
  • 网络Phil;fils;Fil;Fer
  1. 你们所出版的书里有署名为阿曼达·费尔柴尔德的吗?

    Were any of your books published under the name Amanda Fairchild ?

  2. 杰克驾车向梅费尔疾驶。

    Jack drove to Mayfair at breakneck speed .

  3. “她在梅费尔有个大公寓。”——“正是。”

    ' She has a large flat in Mayfair . ' — ' Just so . '

  4. 主任把费尔叫到办公室,斥责他经常迟到。

    The director called fair into his office to hauled him over the coals for being late so often .

  5. 玛丽的父亲不答应费尔的求婚,说他决不想让女儿委身于这样一个人而误了她。

    Mary 's father disapproved of fair and said that he had no wish to chuck his daughter away on such a person .

  6. 这取决于美国宇航局的Hunch项目中学课堂,比如位于纽约费尔波特的费尔波特高中的科学教师吉恩·戈登和唐娜·希梅尔伯格带领的课堂。

    It depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms , like the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport , New York .

  7. 欧内斯特?费尔提是伊利诺斯州南部哈丁县县属学校的负责人

    Ernest Felty , head of Hardin County schools in southern Illinois , has 10 home-schooled pupils .

  8. 对冲基金公司MetropolitanCapitalAdvisors共同创始人兼总裁、《费尔曼法则》(Finerman'sRules)一书的作者卡伦•费纳曼曾经尝试过在家办公。

    Karen Finerman , co-founder and president of Metropolitan Capital Advisors and author of Finerman 's Rules , tried working from home .

  9. 根据《每日邮报》发布的照片,两人先去了梅费尔区的Mark俱乐部,然后共同乘坐了一辆出租车。

    The two visited the Mark 's Club in Mayfair and shared a taxi together , according to photos published by The Daily Mail .

  10. NPR新闻,奎因·克兰费尔特底特律报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Quinn Klinefelter in Detroit .

  11. 今年的最有品味圣诞毛衣奖(TastefulChristmasJumper)得主是古驰(Gucci)的费尔岛杂色图纹高档毛衣(FairIslesweater)。

    The winner of the Tasteful Christmas Jumper award this year is Gucci 's sumptuous Fair Isle sweater .

  12. 施蒂费尔金融(StifelFinancial)预计,2014年零售商整体销售增长中的一半份额将来自于网络购物。

    Stifel Financial estimates that in 2014 , fully half of retailers ' overall sales growth will come from online orders .

  13. MM2皮质型散发性克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布病的临床特征和诊断

    Clinical features and diagnosis of the MM2 cortical subtype of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jak-ob disease

  14. 值得记住的是,尼克松就是被愤愤不平的FBI官员马克?费尔特(MarkFelt)搞下台的,后者向华盛顿邮报(WashingtonPost)爆料了尼克松掩盖“水门事件”(Watergate)的细节。

    It is worth remembering that Nixon was undone by a disgruntled FBI official , Mark Felt , who leaked details about his Watergate cover-up to the Washington Post .

  15. 与此同时,代表梅费尔区(Mayfair)数十家商户的邦德街协会(BondStreetAssociation)参与了由ChinaEdge组织的一系列“为中国做好准备”研讨会,以帮助零售商们提供令中国消费者宾至如归的奢侈品购物体验。

    Meanwhile , the Bond Street Association , representing dozens of Mayfair businesses , has signed up to a " China-ready " workshop series devised by China Edge to help retailers offer Chinese-friendly luxury shopping .

  16. 皮特考斯基和特劳纳曾经是费尔霉姆基金(FairholmeFund)老板布鲁斯•伯克维茨的合伙人,他们经常购买其他投资人避之唯恐不及的股票,而且他们这样做已经有很长的历史了。

    Former partners of Bruce Berkowitz at the Fairholme Fund , Pitkowsky and Trauner have long histories buying stocks that others avoid .

  17. 当地修建专家表示,如果项目取得成功,更名后的费尔蒙和平饭店(fairmontpeacehotel)具备商业可行性,可能会鼓励人们进一步保护旧上海风貌。

    If the project succeeds , and the renamed Fairmont peace hotel becomes a commercially viable property , it could encourage more preservation of old Shanghai , according to local restoration experts .

  18. 费尔明-迪多援引了麦肯锡(McKinsey)2010年的一项研究。研究表明,1997年至2009年,家族企业的股价表现明显优于其它企业。

    Mr Firmin-Didot cites a study by McKinsey in 2010 that showed the stock prices of family businesses significantly outperformed their peers between 1997 and 2009 .

  19. 26岁的本礠姆斯(BenJames)崇尚独身,他把自己伦敦梅费尔区(Mayfair)顶层公寓(带有面积很大的露台)的一两个房间对外招租。

    Ben James , who is 26 and " predominantly single , " rents out one or both rooms in his Mayfair penthouse , which includes a huge roof terrace .

  20. 从那以后,它的工作人员——现在只有一位不是志愿者——与纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)、贝鲁特的斯费尔-塞姆勒画廊(Sfeir-SemlerGallery)和伦敦的蛇形画廊(SerpentineGallery)等机构合作策划项目和活动。

    Since then , its staff members , all but one of whom are now volunteers , have been working on curatorial projects and events with institutions including New York University , the Sfeir-Semler Gallery in Beirut and the Serpentine Gallery in London .

  21. 因此,只剩下转换这种方法了,例如,所有现有的按揭贷款,可全部或部分转换成固定低利率的长期贷款,正如最近哈佛(Harvard)的马丁•费尔德斯坦(MartinFeldstein)所建议的那样。

    That leaves conversion , whereby , for example , all existing mortgage debts could be wholly or partly converted into long-term , low and fixed-interest loans , as recently suggested by Harvard 's Martin Feldstein .

  22. 本文介绍了Ariel(阿里尔)的可及性理论,以及有关间接回指的理论,如Grice(格莱斯)的合作原则,Fillmore(费尔默)的框架理论以及当前的研究动态。

    This paper introduces Ariel 's Accessibility Theory and other theories concerning I A , such as Grice 's Cooperative Principle , Fillmore 's Frame Theory and some current developments .

  23. 劳埃德TSB集团副首席执行官迈克•费尔雷(MikeFairey)指出:劳埃德TSB希望成为同性恋和双性恋人士所选择的雇主和银行。

    Mike Fairey , Lloyds TSB deputy chief executive , said : Lloyds TSB wants to be the employer and bank of choice for lesbian , gay and bisexual people .

  24. (注:特别的入住登记区和下午茶仍然被视为费尔蒙(Fairmont)的高贵象征,费尔蒙是百慕大的高档酒店,外呈粉红色。)

    ( Note : A special check-in area and afternoon tea is still considered a high-end perk at the Fairmont , the island 's upscale , flamingo-pink resort . )

  25. “深深的溪流&高高的山脉”还要离谱:蒂娜为主唱,费尔•斯百科特(PhilSpector)制作瀑布的水流声音,而特纳竟被从录音现场给剔除了。

    With " River Deep & Mountain High ", it had been worse : Tina sang , Phil Spector produced his waterfalls of sound , and Mr Turner was barred from the recording sessions .

  26. 我们供应费尔雷Arlon和帕克Arlon过滤元件,和高质量的售后更换过滤器,工业过滤器的应用。

    We supply Fairey Arlon and Parker Arlon filter elements , and high quality aftermarket replacement filters for industrial filter applications .

  27. 安娜・费尔南达・鲁伊斯(AnaFernandaRuiz)是金融和管理科学专业大四的学生,她说自己的学员,一名总经理,想要学习如何与年轻客户以及未来的雇员打交道。

    Ana Fernanda Ruiz , a senior finance and management-science major , says her mentee , a managing director , wanted to learn how to connect with younger clients and future employees .

  28. 正当的远程工作确实存在,但据远程办公就业安置公司FlexJobs的CEO萨拉•萨顿•费尔说:“诈骗信息、虚假信息非常多,求职者很难找到真正的空缺职位”。

    Legitimate work-at-home jobs do exist , but " it can be really hard to find real openings with all the scams and bogus business opportunities out there , " notes Sara Sutton fell , CEO of flexjobs .

  29. 土地税收理论发展:从威廉·配第到费尔德斯坦

    Development of land tax theory : From William Petty to Feldstein

  30. 费尔法斯太太和你睡得离他最近,小姐。

    Mrs Fairfax and you sleep nearest this room , miss .