
  • 网络capital chain
  1. 中国房地产企业资金链平衡研究

    A Study on Capital Chain Balance for Real Estate Companies in China

  2. 从而来加强对商业地产项目的资金链管理。

    Thus to strengthen the commercial real estate project capital chain management .

  3. 目前,国内ShoppingMall还处于初步试验发展阶段,且由于市场进入壁垒较高,资金链容易断裂等问题的存在。

    At present , domestic Shopping Mall is at the test development phase . It exists some problems , for example , the market entry barrier is high , the fund chain is easy to break and so on .

  4. 成长型企业资金链断裂的成因分析

    Analysis of Fund Chain Break Origin in the Growth Enterprise

  5. 金融危机下我国房地产公司的资金链问题研究

    The Capital-Chain Research of the China 's Real Estate Companies under Financial Crisis

  6. 因为资金链短缺,上千家温州小企业已经倒闭。

    Thousands of small Wenzhou companies have closed their doors for lack of funding .

  7. 上午:斯坦福大学专题讲座:投资资金链与风险投资管理。

    Morning : Stanford Professional Lecture " Investment Financial Chain and Venture Capital Management " .

  8. 观察房地产企业资金链异相

    Observation of Real Estate Enterprise Fund Chain

  9. 企业资金链的断裂会使企业陷入困境甚至破产。

    Enterprise will be stuck in stagnation and even bankruptcy if capital chain is broken .

  10. 锻造坚固的资金链

    Forging a Firm Chain of Funds

  11. 基于资金链管理的房地产企业风险控制研究

    A Probe into Risk Management of Real Estate Companies-View Points Based on the Capital Chain Management

  12. 雾里看花的交易与决定暗示着资金链大有深入克里姆林宫的可能。

    Mystifying deals and decisions suggest that the money trail runs all the way to the Kremlin .

  13. 流动负债和非流动资产之间并不匹配,因此一旦出现资金链的突然紧张,银行就变得弱不禁风。

    This mismatch between liquid debt and illiquid assets makes banks susceptible to sudden losses of funding .

  14. 但是,过快的增长又容易导致企业资金链紧张,财务资源出现短缺的状况。

    However , rapid growth companies , easily lead to a shortage of funds and corporate financial resource constraints .

  15. 开发商大举借贷,打造昂贵的沿海城镇,虽然进一步抬高了房价,但也导致自身资金链紧绷。

    Developers had borrowed heavily to build in expensive coastal towns , driving up prices further while stretching themselves .

  16. 高负债民营企业在信贷供给冲击下更加脆弱,资金链紧绷,财务风险凸显。

    Highly levered firms are more vulnerable to the credit supply shock , funding chain tightened and financial risk increasing .

  17. 他告诉记者,这个热情是需要非常强的资金链的支持才能维持。

    He told reporters that this passion is very strong need for financial support in order to maintain the chain .

  18. 一家公司如果出现问题,通常就会使担保资金链上的其他公司也受到严重的影响。

    If a company has problems , it usually makes other companies in security capital chain also have been seriously affected .

  19. 又由于房地产行业中的央企国企在资金链上能够得到一定的保证,所以这一途径对于该行业中的民营企业就显得更为重要。

    Due to a certain extent guarantee of fund for central enterprises , this method is much more important for private enterprise .

  20. 但是与国外大型跨国公司相比,我国矿业企业到国外勘查开发矿产资源尚处于起步阶段,海外投资风险无法规避,资金链的运作缺乏保障,同时对海外风险的控制缺乏有效应对措施。

    Compared with large foreign multinational companies , overseas mineral exploration and exploitation of Chinese mining companies is still at the initial stage .

  21. 如果选择不恰当的财务行为,很容易造成资金链的断裂,使企业走向衰退。

    If you choose to inappropriate financial behavior , it is likely to cause capital chain rupture and make enterprises move toward a recession .

  22. 国家开发银行还将向开区内外贸外资企业提供援助,稳定资金链,打通产业链。

    The bank will also aid foreign trade and foreign-funded companies in the development zones to stabilize capital chains and open up industrial chains .

  23. 当前的问题是,如果国会在今年夏天之前不行动,联邦交通项目基金的资金链就将断裂。

    Here 's the problem : If Congress doesn 't act by the end of this summer , federal funding for transportation projects will run out .

  24. 导致中国证券公司破产与股市资金链断裂的重要原因之一是国债回购业务。

    One of key factors that causes the bankruptcy of the security company and the rupture of cash chain is the business of state owned bond repurchase .

  25. 在我国民间资本充足的温州、鄂尔多斯等地,民间资本成为了当地企业解决资金链紧张的救命稻草。

    Sufficient private capital in China in Wenzhou , Erdos , private capital has become the last straw for local businesses to solve the capital chain tension .

  26. 由于没有找到合适的赢利方式,在资金链断裂后,许多闻名一时的网站轰然倒闭,电子商务进入了网络寒冬。

    With the rupture of the capital chain , many famous websites closes down without suitable profit mode , the electronic commerce entered the cold winter in network .

  27. 开发企业与建筑企业间非正常的产业关系导致扭曲的资金链关系,这些问题进一步导致风险向银行转嫁。

    The abnormal industrial relations between the exploitive enterprise and constructive enterprise causes the twisted funds chain . These problems further cause risk and passed on toward bank .

  28. 宏观方面,主要是从政策角度出发;微观方面,首先提出基于资金链模型的管理,在包括积极探索融资渠道,制定项目资金计划等等方面。

    From the micro , proposing the management basing on the capital chain model , exploring the financing channels actively and developing project funding programs and so on .

  29. 在当今经济危机国际背景下,大多数企业面临的最大问题往往是资金链问题,这个问题对中小企业往往尤其严重。

    Under the situation of this economic crisis , most of the companies will face the problem of funding shortage , especially for those small and middle size companies .

  30. 中小企业由于资本较为薄弱,受市场环境影响较大,因此资金链极易断裂,因此急需通过贷款筹措资金。

    Small and medium-sized enterprise as capital are weak , influenced by the market environment , so easily capital chain rupture , so need through the loans raise capital .