
  • 网络hertfordshire;Herfordshire;herts
  1. 斯塔布斯出生于赫特福德郡,起初是一名舞蹈演员。上世纪60年代,她与克利夫·理查德一起出演电影《夏日假期》,后来又参演影片《精彩生活》和《给丽莎的三顶帽子》,因此一举成名。

    Stubbs , who was born in Hertfordshire and started out as a dancer , rose to fame in the 1960s when she starred alongside Cliff Richard in Summer Holiday , and appeared in the films Swingers ’ Paradise and Three Hats for Lisa .

  2. 我的母亲五年前去世了,父亲搬到了赫特福德郡(hertfordshire)的哈潘顿(harpenden)。

    My mother died five years ago and my father moved to Harpenden , Hertfordshire .

  3. 上月,赫特福德郡chauncy高中的一群男孩因向他们的犹太老师唱带有“犹太军队”(yidarmy,yid是对犹太人的蔑称)副歌的足球队歌而被捕。

    Last month a group of boys was arrested for singing a football chant with the refrain " YID army " at their Jewish teacher at Chauncy school in Hertfordshire .

  4. 谁是赫特福德郡南部的下院议员?

    Who is the MP for Hertfordshire south ?

  5. 但根据报道,第九部的迷你电影正在英国赫特福德郡的哈利波特工厂悄然开拍。

    But a ninth mini-movie is reportedly being filmed at the Potter studios in Hertfordshire .

  6. 每天,我都要乘坐火车来往于赫特福德郡和伦敦之间。

    Every day I would go back and forth from Hertfordshire to London by train .

  7. 大部分的监测已经在英格兰国家队位于赫特福德郡的酒店里完成了。

    Most of it has been done on site at the England team hotel in Hertfordshire .

  8. 他们在赫特福德郡的韦林花园城一起购买了一处住所,现在杰奎琳仍然住在那里。

    Together they bought a house in Welwyn Garden City , Herts , where she still lives .

  9. 他们在赫特福德郡,找了一个教区牧师家庭,从1923年夏天开始,作为他们的新家。

    The parents found a Hertfordshire vicarage to be their home as from the summer of 1923 .

  10. 我们希望(来自里加、伊斯坦布尔或赫特福德郡)欧洲年轻人相信,他们可以成功。

    We want European kids to believe they can succeed – from Riga , Istanbul or Hertfordshire .

  11. 仅仅是小贝夫妇的财产就可以帮助赫特福德郡跻身“富人地图”之列。

    The couple 's wealth alone probably helps the home county stay near the top of the rich tree .

  12. 7月19日,露西将在北赫特福德郡学院的希钦艺术中心对战一位名叫保尔的摔跤助练。

    Lucy will be battling against trainer Paul at North Hertfordshire College 's Hitchin Centre for Arts on July 19 .

  13. 英国赫特福德郡大学怀斯曼教授证实,魅力一半源于天生,一半来自后天。

    Professor Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK estimates charisma is 50 % innate and 50 % trained .

  14. 尽管小贝夫妇不久将移居洛杉矶,但是赫特福德郡永远是他们在英国的老家。

    Although they are soon heading for the bright lights of Los Angeles , Hertfordshire is the UK base of the Beckhams .

  15. 最近,一名英国学生在赫特福德郡野生动物保护中心,拍到了一组老鼠抢食猎豹午餐的照片。

    A series of images captured by a British student in Hertfordshire show a daring brown rat nibbling a leopard 's lunch .

  16. 这个名叫米尔顿•琼斯的喜剧演员还请来了赫特福德郡的奶牛养殖专家布鲁斯•伍德科尔做帮手。

    Milton Jones was joined by cow expert Bruce Woodacre on a Hertfordshire farm to test the reaction of a herd of fresians .

  17. 在接到病人的大量投诉后,赫特福德郡东部及北部行政区的英国国民健康服务基金会最新发布了严格的护士着装标准。

    East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust has issued a strict new uniform policy for all staff after a series of complaints from patients .

  18. 隐居在赫特福德郡,跟当教师甚至当咖啡馆侍应生的老朋友们在一起,格林特避开了狂热的粉丝。

    Hidden deep in Hertfordshire , among old friends who are teachers and even work in caf é s , Grint avoids the insane fans .

  19. 杀人未遂获保释后,被禁止探视儿子的她又冒充汤姆的姑妈进入了位于英格兰东南部的赫特福德郡的私人疗养院。

    On bail for his attempted murder and banned from seeing him , she entered his nursing home in Hertfordshire by posing as his aunt .

  20. 英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院与赫特福德郡大学联合进行的这项研究称,他们对现有数据使用了更加准确的分析模型。

    The study , by Queen Mary University , London and the University of Hertfordshire , claims to use a more accurate model on the existing data .

  21. 两人于1972年在赫特福德郡的埃尔斯特里结婚,之前都有过婚史。四年后,两人搬到康沃尔的法尔茅斯生活。

    They got married in Elstree , Hertfordshire , in 1972 , having both ended previous marriages , before moving to Falmouth , Cornwall four years later .

  22. 50岁的安德鲁-英厄姆生活在赫特福德郡,他和两名女子分别组建家庭,生下了共12名子女。两个家庭只相隔20分钟车程。

    Andrew Ingham , 50 , divided his time between 12 children by two " wives " who lived within a 20-minutes drive of each other in Hertfordshire .

  23. 2004年中旬本人先在赫特福德郡大学获得了天体物理学理学士学位,又在伦敦大学学院获得了英语教师资格证书,本人随即搬来上海。

    Shortly after graduating from the University of Hertfordshire ( BSc Astrophysics degree ) and attaining my TEFL certificate from the University College of London in mid2004 , I moved to Shanghai .

  24. 退伍兵米歇尔-桑德森和妻子以及两个女儿居住在赫特福德郡,但准备了一辆拖车,用它可以在15分钟内逃到威尔士一处秘密的隐匿处。

    Retired soldier Michael Sanderson lives with his wife and two young daughters in Hertfordshire but has a trailer ready for them to escape to a secret Welsh hideaway at 15 minutes ' notice .

  25. 39岁的贝克汉姆在接长子布鲁克林从赫特福德郡的阿森纳训练场回来时,被卷入了一场车祸,虽然他的车报废了,但是所幸并无受伤。

    The 39-year-old was involved in the accident after picking up his eldest son , Brooklyn from Arsenal 's training ground in Hertfordshire but emerged unhurt , although his car was not able to be used .

  26. 毫无疑问,你身边有魅力的人都基本上都属于最成功的人士。英国赫特福德郡大学怀斯曼教授证实,魅力一半源于天生,一半来自后天。

    There 's no question that charismatic people are some of the most successful individuals out there . Professor Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK estimates charisma is 50 % innate and 50 % trained .

  27. 现已退役的足球明星贝克汉姆和辣妹维多利亚、四个子女将于年底入主新宅邸。他们以2000万美元的价格出售了位于英国赫特福德郡的贝金汉宫庄园。

    The former football superstar , together with his Spice Girl wife and four children will move into the new home at the end of the year after selling their Beckingham Palace in Hertfordshire , England for $ 20 million .