
  1. 目的阐明九江县赛城湖建坝蓄水工程对血吸虫病传播的控制作用,为未来的大型建坝蓄水工程&鄱阳湖控制工程对血防的利弊关系提供依据。

    Objective To determine the impact of the project of building dike for storing water against schistosomiasis transmission , and provide the practical basis of snail and schistosomiasis elimination for the huge project Poyang Lake Control Project which probably be built in future .

  2. 从缺乏人气的中国“生态城”,到马来西亚以硅谷为蓝本建设、但至今未能蓬勃发展的赛城(Cyberjaya),大量证据证明,从一张白纸开始兴建一座城市有多么困难。

    From the ghostly eco-cities of China to Malaysia , where Cyberjaya , built as the country 's version of Silicon Valley , has so far failed to thrive , there is plenty of evidence of how difficult it is to create a city from scratch .

  3. 奥迪赛是与特洛伊城作战的希腊国王之一。

    Odysseus was one of the Greek kings who fought the great war against the city of Troy .