
zǒu xīn
  • mindful;conscientious
走心 [zǒu xīn]
  • [be mindful] 〈方〉∶放在心上;经心

  • 学习技术,不走心可学不好

  1. 生活是关于做决定,决定去做那些真正能令你走心之事。

    Life is about making a decision - deciding to do something that moves you .

  2. 虽然只是一个儿童,她凭借走心的出演,仍在一拨实力派演员中脱颖而出,给我们留下深刻印象。

    As a child actress , she held her own impressively among this cast of veterans with her heartfelt portrayal .

  3. 不是一个很走心的道歉,通常是你对你很熟悉的人,然后不想冒险直接说一些不好的话。就可以加上这个表达。

    It 's a light hearted attempt at apologizing , usually used around people you know well but don 't want to risk offending with bad language .