
  • David Beckham;Victoria Beckham;David Robert Joseph Beckham
  1. 英格兰队主教练将任命新队长,接替受伤的大卫·贝克汉姆。

    The England manager will be naming a new captain , to replace the injured David Beckham

  2. 当大卫·贝克汉姆、乔治·克鲁尼和休·杰克曼等名人纷纷“粉墨登场”时,越来越多的男性乐意尝试化妆品。

    When celebrities like David Beckham , George Clooney and Hugh Jackman wore makeup , more and more men were willing to give makeup a shoot .

  3. 在下半场,贝克汉姆因犯规被罚下场。

    Beckham was sent off for a foul in the second half .

  4. 下半场贝克汉姆膝盖受伤被换下。

    Beckham was substituted in the second half after a knee injury .

  5. 贝克汉姆穿了一件抢眼的紫绿两色套装。

    Beckham wore a fetching outfit in purple and green .

  6. 例如,当你决定在多佛街上最高端的零售店维多利亚·贝克汉姆(VictoriaBeckham)付款时,你不会去任何收银台。

    At the most cutting-edge retail stores — Victoria Beckham on Dover Street , for instance — you don 't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay .

  7. 该哲学理论的创立者、剑桥大学教授安迪·马丁对贝克汉姆存在主义的描述为“留着超酷发型的存在主义”。

    Described by its creator , Cambridge professor Andy Martin , Becksistentialism is " existentialism , but with a very cool haircut . "

  8. 加雷斯·贝尔和皇家马德里都不算什么,今年足球界最引人瞩目的事件是贝克汉姆存在主义,这是小贝移居巴黎启发出来的一门新哲学。

    Forget Gareth Bale and Real Madrid , the biggest unveiling in football this year is Becksistentialism , a new philosophy inspired by David Beckham 's move to Paris .

  9. 马丁的这一理论概念基于对贝克汉姆转会至巴黎圣日耳曼队后状况的一番假设:假如他突然受到萨特、普鲁斯特、加缪等法国存在主义大师启发,并遭遇个人存在危机,他会怎么办?

    Martin 's concept imagines what would happen if Beckham had been hit by a sudden existentialist crisis after encountering the views of Sartre , Proust and Camus in Paris ' intellectual scene , following his transfer to Paris Saint-Germain .

  10. 其中一篇文章说贝克汉姆意识到:“是的,我要当一名拯救者。这是我能够做到的。仅仅做一名优秀的足球运动员是不够的。我还得拯救全世界,向全世界传播足球的福音。”

    Yes , that 's what I wanted to be . What I still could be . It is not enough to be a great footballer . I have to go and save the world . To spread the gospel of football . " ( Source : The Independent )

  11. 捷豹路虎还聘请了歌手维多利亚贝克汉姆(VictoriaBeckham)帮助宣传该车型。

    It has recruited Victoria Beckham , the singer , to help promote the model .

  12. 就像英国《太阳报》(TheSun)在关于贝克汉姆夫人纽约时装秀的报道中说的:“哈珀·贝克汉姆抢了时装秀的风头。”

    As the British newspaper The Sun put it in its report about Ms. Beckham 's New York Fashion Week show : " Harper Beckham steals show . "

  13. 贝克汉姆在飞机上非常想吃这道美食,于是便在小吃店Tony'sPieandMashShop下了单。

    Beckham was desperate to enjoy the dish on board and he ordered it from Tony 's Pie and Mash Shop .

  14. 34岁的贝克汉姆在上周日AC米兰以1比0战胜切沃的比赛中跟腱受伤,之后在第一时间飞往芬兰求助一位世界顶级名医。

    The 34-year-old suffered the injury in AC Milan 's 1-0 win over Chievo on Sunday and flew to Finland for an operation performed by one of the world 's top specialists .

  15. 这一组标语T是为了支持日本灾后重建而设计的,均出自包括维多利亚•贝克汉姆(音译)和LadyGaga(音译)在内的多位明星之手。

    This is a line of slogan T-shirts designed by celebrities including Victoria Beckham and Lady Gaga to support recovery efforts in earthquake-stricken Japan .

  16. 贝嫂公开护肤的昂贵开支时,贝克汉姆也启动了自己第一个全球风格塑造品牌HOUSE99,这个品牌中包含21件新产品,可用来挑战任何风格。

    The details of Posh 's extravagant beauty regime were revealed as David Beckham unveiled the launch of his first global grooming brand , HOUSE 99 , a complete collection of 21 innovative products to conquer every style ambition .

  17. 西蒙・福勒(SimonFuller)也加入了贝克汉姆和帝亚吉欧就HaigClub的合作。福勒一手打造了《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)真人选秀节目,并曾经是流行音乐组合“辣妹”(SpiceGirls)的经纪人。

    Mr. Beckham and Diageo are joined in the Haig Club partnership by Simon Fuller , creator of the American Idol franchise and former manager of pop group the Spice Girls .

  18. 也许维多利亚·贝克汉姆足够火辣,也许谢丽尔·科尔在娱乐界最为烫手,但是JK罗琳却是英国最具影响力的女性。

    Victoria Beckham may be Posh and Cheryl Cole the hottest ticket in showbiz but JK Rowling is our most influential woman .

  19. 大卫&12539;贝克汉姆(DAVIDBECKHAM)自去年挂靴退役以来尝试了一系列新玩意,包括一个香水系列,以及购买一支大联盟足球队的计划。

    David Beckham has been trying out a series of new plays since retiring from soccer last year , including a line of fragrances and plans to buy a major league soccer club .

  20. 周六,维多利亚这位时尚设计师在Instagram上传了一张甜蜜的全家福,庆祝他和贝克汉姆结婚16周年。

    The fashion designer took to Instagram on Saturday to celebrate her and David 's 16th wedding anniversary with a sweet family photo .

  21. 这场演唱会由LadyGaga组织,你会看到保罗·麦卡特尼、史提夫·汪达、比莉·艾利什和莉佐的表演,大卫·贝克汉姆等非音乐人士也会出现。

    Curated by Lady Gaga , the festival promises performances from Paul McCartney , Stevie Wonder , Billie Eilish and Lizzo , as well as appearances from non-musicians like David Beckham .

  22. 5年来,这项运动如雨后春笋般迅速流行开来,我与莱昂内尔•梅西(LionelMessi)和内马尔(Neymar)一起拍过广告,与大卫•贝克汉姆(DavidBeckham)一起出席活动。

    The sport 's popularity has mushroomed over the past five years and I 've shot adverts with Lionel Messi and Neymar and done events with David Beckham .

  23. 11月27日,大卫·贝克汉姆从英国女王手中接过了英帝国士官勋章(OBE)。

    David Beckham received his OBE ( Officer of the Order of the British Empire ) from the Queen on November 27 .

  24. 贝克汉姆和RM的合同在本赛季末就将结束,在卡佩罗手下成为边缘人物的他看起来一定会离开皇家马德里。

    Beckham is out of contract at the end of the season and looks certain to leave Real Madrid where he has found himself a fringe player this season under new boss Fabio Capello .

  25. 前几日,贝克汉姆家三公子布鲁克林(Brooklyn),罗密欧(Romeo),科鲁兹(Cruz)在HomeDepotCenter球场与父亲共同庆祝洛杉矶银河队卫冕大联盟冠军。

    As previously reported by GossipCenter , David , along with their three sons Brooklyn , Romeo and Cruz , were at the Home Depot Center basking in the glory of the 37-year-old soccer stud 's second MLS championship title .

  26. 运营哈珀·贝克汉姆时尚网站的阿纳斯塔西娅·麦德弗德娃(AnastasiaMedvedeva)是旧金山湾区的一位博主。

    The person who runs the Harper Beckham fashion site , Anastasia Medvedeva , is a blogger based in the San Francisco Bay Area .

  27. 吉尔伯特住在英国一家养老机构,为了进行此次拍摄,她戴上了专门定制的瓦伦蒂诺眼镜、维多利亚•贝克汉姆的上衣、TheRow的裤子、德赖斯•范诺顿外套、思琳的鞋和浪凡的项链。

    Gilbert lives in an assisted-living facility in England , and for her shoot she wore bespoke Valentino glasses , a blouse by Victoria Beckham and The Row pants over a Dris Van Noten coat , with shoes by Celine and a necklace by Lanvin .

  28. 巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部主席阿尔赫莱菲(NasserAl-Khelaifi)说,贝克汉姆“是一个非常成熟的球员,我相信他将给球队增加不少价值”。

    Beckham ' is a very proficient player . I 'm sure he will add much value to the team , ' said club President Nasser Al-Khelaifi .

  29. 大卫•贝克汉姆和奥兰多•布鲁姆分列第五、六位,紧随其后的分别为《绯闻女孩》男星爱德•维斯特维克、排在音乐排行榜上大热的JLS组合、裘德•洛和伊万•麦格雷格。

    David Beckham was fifth , followed by Orlando Bloom , Gossip Girl 's Ed Westwick , chart-toppers JLS , Jude Law and Ewan McGregor .

  30. 贝克汉姆还将再参加两场比赛,一场是他效力的巴黎圣日耳曼队(ParisSaint-Germain)周六主场对阵布雷斯特队(Brest)的比赛,另一场是下周赴洛里昂(Lorient)的比赛。

    Beckham 's career will last two more games , concluding with Paris Saint-Germain 's home game against Brest on Saturday and its trip to Lorient next week .