
  • 网络Quality responsibilities;Responsibility of Quality;Responsibility for quality
  1. 如果应用软件满足或超过了服务标准协定(SLAs),IT团队就必须承担保证质量的职责。

    If the application is to meet or exceed service level agreements ( SLAs ), then the IT operations team must assume responsibility for ensuring quality .

  2. 在质量管理职责中强调更多的管理联系。

    In the quality management in more management duties .

  3. 支持保证质量的团队职责

    Supporting team responsibilities for ensuring quality

  4. 大学教师确立责任意识、平等意识、朋友意识和亲人意识是高质量履行教师职责的保证。

    The sense of responsibility and equality , as well as the sense of a friend or a relative ensure a college teacher to fulfil his or her teaching successfully .

  5. 从我省中小型会计师事务所的审计报告、审计收费方式、审计质量、审计职责四个方面,分析中小型会计师事务所在激烈的市场竞争中所处的现状和面临的困境;

    Based on the analysis of Yunnan provincial accountant agencies in respect of audit reports , auditing fees , audit quality and audit responsibilities , the current situations and dilemma facing in the me-dium-and-small-sized accountant agencies in the competitive market are analyzed .

  6. GNC的生产工厂是世界级的大的补品生产企业之一,(重视)产品质量是我们的职责。

    GNC 's manufacturing facility is one of the world 's largest dietary supplement manufacturers , and product quality is our business .

  7. 我们的职业道德和教育准则也支持审计师高质量地履行其职责。

    Our ethical and education standards also support high-quality performance by auditors .

  8. 飞行安全和质量保证部的职责包括。

    Duties and responsibilities of directorate flight safety and quality assurance include .

  9. 履行检查、审核质量及其他相关职责。

    Perform a variety of quality related duties such as inspecting and auditing .

  10. 质量目标的展开职责应当予以规定。目标应当系统地评审并在必要时进行修订。

    Responsibility for deployment of quality objectives should be defined . Objectives should be systematically reviewed and revised as necessary .

  11. 保证产品的质量是我们的职责,为客户提供更好的服务是我们的宗旨,与客户共同发展是我们努力追求的目标。

    It 's our responsibility to guarantee the quality of products . It 's our purpose to provide better service . It 's our pursuit target to develop together with our clients .

  12. 国有企业实行会计委派制,对加强会计基础工作,提高会计的工作水平,确保会计信息的质量以及依法履行职责起到积极作用。

    Accreditation management of accountants in state-owned enterprises plays an active role in strengthening fundamental work , advancing accountants ' working ability , ensuring the data 's quality of accounting and implementing its lawful duty .

  13. 项目总体策划完成后在每个过程实施前还要作进一步的详细策划工作,主要涉及质量目标的分解、质量职责的分解、确定每一过程的具体控制方法和所需要的控制文件和记录等等。

    Further detail planning is made after the accomplishment of the general planning , involving the explanation of quality target and quality responsibility , and the specification of controlling methods and necessary documents and records etc.

  14. 对汽车特许经销商质量管理体系的组织机构、管理职责、过程要素的策划展开讨论,提出了汽车特许经销商的主要管理岗位和部门的质量管理职责,以及质量管理体系过程要素的质量活动内容。

    This article focuses on discussing the structure of organization , the responsibilities and planning of essential processes on the quality management system of franchise , and some related constructive suggestions are put forward .

  15. 以设计标准化现代科学管理模式的医疗质量管理体系为主要思路,建立组织机构、制定质量方针、落实质量职责、编制质量体系文件。

    Meanwhile , mainly based on the design of quality system of medical treatment , the author establishes organization , formulates quality policy , and fulfills the quality management responsibility , resources and compiles quality system documents .

  16. 第四章研究HY住宅小区建设项目的质量计划,包括住宅小区建设项目所要达到的质量目标、质量要求和质量管理机构及其职责。

    The fourth chapter studies the quality plan to HY residential area construction projects , quality objectives , including the construction of project of residential areas to achieve the quality requirements and quality management institutions and their responsibilities .

  17. 多功能质量小组是虚拟企业质量保证的基本组织结构,它以产品对象为核心动态组建,以产品全生命周期质量管理作为中心职责。

    The multi-functional team is the main organization form for quality management in virtual enterprises which is dynamically formed based on the product , and responsible for the quality management in product life cycle .