哥这样做,但他从小是被哥哥养大,两个人是孤儿,相依为命,赵明只好睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    Et although don 't like brother to do so , but since his childhood was raised , two elder brother , sisters are orphans , et had to turn a blind eye to it .