
pǔ dài
  • band
谱带[pǔ dài]
  1. 同时,观察到压力下N带发光猝灭及谱带窄化现象。

    Meanwhile , luminescence quenching and band narrowing of NX line have been observed under pressure .

  2. CO2分子4.3μ带谱带模型参数的理论计算

    The theoretical calculations of band model parameters for the co_2 4.3 μ m band

  3. 结果表明,供试菌株基因组用Pot2-1和Pot2-2引物共扩增出26条DNA谱带,其中11条为多态性DNA带,各菌株分别扩增出10条左右不等的带谱;

    There are about 10 DNA bands for different isolates .

  4. 火熖中氯化亚铜D、E谱带影响因素的研究

    Influence Factors of D , E Bands of CuCl ~ In Flames

  5. Li2紫色新荧光谱带的观察

    Observation of new violet fluorescent bands in lithium dimer

  6. 玉米种子清蛋白PAGE谱带稳定性及玉米杂交种纯度检验

    The stability of PAGE bands of corn seed albumin and test on purity of corn hybrid

  7. 该酶蛋白结晶呈菱形,PAGE法显示为均一的蛋白谱带。

    The superoxide dismutase was rhombus crystal , PAGE electropherogram showed that it was a homogeneous protein .

  8. C2O分子2.7μ带谱带模型参数和光谱发射率的计算

    The calculation of band model parameters and spectral emissivity for the co_2 2.7 μ band

  9. 用去卷积和高斯曲线拟合的方法解析了水的OH伸缩振动谱带。

    The OH stretching band of water has been resolved by deconvolution and Gaussian curve fitting .

  10. 高温燃气辐射合并宽窄谱带K分布模型

    Combined Wide-Narrow Band CK Model for Radiative Heat Transfer of the Combustion Gas at High Temperature

  11. 因此,我们认为RAPD谱带增加是牡丹品种DNA水平上的一种进化现象。

    So the increase of RAPD bands was the evolutive phenomena based on DNA levels .

  12. 通过8对引物对牡丹基因组DNA进行了检测,共得到了243条谱带,平均多态性比率为80.3%。

    243 loci bands in genome DNA were detected by 8 primer combinations and the average polymorphism ration was 80.3 % .

  13. 但SOD、CAT活性在老化处理未与老化处理种子幼苗之间变化不大。SOD同功酶谱带数目不受人工老化处理影响。

    But SOD and CAT activity did not change much between normal and ageing seedling .

  14. 10条IR谱带的观测和计算频率的平均偏差为1.15%。

    The average error between observed and calculated frequencies of ten IR bands is 1.15 % .

  15. 并在很宽的温度范围内系统地计算了CO2分子4.3μ带的谱带模型参数(S/d)和(1/d)。

    The band model parameters are obtained for 4.3 μ m band of CO2 from 300K to 3000K .

  16. 引物S62和S74在可育和不育基因池中扩增出单条特异性谱带所代表的DNA序列,很可能与不育系的恢复基因连锁。

    The differential main bands produced by primers S 62 and S 74 could be the DNA sequence which links the restoring gene .

  17. 用10个随机引物共扩增出147条RAPD谱带。

    A total of 147 RAPD bands were amplified using 10 random primers .

  18. 红外非活性气体对CO超精细红外谱带吸收系数影响的研究

    The study of effect of IR nonactive gas on the absorption coefficients of the ultra-fine IR bands of carbon monooxide

  19. 从同工酶表达看,SOD的同工酶谱带在不同穗重型品种间无明显差异,且随温度的升高而减弱。

    There were great differences between the isozymes expression of CAT of the different panicle weight type .

  20. 引入贝叶斯理论用以从DNA分子标记的表现型(电泳谱带)推断其基因型(DNA来源)。

    Bayesian theorem is applied to infer DNA molecular marker genotype ( DNA chain type ) from its phenotype ( electrophoresis band type ) .

  21. 受病毒感染SL-1细胞DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳呈典型凋亡细胞DNA梯形电泳谱带。

    Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis of DNA extracted from infected cells showed typical DNA ladder .

  22. 讨论了配合物的UV谱带与主体相比发生红移的原因。

    The reason of red-shift for UV absorption peaks of the complexes compared to that of the host was discussed .

  23. NaCl胁迫对菜豆过氧化物酶同功酶谱带的影响

    The Effect of the NaCl stress on the Isoenzyme Bands of Peroxidase of Four Bean Varieties

  24. 结果表明,6种苜蓿盲蝽属昆虫不同种群的酯酶同工酶(EST)谱带清晰、稳定,且不同种群间有差异;

    The results showed that zymogram of EST is clear , various and stable .

  25. Ar的第三谱带260nm中心谱区光学腔效应的实验观察

    Experimental Observation of the Optical Resonator Effect around 260 nm Central Spectral Region in the Third Continuum of Argon

  26. 嫁接还引起POD同工酶变化,叶片和根系中均有新的谱带出现。

    Moreover , graftage caused a change in isozyme , and new spectrum emerged in leaves and roots .

  27. 鲮鱼DAF和DNA谱带的快速银染检测

    DNA amplification fingerprinting of mud carp ( Cirrhina molitorella ) and fast silver staining of DNA profiles

  28. 细胞DNA分析表明耐药细胞在30h出现典型的凋亡谱带;

    DNA analysis show that the typical apoptotic ladder at 30h in resistant cells ;

  29. 在早期发育过程中,EST同工酶系最为复杂,显示5&15条谱带,至少由6个位点编码;

    EST was the most complicated isozyme and might be coded by at least 6 loci .

  30. 三角紫叶酢浆草也出现2条谱带,迁移率(Rf)分别为0.419和0.484。

    St. Hil . also had 2 isozyme bands of R_f 0.419 and 0.484.The POD activities of Oxalis corymbosa DC and Oxalis triangularis A.