
  • 网络Asset Business
  1. 最后,本文针对资产业务创新提出了具体的措施和建议。

    Finally , we put forward specific measures and recommendations on asset business innovation .

  2. 商业银行房地产贷款业务是商业银行资产业务的重要组成部分。

    The real estate loan is a vital component of asset business in commercial bank .

  3. 中资银行资产业务现状及加入WTO的对策

    The Current Situation of Chinese Commercial Banks on Assets Services and the Tactics for the WTO

  4. 我们处理多重资产业务的整套方法,均是以产生阿尔法回报为基础的。

    Our whole approach to multi-asset is predicated on alpha generation .

  5. 金融企业资产业务中的不对称信息问题研究

    The Asymmetric Information in the Assets Business of Financial Enterprise

  6. 商业银行零售资产业务的聚合信用风险模型

    Aggregation Credit Risk Model of Retail Business of Commercial Banks

  7. 个人资产业务:商业银行战略新选择

    Individual Asset Operation : New Strategy Choice for Commercial Banks

  8. 新准则中固定资产业务处理有关问题探讨

    Discussion on Fixed Assets Business Based on New Accounting Standards

  9. 商业银行资产业务中的信息不对称及博弈论分析

    Information Asymmetry in Commercial Bank ` s Asset Operation and Game Theory Analysis

  10. 信贷风险是银行资产业务中最直接、经常性的风险。

    Credit risk is the most direct and common risk in the asset business of bank .

  11. 中间业务、负债业务、资产业务是商业银行的三大基本业务。

    Intermediary business , liabilities business , assets business constitute the three basic operations of the commercial banks .

  12. 贸易融资是商业银行一项集安全性、盈利性、流动性于一身的资产业务。

    Trade financing is a kind of assets operation which carries the characters of security , profitability and liquidity .

  13. 商业银行最主要的资产业务是信贷业务,也是其面临的最主要的风险来源。

    Commercial banks ' major asset-related business is Credit Business , which is right the main source of risks .

  14. 商业银行业务主要分为三大部分:资产业务、负债业务和表外业务。

    Main business of the commercial bank is divided into three parts : assets , liabilities and off-balance-sheet business .

  15. 信贷作为现代商业银行的核心资产业务,受到中外商业银行的普遍重视。

    Credit as a core assets business of modern commercial banks draw universal attention at Chinese and foreign commercial banks .

  16. 中小企业信贷业务在商业银行信贷资产业务中的地位越来越重要。

    Extending credit to SMS ( Small-and-Medium-Size ) enterprises is increasingly felt by commercial banks as an important credit asset business .

  17. 针对这些问题,从资产业务、负债业务和中间业务三方面对银行业务创新的思路进行了阐述。

    According to these questions , propose state-run commercial bank basic trains of business innovation are brought out from three respects .

  18. 但是,我国商业银行的资产业务以贷款为主,而贷款中蕴藏着较大的信用风险。

    But , our country Commercial bank 's asset operation loans primarily , but loans is containing the big credit risks .

  19. 中间业务是商业银行业务总体的重要构成部分,它同资产业务和负债业务一起被称为商业银行业务的三大支柱。

    The intermediary business , the asset management and the liability management constitute the major part of the total business of the commercial bank .

  20. 长期以来,我国的商业银行一直从事两项传统的业务:资产业务和负债业务。

    For a long time , commercial banks in China have been engaged in two kinds of traditional operation : assets operation and debt operation .

  21. 第五章研究我国国有商业银行的业务创新策略,主要从资产业务创新、负债业务创新、中间业务创新三方面进行探讨。

    Part 5 describes the strategy of business innovation in our state-owned commercial banks including the assets business innovation liabilities innovation and charge business innovation .

  22. 商业银行的中间业务收入已成为银行资产业务收入和负债业务收入之外的第三大业务收入。

    The intermediate business income of commercial bank has become the third major business income besides bank property , business income and liabilities business income .

  23. 信贷资产业务作为农村信用社最主要的业务之一,其利息收入占到农村信用社营业收入的95%以上。

    Credit asset business , as one of major business rural credit cooperative , its interest revenue occupies over 95 % of rural credit cooperative revenue .

  24. 相对资产业务和负债业务而然,商业银行中间业务虽然风险较低,但绝不可忽视。

    The risk of it of banks is lower than that of assets and liabilities business , but it can 't be neglected , especially off-balance sheet activities .

  25. 保险公司的经营包括负债业务和资产业务,其中负债业务是指普通的承保业务,资产业务是指保险资金投资业务。

    The business of the insurance company includes debt business and capital business , with the former focusing on underwriting business and the latter focusing on investment business .

  26. 对银行而言,贸易融资业务集中间业务与资产业务于一身,其业务前期属于中间业务,业务中后期属于资产业务,银行由此可以获取两方面的收入,即手续费和贷款利息。

    To banks , intermediate service and asset service are connected through the trade financing , and bank can obtain incomes from two sides & earnings and interests .

  27. 该业务集中间业务与资产业务于一身,已成为许多国际性银行的主要业务之一。

    The business sets the intermediate business and assets business in a body . For now , it has become one of the core business for many international banks .

  28. 但从国有商业银行的现状来看,仍然存在着资产业务单一、资金成本高、中间业务相对落后等问题。

    However , currently , state commercial banks still have some problems such as non-diversified assets services , high cost of capital and the relatively lagging of intermediary services .

  29. 在发生接受捐赠实物资产业务和资产评估增值业务时,应按捐赠实物资产价值和资产评估增值款扣款未来应交的所得税,暂计资本公积准备项目。

    Transactions of physical contribution and asset revaluation gains should be recorded at the actual value with deductions for future income tax , also as Reserve Funds of Capital Surplus .

  30. 在当前形势下,商业银行必须严把信贷质量关,加强对信贷风险的管理,保证信贷资产业务的健康发展。

    At present , commercial banks with shareholding system must be strict in credit , improve the management of credit risks so as to ensure credit asset to develop healthily .