
  • 网络Capital internationalization;International capital
  1. 这实质上是国际资本跨国间的自由流动,这是生产国际化和资本国际化的必然要求,也是全球经济一体化的必然结果。

    Its essence is that international capital can flow from one country to others freely . It is an inevitable demand of the internationalization of producing and capital ; also it is an inevitable outcome of the globalization of economic .

  2. 智力资本国际化与上海人才管理模式创新

    Internationalization of Intelligence Capital and Creativity of the Pattern of Shanghai Personnel Management

  3. 论资本国际化对发展中国家的影响

    On Impact of Capital Globalization on Developing Countries

  4. 金融资本国际化绩效与条件分析

    Performance and Condition Analysis on Financial Capital Globalization

  5. 企业经营国际化与资本国际化:理论、发展和现状

    Internationalization of Management and Internationalization of Capital : Theory , Development , and Reality

  6. 本文认为:产业资本国际化主要是通过企业经营的国际化来实现的,而企业的国际化经营活动更多地具有动态化的特征;

    Abstract Internationalization of the industrial capital for production is realized through internationalization of management in enterprises .

  7. 资本国际化和跨国公司的发展促使世界市场进一步拓展到经济全球化时代。

    The development of capital internationalization and MNC expanded the world market into the economic globalization era .

  8. 经济全球化所内涵着的资本国际化,为西部地区利用外部资本提供了难得的机遇。

    Capital internationalization connotated in economic globalism offers west regions a rare chance to make use of external capital .

  9. 随着智力资本国际化进程的加快,上海面临的形势严峻。

    With the process of the internationalization of intelligence capital speeding up , the situation in Shanghai is very serious .

  10. 在经济全球化、资本国际化、信息技术高速发展的情况下,与犯罪有关的金融问题也变得日益复杂。

    With economic and capital globalization as well as rapid development of information technology , financial crimes have become increasingly sophisticated .

  11. 生产国际化、流通国际化、资本国际化、劳动力市场国际化和科学技术国际化大大加强了社会发展的国际化。

    Global production , communication , capital , labor market and scientific technology have strengthened the internationalization of the social development greatly .

  12. 随着资本国际化的发展,对外直接投资不断迎来新的发展浪潮。

    With the development of the internationalization of capital , foreign direct investment continues to usher in a new wave of development .

  13. 一国实施金融资本国际化的条件可以分为国内条件,即初始条件和对外条件,即可实施条件两个方面。

    Two conditions apply while implementing financial capital globalization : domestic condition , also called initial condition and external condition , also called implemented condition .

  14. 欧洲银行是资本国际化时代的先锋,它们资产的大约三分之一不在国内市场。

    European lenders were in the vanguard during the era of internationalisation , and around a third of their assets are outside their home markets .

  15. 在金融创新的大背景下,国际保险业呈现出业务多元化、组织集团化、资本国际化等趋势。

    It is held that , on the great background of finance innovation , international insurance industry manifests itself in trends of multi_purpose , group_adjustment in organization and capital internationalization .

  16. 经过十几年的跨国经营,中兴实现了包含市场国际化、人才国际化、资本国际化、研发国际化等在内的全面国际化。

    After many years of development in the international market , ZTE has completed the full range of internationalization , including market , human resources , capital , R & D and so on .

  17. 随着科学技术的高度发展,国际分工和国际间技术经济合作进一步加强,资本国际化、生产国际化的趋势越来越明显,海外直接投资成了国际经济活动的重要形式,日益推动全球经济的发展。

    Accompanying with the high development of scientific and technical , international division and international technological economic cooperation are strengthened further , the trend of the internationalization of the capital and internationalization of producing are more and more obvious .

  18. 金融资本国际化一方面促进利率水平提高,从而促进储蓄增加;另一方面影响投资规模和投资效率,进而影响经济绩效。

    On one hand , globalization of financial capital promotes the increase of interest rate , therefore , increase saving ; on the other hand , it influences investment scope and investment efficiency , and affects economic performance consequently .

  19. 随着资本国际化进程的加快和全球经济一体化的大发展,高级制造技术和适时生产技术的创新,企业之间的竞争日益加剧,成本管理也越来越受到重视。

    With the accelerated process of internationalization of capital and the great development of global economic integration , advanced manufacturing technology and the timely production and technological innovation , increasing competition among enterprises , cost management is also more and more attention .

  20. 随着经济全球化及国际竞争激烈程度的不断加强,资本国际化趋势日益增强,发达国家跨国经营活动不断在全球扩张,发展中国家的对外直接投资活动也日益频繁起来。

    With the development of economic globalization and the increasing competition internationally , capital flows further internationalization and globalization . The multinational management activities of developed countries are expanding around the world , the outward FDI from developing country is growing quickly too .

  21. 证券市场国际化是20世纪80年代以来世界金融市场的一大发展趋势,是生产国际化和资本国际化发展的必然结果,也是国际融资证券化趋势的必然要求。

    The internationalization on security market is a great development trend of the world financial market since 1980.This is not only the inevitable outcome of the development of the production internationalization and capital internationalization , but also the objective requirement of the securitization of international financing .

  22. 中国加入WTO标志着我国将真正融入到经济全球化和资本市场国际化的时代浪潮。

    China 's entry into WTO indicates that our nation will be absorbed in the tidal wave of economical globalization and capital market internalization .

  23. 论布哈林资本的国际化理论及其当代价值

    On Bukharin 's Theory of Capital Internationalization and its Contemporary Value

  24. 我国资本市场国际化前瞻及监管路径选择

    China capital market internationalization forward and supervision route selection

  25. 经济全球化的发展,促进了资本流通国际化。

    Development of globalization promotes internationalization of capital flow .

  26. 中国石油企业资本运营国际化模式及其风险研究

    Research on Capital Operation Internationalization 's Risk and Mode of the Chinese Petroleum Enterprise

  27. 因此,我国资本市场国际化是一个循序渐进、稳步开放的过程。

    Therefore , our country 's capital market internationalization is a gradual and steady course .

  28. 生产与资本的国际化是世界经济发展的必然趋势。

    The internationalization of production and investment is the inexorable developmental trend of the world economy .

  29. 摘要自从第二次世界大战之后,资本的国际化运动逐步加快。

    Ever since the second world war , the international flow of capital has been accelerating gradually .

  30. 经济全球化和资本市场国际化加速了各国会计准则向国际财务报告准则的趋同发展。

    Economic globalization and internationalization of capital market to accelerate the accounting standards to international financial reporting standards convergence development .