
liú lí zhì pǐn
  • color glazed earthenware
  1. 山西琉璃制品产业现状及发展思考

    Thinking on the Current Situation and Development of Glassware Industry in Shanxi

  2. 金黄色金属光泽釉在琉璃瓦制品上的应用研究

    The use of golden METAL-LUSTROUS glaze on glazed tile

  3. 明初宫廷建筑所用琉璃瓦,在陵墓照壁、宗教庙宇、佛塔供器以及器具饰件中,很多都用到琉璃制品。

    Court building in the early Ming glazed tile used in Zhaobi tomb , religious temples , pagodas , and apparatus for ornaments , many of which are used in glass products .