
  1. 正是老布什与邓的这通电话,让李存信获得自由。

    The conversation between Bush and Deng , which made Li get the freedom .

  2. 于是,李存信选择与伊丽莎白秘密结婚,并决定为了爱情留在美国。

    So , Li has chosen to marry Elizabeth secretly , and decided to stay in the US for his lover .

  3. 岁的李存信却和美国姑娘伊丽莎白坠入了爱河,并天真地要带她回中国。

    He fell in love with the Elizabeth from US when he was20 years old , he was childishly eager to take her to China .

  4. 后来,乔治·布什告诉李存信,关于“叛逃”一事,邓表现得十分开明,表示:要尊重李本人的选择。

    Afterwards , George Bush told Li about the issue of " defection ", Deng was open-minded about this event , he said that the whole thing should respect Li 's choice .