
  • 网络base metal;BME
  1. 贱金属电极与PTC陶瓷相容性的研究

    A comparison study of base metal electrod and PTC

  2. 海底扩张中心的热液作用对贱金属矿化具有重要意义,而且其中许多富含伴生组分Au或Au&Ag,有的地段可圈出单独的金矿体。

    Hydrothermal processes at seafloor spreading centers are of great importance to base metal mineralization , and many of which have been found to be rich in associated Au or Au-Ag : Some localities can be delimited as independent gold orebody .

  3. 3种贱金属合金铸造冠造成MRI图像伪影的分析比较

    Comparative analysis for the artifacts of MRI imaging caused by three dental alloys casting crowns

  4. 而对贱金属离子吸附甚少,可望用于贵金属离子Au(Ⅲ)和Ag+的分离与富集。

    They are expected to be used in separations and enrichments of noble metal ions .

  5. 但贱金属涨跌互见,在今日美联储(Fed)会议之前,人们担心美国经济的实力,从而影响了贱金属走势。

    But base metals were mixed , undermined by worries about the strength of the US economy ahead of today 's US Federal Reserve meeting .

  6. 本文研究了用柱式阳离子交换树脂从铂系金属铑中除去贱金属Fe、Co、Ni和Cu。

    In this paper we studied the separation of base metals Fe , Co , Ni and Cu from platinum group metals on a cation exchanger column .

  7. 在锌和铝的带动下,CRB贱金属指数(CRBBaseMetalsindex)今年攀升了12%,创10年来最佳表现。

    Zinc and aluminium have helped lead the CRB Base Metals index up 12 per cent this year , its best performance in a decade .

  8. 贱金属电极MLCC用低失真介质陶瓷材料

    Low Distortion Dielectric Ceramics for Base - Metal - Electrode MLCC

  9. 这样,用低C多元醇的强碱水溶液处理复杂的含金、银物料时,贱金属氧化物生成双金属醇盐溶解脱除的同时,金银等贵金属被富集在渣中。

    Therefore , precious metals , such as gold and silver can be enriched in the residue and the base metal such as copper , lead and antimony are dissolved by solution when the gold and silver-bearing material is treated .

  10. 研究了双硫腙螯合形成树脂的合成及其分离富集地质样中Au、Pt、Pd的条件。于pH1.5的CHI介质中,Au、Pt、Pd定量吸附于H2Dz形成树脂上与大量贱金属分离。

    The conditions for synthesis of dithizone chelate forming resin and for separation and preconcentration of Au , Pt and Pd in geological samples have been investigated in this paper .

  11. 研究了以涂覆活性氧化铝的蜂窝陶瓷为载体,负载贱金属氧化物的催化剂对各种挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的催化氧化活性。

    The catalystic oxidation activities of catalysts of non rare metal oxides for VOCs were investigated , with supporter of alveolate ceramic coated activating alumina .

  12. 热水流体系统和贱金属成矿作用发育于义敦岛弧碰撞造山带上的弧间裂谷盆地内,并受其内部的一系列局限盆地及SN向基底断裂-裂隙系统控制。

    The hydrothermal fluid system and base metallic mineralization were developed in interarc rift basins of Yidun arc-collision orogenic belt . The emplacement of orebodies was controlled by a series of restricted basins and SN-trending fault-fissure systems .

  13. 目的对比钴铬合金、低钛合金及镍铬合金3种贱金属合金铸造冠,在3.0T及1.5T磁共振成像检查时,产生金属伪影的最大面积及伪影涉及的扫描层数。

    Objective To investigate the influence of three dental alloys casting crowns on the artifacts of MRI imaging during the examination of3.0T MRI and1.5T MRI .

  14. 然而,由于2008-09年全球gdp增幅可能会远远低于过去5年近5%的平均增速,石油、贱金属和其它非食品类大宗商品的价格可能会出现周期性回落。

    However , with global GDP growth in 2008-09 likely to fall well short of the near 5 per cent average pace of the past five years , a cyclical correction in the prices of oil , base metals and other non-food commodities seems likely .

  15. 路透社(Reuters)数据显示,作为贱金属风向标的铜价,今年已上涨逾130%,并有望出现30多年来最大年度增长。

    Copper , the base metals ' bellwether , has risen more than 130 per cent this year and is on course to record its biggest annual increase in more than 30 years , according to Reuters data .

  16. “市场认为铜价反弹将是长期的,”麦格理(macquarie)驻伦敦贱金属分析师马克斯莱顿(maxlayton)在最近一份研究报告中指出。

    " The market believes that the copper rally is going to be long-lived , " said Max Layton , a base metals analyst at Macquarie in London , in a recent research note .

  17. 有一个交易所买卖基金购买期货合同的PowerSharesDB贱金属,购买铝,锌,铜,和不同的合同购买,以尽量减少价差。

    There is one ETF that buys futures contracts & PowerShares DB Base Metals , which purchases aluminum , zinc and copper and varies the contracts it buys to minimize contango .

  18. 贱金属片式多层陶瓷电容器(BME-MLCC)端电极用铜浆由有机载体、玻璃料、铜粉等组成。

    The copper paste for termination electrode of BME-MLCC is composed of organic vehicle , glass frit , copper powder and others .

  19. 多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)的重要发展方向之一是电极贱金属化,铜粉是一种较为理想的电极制作材料。

    Base metal electrode ( BME ) is one of the main trends of multilayer ceramic capacitors ( MLCC ) . Copper powder is a sort of ideal material for BME-MLCC electrode .

  20. 其次,根据涉案产品的HS码将其分成六类:纺织品、化学工业、贱金属及其制品、机电行业、塑料橡胶和其他行业。

    Secondly , we divide the products concerned into six categories according to their HS code , it is : textile , chemical , base metals and their products , mechanical and electrical industries , plastics and rubber , other industries .

  21. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)基准的3个月期铝期货上涨5.8%,至每吨3375美元的历史新高。铝价今年以来的累积涨幅高达40%,使其成为2008年表现最强劲的一种贱金属。

    The benchmark three-month LME contract rose 5.8 per cent to a record $ 3,375 a tonne , up 40 per cent this year , making aluminium the best performing base metal in 2008 .

  22. 结果表明:本法准确度高,测定5~15mg的镉量时,相对误差≤±0.20%;选择性好,大量常见贱金属和一定量的贵金属离子不干扰测定;

    Experimental results indicated that the method has high accuracy for 5 ~ 15mg cadmium content with relative error of ≤± 0.20 % and well selectivity from common and precious metal ions .

  23. 作为贱金属市场的风向标,伦敦金属交易所(LME)三月期期铜价格收跌6.5%,至每吨6710美元的低点。

    Copper for delivery in three months at the London Metal Exchange , the bellwether of the base metals markets , fell as much as 6.5 per cent to a low of $ 6,710 a tonne .

  24. 本文评述了我国多层片式陶瓷电容器、PDP平板显示器、硅太阳能电池、电子封装等的发展现状以及对电子浆料的要求,同时还评述了贱金属浆料的发展趋势。

    The development of the chip ceramic capacitor , PDP ( plasma displays ), silicon solar cell and electronic package was reviewed in the present paper , and the requirements to electronic pastes and the growing trend of base metals electronic pastes were introduced .

  25. 经过30多年的发展,贱金属内电极多层陶瓷电容器(BME-MLCCs)已经成为多层陶瓷电容器的主流产品。

    Base-metal electrode multilayer ceramic capacitors ( BME-MLCCs ) have become the mainstream type of MLCC after thirty years ' development .

  26. 简单介绍了多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)的结构,重点介绍MLCC微小型、复合化、大容量、贱金属化,高频、高性能和环保化(无铅化)的技术发展。

    The structure principle and development tendency of the technology for MLCC are introduced , and especially the development tendency of the MLCC regarding miniature , integration , high capacitance , base metal electrode , high frequency and performance and lead-free are described .

  27. 坯件,贱金属制,用于钥匙锁和挂锁

    Blank , of base metal , for key locks and padlock

  28. 金属线配件,贱金属制,用于固定葡萄酒瓶塞

    Fitting wire of base metal for securing corks of wine bottles

  29. 镜框,贱金属制,未配玻璃镜

    Mirror frame of base metal , not fitted with glass mirrors

  30. 肉铺用斧子或切肉大菜刀柄,贱金属制

    Handle for butchers ' choppers or cleavers , of base metal