
  • 网络Kushan;kushan empire
  1. 与贵霜帝国之间的联系使得佛教在一世纪时传入中国。

    Contacts with the Kushan Empire led to the introduction of Buddhism to China from India in the first century .

  2. 塔利班摧毁了我们常常去那周遭玩耍的佛教雕像和佛塔。远从贵霜帝国[1]时代开始,它们已在此地矗立数千年,是我们的文化和历史里最珍贵的一部分。

    The Taliban destroyed the Buddhist statues and stupas where we played , which had been there for thousands of years and were a part of our history from the time of the Kushan kings .