
  • 网络cyberspace;cyber-space
  1. 网络粗口秀叙事源于E媒体语境的修辞方式&网络写作依托电子技术书写着赛博空间里自由的修辞社会学、民间话语的修辞媒介学和自娱以娱人的修辞美学。

    Vulgarity show narration origin of E-Media surrounding rhetoric form & network writing depends on electronic skills and writes with free rhetoric sociology of cyberspace , with rhetoric intermediary of folk discourse and rhetoric aesthetics of enjoy self or enjoy others .

  2. 我们将在赛博空间中创造一种新的精神文明。

    We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace .

  3. 赛博空间和虚拟实在(virtualReality)的新观念及它们所导致的技术力量正在加速改变人类的存在状态。

    The new idea of cyberspace and virtual reality are changing our existent .

  4. 随着计算机技术和网络技术的飞速发展,一个与物理空间相对应的新型空间&赛博空间(cyberspace)越来越显示其意义和重要性。

    With the computer science and network technology development quickly , cyberspace that a new space correspond to nature world is more and more important .

  5. 赛博空间体现现象学&兼论技术与体现的关系

    Phenomenology of Embodiment in Cyberspace On the Relationship Between Technology Embodiment

  6. 赛博空间中亚文化社群的探索性观察与分析

    The Explosive Observation and Analysis of Sub-culture Groups in Cyberspace

  7. 论虚拟实践&对赛博空间主客体关系的哲学探析

    Probing the philosophy of the Relation Between Subject and Object in Cyberspace

  8. 赛博空间与文艺理论研究的新视野

    The Cyber Space and New Perspective of Theoretical Literary Studies

  9. 赛博空间的舆论

    Discuss the Three Elements of Public Opinion in Cyber Space

  10. 建筑学的新天地&赛博空间中的建筑学

    The New Space of Architecture : Architecture in Cyber Space

  11. 介绍了国外学术界关于赛博空间体现与非体现的争论。

    Introduces the arguments for embodiment and disembodiment in cyberspace in foreign academic circles .

  12. 赛博空间休闲的特征及其价值意蕴

    The Characteristics and Meanings of Value of Leisure in the " Cyber Space "

  13. 赛博空间是一种概念空间或数字空间。

    Cyberspace is a conceptual or digital space .

  14. 首先,赛博空间里的审美文化改变了传统的生活方式。

    Firstly , The aesthetic culture in cyberspace has transformed the traditional life style .

  15. 基于赛博空间的图书馆员隐性知识共享

    Librarian Tacit Knowledge Sharing Based on Cyberspace

  16. 赛博空间工具理性和价值理性的共在与互动

    The Coexistence and Interaction between the Means Rational and Value Rational in the Cyber Space

  17. 与此同时,人类也制造出了一个电子化的、无处不在的虚拟场域&这就是赛博空间。

    In the meantime , human beings have created an electronic and omnipresent space-the Cyber Space .

  18. 网络聊天已经逐渐成为现代都市人时髦的交流方式,这是一种依赖文字和现代技术的赛博空间叙事。

    Chat in the network has gradually become the fashionable method of exchange for modern city persons .

  19. 商品抑或礼物:新自由主义与新左派在赛博空间的对垒

    Commodity or Gift ? & The Confliction of the New Liberalism and the New Leftist in Cyberspace

  20. 试论赛博空间的实在性

    On the Reality of Cyberspace

  21. 表述在赛博空间中幻想和快感得到了充分的释放。

    It indicates that in the cyberspace , the illusion / fantasy and excitement are fully released .

  22. 这个问题一直无法找到答案,直到所有人类的精神被上传和整合到该电脑的赛博空间环路中。

    The question couldn 't be answered until all of humanity had uploaded into its hyperspace circuitry .

  23. 论赛博空间中的学习革命

    On Study Revolution in Cyberspace

  24. 赛博空间的人际交往

    Interpersonal Intercourse in Cyberspace

  25. 赛博空间的自由飞翔

    Freedom in Cyber space

  26. 它是对赛博空间、虚拟现实、网络世界和信息社会等新实体的综合。

    It is a new synthesis of cyberspace , virtual reality , network world , and information society .

  27. 把世界与存在者的整体关系放入当下后现代的赛博空间的背景下进行探讨。

    It puts the relationship between the world and the entity into the current post-modern cyberspace and explores it .

  28. 还探讨了网络概念与其他相关概念如信息、知识、智能、智慧、网络化、网络社会、信息化、信息社会、知识经济、虚拟实在、赛博空间等的关系。

    I also discuss the relationship between network conceptions and other correlative conceptions-information , knowledge , intelligent , wisdom , etc.

  29. 赛博空间与网际互动从网络技术到人的生活世界论虚拟实践对赛博空间主客体关系的哲学探析

    Cyberspace and Network Interaction & From Network Technology to Life-World probing the philosophy of the Relation Between Subject and Object in Cyberspace

  30. 在赛博空间这种文化背景下产生的审美范式呈现出了迥异于传统审美范式的诸多特点。

    Against the cultural background of cyberspace , the aesthetic paradigm takes on a visage with striking features quite different from the traditional one .