
zhēn cāo
  • chastity;virginity;loyalty;moral integrity;chastity or virginity
贞操 [zhēn cāo]
  • (1) [chastity or virginity]∶坚贞的节操

  • (2) [moral integrity]∶指女子不失身,不改嫁的道德

贞操[zhēn cāo]
  1. 论贞操权的民法保护

    On the Protection to the Right of Chastity in Civil Law

  2. 贞操是从丰富的爱情中生出来的财富。

    Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love .

  3. 就是她告诉我肯特郡女公爵和巧克力贞操带的故事。

    The one who told me about the chocolate chastity belt .

  4. 封建观念堂皇化:宣传封建贞操观;

    On the Feudal Landlord Economy 2 . Glorifying the feudal idea .

  5. 目前在西方国家,贞操带在小范围内有所流行。

    Chastity belt is popular in small scope in present western countries .

  6. 不同的社会历史阶段有不同的贞操观念。

    They have different chastity ideas in the different social history stages .

  7. 贞操是从丰富的爱情中产生出来的资产。

    The chastity is a property which produces from the rich love .

  8. 诋毁妇女贞操是破坏妇女名誉的行为。

    An imputation against a woman 's chastity is defamatory .

  9. 贞操与生存:民国时期天津贫民性行为失范现象探析

    Probe into Sexual Anomie of Paupers in Tianjin in the Republic of China

  10. 他最后总结出的观点是:慈善胜于贞操。

    He wound up with the idea that charity was better than chastity .

  11. 新文化运动中关于贞操问题的讨论

    The Discussion on Chastity in the New Cultural Movement

  12. 我们已经说过,芳汀就是欢乐,芳汀也就是贞操。

    We have said that Fantine was joy , she was also modesty .

  13. 当前社会贞操观的思考

    Reflection of Chastity View in Current Society

  14. 试论侵害贞操权的民法救济

    Civil Succor to Right of Chastity Infringed

  15. 报告说警察滥用职权,强迫妇女做贞操检查以及使人联想起塔里班时期的限制。

    It speaks of police abuse , forced chastity tests and restrictions reminiscent of the Taleban .

  16. 师范类大学生看待女性贞操问题的调查

    A Survey on the Viewpoint about the Female Virtue Among the Students in Yanbei Normal University

  17. 五四思想界对封建贞操观的批判

    Critique of the Feudal View of Virtue from the Ideological Field in the May Fourth Movement

  18. 我酩酊大醉,就在一间地下酒吧表演还把我的贞操献给了一个自以为是的混蛋

    I succumbed to inebriation , performed at a speakeasy and surrendered my virtue to a self-absorbed ass.

  19. 第四章、男女社交与贞操文化的演变及历史局限。

    Chapter four , social contact between male and female and development and history limitations of virgin culture .

  20. 当时先进的知识分子从自由和平等的高度对封建贞操观进行了猛烈的抨击与鞭挞,具有着鲜明的时代特色。

    The progressive intellectuals forcefully deprecated and castigated the feudal view of virtue in terms of liberty and equality .

  21. 罗马的男子认为,妻子的贞操已经由于他对妻子有生杀之权而得到了充分的保证。

    A Roman considered that his power of life and death over his wife sufficiently guaranteed her conjugal fidelity .

  22. 如果我美妙神圣的贞操得以保存,不用感激我。

    If my wonderful , beautiful , marvelous virtue is still intact , it 's no thanks to me .

  23. 传统道德观念对商品法制观念的扭曲&贞操权初探

    A Distortion of the Commodity Awareness of the Legal System by Traditional Moral Ideas & Preliminary Study of Chastity Right

  24. 贞操是人类历史发展到一定阶段的产物,属于历史的范畴。

    The chastity is the outcome that mankind 's history develops a certain stage , It belongs to historical category .

  25. 在近代中国,比较全面地深刻批判封建贞操观,是在五四新文化运动时期。

    In modern China , the feudal view of virtue was severely criticized during the May Fourth New Literary Movement .

  26. 爱情,当它到了它的绝对高度时,常搀和着一种使人莫名其妙把贞操观念抛向九霄云外只一味盲从的感情。

    Love , at the height where it is absolute , is complicated with some indescribably celestial blindness of modesty .

  27. 目的:比较分析雁北师院大学生对爱情观及贞操观的认识态度。

    To analyse and compare the attitude and understanding of love view and chastity view of the students in Yanbei University .

  28. 橙色的花朵贞操和纯洁,和百合的山谷中,象征着“重返幸福的”。

    Orange blossoms for chastity and purity , and the lilies of the valley symbolizing " a return of happiness " .

  29. 对浙江首例贞操权案件中的刑事附带民事诉讼之我见

    Opinion about Civil Claim Annexed to A Criminal Case in the First Case of the Right of Virginity in Zhejiang Province

  30. 作者希望通过对贞操权及其法律保护的探讨,以明确贞操权的概念和对其进行保护。

    The author of this paper hopes to mahe clear the concept of virginity rights and the necessary protection of it .