
  • 网络hertzsprung-russell diagram;Hertzsprung-Russel diagram;H-R diagram
  1. 在以下的赫罗图中,太阳正位于主序上。

    In the H-R diagram below , our sun is now in the main sequence .

  2. 这种演化过程对应着它在赫罗图上位置的规律性变动。

    This evolution corresponds to the coordinate change of stars in the H-R diagram .

  3. 在从样本星的色指数(B-V),(U-B)和视差得到它们的有效温度和光度之后,我们发现在赫罗图上它们大多数是位于主序带内的。

    After deriving their effective temperatures and luminosities from their ( B-V ), ( U-B ) colors and parallaxes we find their positions in the HR diagram to be mostly confined to the main sequence .

  4. 通过分析恒星内部结构的变化,基于在演化计算中质量损失率公式应采取连续的分段函数的考虑,提出恒星演化阶段的分界点的不同会影响恒星在赫罗图中演化轨迹的观点。

    By studying the variety of inner structure of stars , an attitude that different demarcation point of stellar evolutional stages can affects the evolutionary track in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is developed , based on mass loss rate is a consecutive piecewise function in the stellar evolution calculations .