
  • 网络capital credit
  1. 从资本信用到资产信用

    From the Capital Credit to the Assets Credit

  2. 公司资本信用之法律分析

    A Legal Analysis into the Corporate Capital Credit

  3. 公司资本信用及相关问题检讨

    Corporation Capital , Credit and Other Related Problems

  4. 人力资本信用管理机制研究

    Study on Managing Mechanism of Human Capital Credit

  5. 公司资本信用悖论

    COMPANY COMPANY Paradox of Corporate Capital Credit

  6. 组织机构和章程;注册资本信用证明;

    The organizational structure and articles of association ; the proof of credit on registered capital ;

  7. 第二章:本章把公司信用基础即公司资本信用的形成发展分成了三个阶段。

    Chapter two : This chapter divides the development course of company capital credit into three stages .

  8. 第一阶段是公司信用基础的起始阶段,主要表现是注册资本信用。

    The first stage is the origination of company credit basis , whose characteristic is registered capital credit .

  9. 同该企业有业务往来的银行出具的资本信用证明书(正本);

    A certificate of credit ( original ) issued by a bank which has business relations with the enterprise ;

  10. 客户所在国(地区)同客户有业务往来的银行出具的“资本信用证明书”(要求银行负责人签字并署明职务的文本原件);

    Report on the credit standing and capital composition issued by a local depository bank in business relationship with applicant .

  11. 企业财务信用主要是指资本信用、商业信用、管理信用等方面内容。

    The financial credit of an enterprise mainly refers to the capital credit , the business credit , the management credit , etc.

  12. 在公司信用观念从资本信用向资产信用转变的前提下,股东出资形式呈现出多元化的趋势,股权出资具备法律上的适格性,具有理论和现实的重大意义。

    On the basic of the corporation credit transform from capital credit to assets credit , Equity contribution presents a trend of diversification .

  13. 首先,通过对资本信用的重新认识,我们发现资本信用理念在实践中却常常是失效的。

    Firstly , through the new understanding of the capital credit , we find in practice , the capital credit is generally disabled .

  14. 但是,这种建立在资本信用基础上的公司资本制度并未完全实现制度设计时的预期效果。

    However , the corporation capital system of this mode , which shall be based on capital credit , has not realized anticipated effects completely .

  15. 作为从属公司的债权人具备普通公司债权人的共性,同时也有其自身的特殊性,这主要表现在:第一,从属公司债权人投资风险的不确定性,投资决策往往建立在虚假的资本信用基础之上。

    This shows as follows : Firstly , the investment of a controlled company 's creditor is often set up on the false capital foundation .

  16. 公司信用基础是广义的资本信用,其涵盖了资产信用的内容。

    This article analyzes the concrete content of credit , and points out that the foundation of company is capital credit in a broad sense .

  17. 随着资本信用神话的破灭,公司立法理念得以重构:鼓励投资,实现稀缺投资资源的充分利用。

    With the corruption of the capital credit system , the legislation idea has been reconstructed : Encourage investment to make full use of the rare investment resources .

  18. 对此,学术界对公司资本信用展开了深刻的反思,发现资本与信用并没有必然的因果关系,资本充其量可以来证明信用的存在,而信用才是公司债务担保的核心要素。

    The author thinks there is no necessary relation between capital and credit . Capital is to verify the existence of credit ; credit is the center of debt guarantee .

  19. 资本信用理论应修正僵化的注册资本信用,突出资产信用,并随着知识经济的发展而注入新的内容。

    The theory of capital credit in company law should correct the registered capital credit , emphasize asset credit and transfuse new elements into it with the development of knowledge economy .

  20. 本文认为,在新《公司法》框架下,公司信用的基调已从静态的资本信用转向动态的资产信用。

    It is believed by the author that under the framework of the New Corporate Law , the keynote of corporate credit has moved from static capital credit to dynamic capital credit .

  21. 将注册资本信用和资产信用统一在广义的资本信用概念中,并以之为指导建立债权人利益保护需要的资本信用体制模式;

    Integrate Registered capital credit and Property credit into the generalized concept of Capital credit , and take it as an instruction to establish Capital credit system model to protect creditors ' benefit ;

  22. 随着公司实践的发展,公司信用基础逐步由资本信用向资产信用转变,而这一转变引起了资本制度的变革。

    As the development of the company practice , company credit basis changes gradually from the capital credit to the assets credit , and this change causes the reform of the capital system .

  23. “资本信用证明”须是银行负责人签名的正本,内容须有公司的资本和信用评估两项。

    The credibility letter should be its original copy bearing the signature of the head of the ban and should contain such information as registered and paid-up as well as the credibility of the company .

  24. 这种结局的根本原因之一就是我国公司法理论和立法贯穿始终且根深蒂固的资本信用理念、以及在此理念支配下建立的资本信用制度和规则。

    The basic reasons which lead to this result are capital credit idea ingrained in our corporation theory and the related legislation practice and the capital credit system and the rule which established under this idea .

  25. 但是遗憾的是我们仍然没有改变资本信用的理念,仍然囿于公司资本制度的范围来寻求对债权人和股东利益的衡平。

    However , these are not enough , because we did not change the idea of capital credit and are still confined to corporate capital regime to quest for the balance of interests of creditor and shareholders .

  26. 现代资本信用理论走向衰落并被资产信用理论所超越,人力资本出资能促使公司资产的安全、发展等效益达到和谐统一。

    The modern theory of capital credit is on the eve of decline and be surpassed by the theory of assets credits , human capital funding can promote corporation assets ' benefits of safety 、 development etc. to harmony .

  27. 公司法理念和制度应建立在淡化注册资本信用,提高公司设立效率,加强对资产信用过程的监管,强调公司资产流动安全性的基础之上。

    The new concept and system of company should decrease the registered capital credit and base on increasing the efficiency of incorporation , attaching more attention to supervise the process of asset credit and putting emphasis on security of assets'floating .

  28. BNPExane分析师丹尼尔??戴维斯(DanielDavies)表示:“这看上去像是一条明智的监管规定。在不承认全部成本的情况下对信用保护给予资本金信用——这种做法很难站得住脚。”

    Daniel Davies , analyst at BNP Exane , said : " It seems like a sensible piece of regulation . It 's pretty difficult to make a case that capital credit should be given for credit protection without recognising the full cost . "

  29. 被误读了的公司资本与信用的关系

    About the Misunderstood Relationship between Company Capital and Credit

  30. 当前我国资本市场信用缺失及其治理研究

    Research on the Situation and Measures of Lack of Credit in Chinese Capital Market