
huò dào fù kuǎn
  • cash on delivery
货到付款[huò dào fù kuǎn]
  1. 但是Excel产品不会给我们任何折扣,A级服务要求货到付款,所以保持现状吧。

    But Excel Products wouldn 't give us any discount and A-Grade Service want cash on delivery , so let 's just leave things as they are .

  2. 香港客户我们是接受货到付款。

    CASH ON DELIVERY is acceptable for Hong Kong Local customers .

  3. 请货到付款。

    Please pay for goods on delivery .

  4. 比如,如果你是个会计或者房地产经纪人,你也许考虑重构你的主页或者加个podcast(货到付款的意思么?)

    For example , if you are an accountant or realtor , you might think about redoing your website or adding a podcast .

  5. vt.收集;募捐;使集合,使聚集vi.收集;聚集;募捐;聚集,集合adj.adv.[美国英语]要求接受者付款的(地);(打电话、电报时)由受话人或收报人付费的(地);货到付款的(地)

    to get and keep things of one type such as stamps or coins as a hobby to bring or come together from different places or over a period of time When you telephone collect or make a collect telephone call , the person you telephone pays for the call

  6. 在网上购物的人通常会选择货到付款。

    People who buy things from the internet usually prefer COD .

  7. 他接着说,这些叛乱分子一般要求货到付款。

    The rebels , he added , demand cash on delivery .

  8. 支持全球货到付款备注:本公司远程教育;

    Support of the Global Delivery Note : Our distance education ;

  9. 如果你不信任你的客户,你可以选择货到付款。

    You can choose COD when you are not trust your customers .

  10. 请邮送这只大衣箱,货到付款。

    Please send this trunk C . O . D .

  11. 为客户在日本生活,货到付款提供。

    For customers living in Japan , Cash on Delivery is offered .

  12. 我们的付款条件是货到付款。

    Our terms of payment are cash on delivery .

  13. 我们坚持货到付款,不打任何折扣。

    We insist on payment in cash on delivery without allowing any discount .

  14. 对方付费电话;由收件人付款的信;货到付款的包裹。

    A collect call ; the letter came collect ; a cod parcel .

  15. 我想我还是货到付款好了,我可以多等等。

    I think I want to have it COD , I can wait .

  16. 其余的2/3交易都是货到付款或者邮政汇款。

    The remainder are paid with cash on delivery or post office transfers .

  17. 好便宜啊!货到付款这其中难道没有什么猫腻?

    What a cheap ! COD : Collect On Delivery What 's the catch ?

  18. 我们有货到付款的制度,所以你可以在家里收了货再付款。

    We have a cash-on-delivery system , so you can make your payment at home .

  19. 我们可以用货到付款的方式寄,你也可以用信用卡付钱。

    We can send it C. O. D. or you can pay by credit card .

  20. 你要我用“货到付款”的方式寄给你,还是现在付?

    Would you prefer to send the package c.o.d.or do you want to pay now ?

  21. 以现金支付、私人支票支付以及货到付款的货物。

    Shipments paid for by cash or personal check , or shipped Cash on Delivery .

  22. 不用,他们用“货到付款”的方式寄。

    No , they 're sending them C.O.D.

  23. 如果因发货人的要求采取货到付款的货物,所有即期汇票必须有各自的出口商的签名。

    Charges'demand draft must be issued in the name and favour of the respective exporter .

  24. 你用“货到付款”的方式寄包裹吗?

    Did he send the package c.o.d. ?

  25. 我们的贸易是严格执行现金买卖的,因此不能给予货到付款的方便。

    Ours is a strictly cash business and we have on facilities for send goods cod .

  26. 你们是货到付款吗?

    Is the payment by COD ?

  27. 为此他愿意每台出价500美元,货到付款,现金结账。

    For that he was willing to pay about $ 500 apiece , cash on delivery .

  28. 货到付款更是不支持了。

    Delivery is not supported .

  29. 因我方付款条件一直是预付现款,故不能给予先行装运、货到付款的方便。

    Since our term is always cash in advance , we have on facilities for cod shipment .

  30. 邮寄货到付款的包裹。

    Mail a package C.O.D. .