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gǔ lì
  • grain;corn
谷粒 [gǔ lì]
  • [corn] 用作粮食的各种禾谷类植物的任一种种子

谷粒[gǔ lì]
  1. 首先把v形皮带挂到缝纫机皮带轮上。谷粒推运螺旋皮带轮

    Put the V belt on the pulley of the sewing machine . pulley for main grain auger

  2. 精米中Cd累积量仅为谷粒Cd累积量的30%左右。

    Cd in milled rice was about 30 % of total amount of Cd accumulated in grain .

  3. 母鸡啄食地上的谷粒。

    The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground .

  4. 谷粒儿很饱。

    The grains are quite plump .

  5. ~(32)P、~(14)C在杂交水稻分蘖和穗中的分布与谷粒产量的关系

    Relationship between grain yield and ~ ( 32 ) p , ~ ( 14 ) c distribution in tiller and panicle of f_1 Hybrid Rice

  6. 优质稻育种和高产栽培的生理研究&Ⅰ.优质稻对~(32)P的吸收、分配与分蘖特性和谷粒产量

    Studies on Small Grain Rice Physiology in Breeding and Culture & ⅰ . Relationship Between Absorption , Distribution of ~ ( 32 ) P and Characteristics of Tillers and Grain Yield

  7. 利用DH群体定位水稻谷粒外观性状的QTL

    Quantitative Trait Loci for Grain Appearance Traits of Rice Using a Doubled Haploid Population

  8. 水稻植株地上部分各器官中~(32)P主要集中在穗部谷粒中,其放射性比活度和总活度均为最高。籽粒放射性比活度约为营养器官的1.5~5倍。

    4.32P tracer experiment indicated that 32P was concentrated in seeds , both their radioactivity and specific activity are highest , about 1.5 ~ 5 times higher than that of vegetative organs in different cultivars .

  9. 水稻不同粒位小穗轴的超微结构差异及其CaM活性的细胞化在下垂的大穗里结有黄色谷粒的粟。

    Ultra-Structural Changes of the Vascular Bundles and CaM Immuno-Gold Localization at Phloem Cells among Different Positional Rachillae within a Rice Panicle millet having yellow grains in large drooping spikes .

  10. 另外,将不同QTL进行组合可以产生不同的谷粒形状,在育种上可以培育出满足不同喜好消费者对谷粒外观的要求。

    In addition , combinations of different QTLs produced diverse grain shapes , which provide the ability to breed more varieties of rice to satisfy consumer preferences .

  11. 在结实的前中期,谷粒中ABA、GA(1+3)的含量基本上均是穗上部谷粒高于穗下部谷粒。

    At the early grain-filling stage , the ABA and GA1 + 3 contents in the developing grains were higher in the upper than in the lower part of the panicle .

  12. 喷施BA显著地降低杂交稻空壳粒和增加谷粒重量。

    The treatment of spray of BA on the decrease in number of empty grain in hybrid rice was clearly affected , the weights of grain can be more increased also by BA .

  13. 对照水稻感染稻曲病的谷粒数显著高于处理,这表明UV-B辐射能直接抑制病菌生长或增强水稻对病菌的耐受性。

    The diseased grains per panicle of control were significantly higher than UV-B treatment , this suggested a direct harmful effect of UV-B on pathogens or reduced susceptibility of UV-B exposed plants to pathogens .

  14. 林鸿萱说GW2基因可能通过调控细胞分裂周期来影响谷粒尺寸。

    He said the GW2 gene might affect grain size by regulating the cell division cycle .

  15. 促进干物质的累积,从而提高了谷粒产量其中10mg/kgPDJ喷雾处理,提高了单株产量16.7%,差异显著;

    So as to improve grains yield . Of all teatments , 10mg / kg PDJ spraying treatment with 16 . 7 % increase of the yield per stem is significance ;

  16. 水稻粒型(谷粒的长度、宽度及长宽比)是受多个数量性状基因(QTL)控制的复杂性状,对水稻产量和品质都有影响。

    The grain shape , including grain length , grain width and a length / width ratio , is complex trait controlled by QTL , which may have an effect on both grain yield and quality in rice .

  17. 条件相关分析结果表明,不同发育时期谷粒重与最终谷粒重的相关是有差异的,谷粒充实的后半段(15d~30d)早季以条件显性相关为主,而晚季以条件加性相关为主。

    Analysis on conditional genetic relation showed that there existed difference in the relation between grain weight at different stages and final grain weight between early and late seasons .

  18. 当科学家们开发出一种过度表达GIF1基因的转基因品种时,这种水稻比正常植株拥有更大和更沉的谷粒。

    When the researchers developed a transgenic rice strain which over-expressed the GIF1 gene , the plants had larger and heavier grains than normal strains .

  19. 糙米和精米的NIR分析效果优于谷粒,可用来分析上述品质性状;谷粒则可用于直链淀粉含量、蛋白质含量的分析。

    Among the rice grain , brown rice , milled rice and powder of milled rice , the analytical NIRS results obtained from brown rice and milled rice were better than that of rice grain which was suitable for analyze amylose content or protein content analysis .

  20. 抽穗前15d至抽穗期进行遮光、缺水或抽穗前15d剪根处理均使谷壳面积减小和谷粒充实度降低,千粒重显著下降;

    Compared with CK , Shading and water stress treatments during hull formation stage or root-cutting treatment on the 15th days before heading would result in obvious decrement of hull area , grain plumpness and grain weight .

  21. 以上结果表明水稻GS5基因的变异与水稻谷粒大小多样性有关,该变异的发现有利于提高水稻产量,也可能对其他作物增产有帮助。

    The results suggest that natural variation in GS5 contributes to grain size diversity in rice and may be useful in improving yield in rice and , potentially , other crops .

  22. dl-x(t)影响谷粒大小与dl略有不同,但均与小粒基因紧密连锁,或是一因多效所引起的。

    There were some differences in influencing grain size between dl and dl-x ( t ) . The genes of dl and dl-x ( t ) were tightly linked to genes of small rounded grain or had pleiotropism effect for small rounded grain .

  23. 结果表明,R955在播种至抽穗天数、千粒重、籽粒体积、株型和谷粒着芒特性等性状上与ID3等5个已知矮秆基因的多蘖矮源明显不同。

    The results indicated that the traits including days from sowing to heading , 1000 grain weight , grain volume , plant type and awn growing character were obviously different from those of the 5 tiller dwarfs such as ID 3 , which were known for their dwarfing genes .

  24. 谷粒在两胶辊间的受力情况分析

    An Analysis into Stress on the Grains Between Two Rubber Rolls

  25. 三系杂交水稻谷粒性状的遗传及相关分析

    Genetic and Correlation Analysis of Grain Characters in Three-line Hybrid Rice

  26. 在长刚毛的长穗里生有橙色到带有红色谷粒的粟。

    Millet having orange to reddish grains in long bristly spikes .

  27. 杂交水稻谷粒性状三种不育胞质遗传效应的分析

    Genetic Analysis of 3 Kinds CMS on Grain Traits in Hybrid Rice

  28. 稍重些的谷粒都沉在底下。

    The heavier parts of the grain will settle to the bottom .

  29. 粳稻谷粒不同水分含量对整精米率的影响

    Effect of rice moisture content on the rate of whole milled rice

  30. 水稻谷粒的力学性能及脱粒损伤机理研究

    Research on Mechanical Properties and Threshing Damage Mechanism of Grain