
pǔ xì
  • pedigree;ancestry
谱系 [pǔ xì]
  • (1) [pedigree]

  • (2) 家谱上的系统

  • (3) 物种变化的系统

谱系[pǔ xì]
  1. 民族传统体育文化的价值冲突与话语谱系的内在紧张

    The Value Conflicts and Internal Tension of Utterance Ancestry in Traditional Sport

  2. 本年度提名的几位学者的学术谱系都可以追溯到十年前我们提名的那一批经济学家那里。

    Several of the scholars in this year 's batch trace their intellectual ancestry back to those we picked ten years ago .

  3. 当按区和区内半同胞家系对数据作谱系分析时,我们发现分化很厉害。

    When the data were analyzed hierarchically by regions and half-sib families in regions , considerable differentiation was found .

  4. 淋巴结内外弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤分化谱系及异质性的比较性研究

    Comparative study of heterogeneity of extranodal and nodal diffuse large B cell lymphoma

  5. 锅柄式PCR及其在混合谱系白血病基因断裂区中的应用

    Panhandle PCR and its Application in Mixed-Lineage Leukemia Genomic Breakpoint Cloning

  6. 通过构造loop代数,得到了一个新的谱系的可积耦合。

    Integrable couplings of a new hierarchy is obtained through the construction of a loop algebra .

  7. 由于谱系相同,Java语言和C具有内置类型也不足为奇。

    Given their lineage , it 's not surprising that both the Java language and C # do , as well .

  8. 再发育成终未成熟细胞的。发育过程中,向B细胞发育的前体细胞逐渐失去向其他谱系发育的潜能,B细胞谱系特征性基因开始表达。

    During the development , progenitors committed toB lineage loss the ability to develop to other lineages , and B lineage specific genes are expressed .

  9. 建立了一个新的loop代数G,由此得到GJ谱系的可积耦合。

    A new loop algebra G is established to obtain integrable coupling of GJ hierarchy .

  10. On-demandWeb服务On-demand是涵盖宽谱系的On-demand消息的一部分。

    Web services on-demand is a subset of the on-demand message which covers a wide spectrum .

  11. 与三维网格模型的K均值聚类分割、点云模型的谱系聚类分割的实验结果比较证实了这一点。

    This is supported by the comparison with the results of hierarchical clustering segmentation of point cloud model and K-Means clustering segmentation of mesh model .

  12. CML患者胸腺近期输出功能和TCRVβ谱系利用特点

    Recent Thymic Output Function and TCR V β Repertoire Usage in Patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

  13. 这家酿酒业巨头煞费苦心地给予ShockTop一种精酿啤酒特有的感觉,但喜欢较真的人会说,百威英博的公司谱系决定了它酿制不出口味纯正的精酿啤酒。

    The company takes pains to give shock top a craft sensibility , though sticklers would say that its corporate pedigree disqualifies it as a true craft beer .

  14. 以随机扩增多态DNA分析,搞清楚了北京动物园饲养朱鹮种群的亲缘关系,制定出朱鹮人工种群谱系图。

    In this paper , we study the kin relationship of captive population on Crested Ibis by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis in Beijing Zoo , and establish the map of pedigree .

  15. 可能是不同组织的微环境中含有不同的因子,促进进入不同组织的MSCS获得靶组织的表型,向不同谱系分化。

    It is probably because certain factors in the microenvironment are necessary for MSCs to differentiate into target cell lineages .

  16. 指出在建立矿床时间谱系时,定性的成矿学分析和定量的GIS途径相结合的必要性,并指出矿床时间谱系与空间谱系的有机联系。

    The authors emphasize the necessity to combine qualitative ore-forming analysis with quantitative GIS methods , and point out the inherent relation between the time spectrum and the spatial spectrum of mineral deposits .

  17. 而来自北线的谱系仅仅包含了9%和1.2%的东亚人群Y染色体和mtDNA。

    Contrarily , the northern-road lineages encompassed only 9 % and 1.2 % of East Asian Y chromosome and mtDNA .

  18. 对ROS的概念进行了阐述,并介绍了确定谱系分级因子的标准以及主要的应用目的。

    The concept of ROS is discussed in this paper , describing standard defining opportunity factors and introducing its main using purposes .

  19. 本实验室应用蛋白质组学技术,成功构建了MII期卵母细胞蛋白表达谱系。

    Our lab successfully constructed the protein expression lineage of mouse MII oocytes through proteomics technology .

  20. IL-2体外诱导健康人外周血T细胞TCRβ链CDR3谱系漂移的研究

    Complementarity-determining region 3 analysis of T cell receptor beta chain variable region in peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultured with interleukin-2

  21. NMO谱系病和非NMO谱系病除了NMO-IgG阳性率的不同外,在临床表现中还有很多不同点。

    Besides the seropositivity of NMO-IgG , NMO spectrum and non-NMO spectrum show differences in clinical manifestations .

  22. 优势谱系为L1和L3,它们分别拥有6个和15个单元型,其菌株数分别占总数的41.09%和46.51%。

    Of these lineages , L1 and L3 were dominate lineages with 6 and 15 haplotypes , whose total 41.09 % and 46.51 % respectively .

  23. 分子进化与系统发育的基本关系就是在DNA水平探索生物进化的原因和机制,以生物大分子的信息推断生物进化的历史,重建系统谱系关系。

    The basic purposes of the study of the molecular evolution and phylogeny are to explore the mechanism of evolution of an organism at DNA level and to deduce the evolutionary history from that biological information in the form of a phylogenetic relationship .

  24. 虽然JSON的应用靠近文档-数据谱系中的数据一端,也可用结构文本格式处理文档色彩较浓的微格式。

    While we 'll use JSON to approach from the data end of the document-to-data spectrum , you can use structured text formats to handle microformats with document-colored glasses on .

  25. 巢蛋白和阶段特异性胚胎抗原-1在O-2A谱系细胞中的表达

    The Expression of Nestin and Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens-1 in O-2A Lineage Cells

  26. 本文利用rep-PCR指纹分析方法研究了我国北方部分稻区稻瘟病菌的单元型(haplotype)和谱系(lineage)。

    Haplotypes and lineages of rice blast fungus from some rice growing regions in northern China were studied by using rep PCR DNA fingerprinting method .

  27. 结论:MBA-1细胞具有一定的成骨性谱系细胞特性,提示为成骨细胞的前体细胞。

    Conclusion : MBA-1 cell is a kind of osteoblast precursors with partly osteoblastic phenotypes .

  28. 结论:ITP患者外周血T细胞TCRVβ基因谱系呈限制性表达,与其存在细胞免疫功能异常有关。

    CONCLUSION : The restricted expression of TCR V β subfamilies is one of the T-cell immune features in patients with ITP , indicating that it may be related to the disorder of cellular immune function in ITP .

  29. 目的探讨产单核细胞李斯特菌(Lm)的actA基因3′末端核苷酸序列作为其遗传谱系分析的可能性,及中国与美国的Lm分离株遗传进化的关系。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility of actA gene as a marker for lineage classification of Listeria monocytogenes ( Lm ) and the genetic and evolutionary relation between Chinese strains and US strains .

  30. 我国关于自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的医学研究始于上世纪80年代初,但自闭症谱系障碍儿童行为特征和干预方面的研究不过短短十几年的历史。

    Research on the autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ) in China began in the early 80s , while the studies on ASDs ' behavioral characteristics and early intervention have a just short 10 year history .