
èr chén
  • turncoat official;an official who retains his position after capitulating to the new dynasty
贰臣 [èr chén]
  • [turncoat official] 由旧朝投降后,在新朝又担任官职的人

  • 命西鄙北鄙贰于己。--《左传.隐公元年》。注:贰,两属也。

  • 誓死不为贰臣

贰臣[èr chén]
  1. 展示了他作为由明季士大夫到清初贰臣的心路历程,表现了对国家前途命运的深切关注,具有强烈的抒情性、高度的写实性与深刻的批判精神。

    The rolls of poems composed by him formed a vast accumulation that expressed a spirit of strong and realistic concern and consciousness of suffering .

  2. 清初大多数贰臣文人无论是诗文中,还是政治活动、生活方式上都表现出愧疚自赎心态。

    In the early Qing Dynasty most turncoat-official scholars are felt to be in a guilty state of mind , which demonstrates itself in their literary works , political activity and life style .