
  • 网络Andy Xie
  1. 按照中国经济学家谢国忠(AndyXie)的说法,中国固定资产投资已经占到GDP的65%。

    According to the Chinese economist Andy Xie , fixed asset investment has reached 65 per cent of GDP .

  2. 前摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席亚洲经济学家、现居上海的谢国忠(AndyXie)表示:中国房地产市场是一个巨大的泡沫。

    China 's property market is a massive bubble , says Andy Xie , former Morgan Stanley chief Asian economist , based in Shanghai .

  3. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)前亚洲首席经济学家谢国忠(AndyXie)就是较为看空的人士之一。他认为,全球经济增长已步入经济减速的延伸期。

    One of the more bearish voices is Andy Xie , former Morgan Stanley chief Asia economist , who believes that the global economy has begun a protracted deceleration .

  4. 许多商品和服务的消费者价格都在以两位数的速度上涨,独立策略师、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)前亚洲经济学家谢国忠(AndyXie)表示。

    Consumer prices are rising at double-digit rates in so many products and services , says Andy Xie , an independent strategist and former Morgan Stanley economist for Asia .

  5. 曾供职摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的独立经济学家谢国忠(AndyXie)认为,奥运相关措施导致的一些增长放慢对中国经济的总体影响并不大。

    Andy Xie , an independent economist formerly with Morgan Stanley , estimates the effect of the Olympic slowdown on China 's overall economy is likely to be small .

  6. 同年,波士顿的投资公司GMO的爱德华•钱思乐和独立经济学家谢国忠也开始预言中国经济将出现硬着陆。

    Edward Chancellor at GMO in Boston and independent economist Andy Xie also began predicting that year that China would soon stumble .

  7. 谢国忠同样低估了中国居民的收入,如果你对这点持有疑问,可以看看去苹果Apple,星巴克Starbuck,耐克Nike咄咄逼人的扩展计划以及他们在中国市场获得的巨大利润。

    If you don 't trust me about that , ask Apple , Starbucks and Nike why they have aggressive growth plans for China and already make huge profits there .

  8. 上海经济学家谢国忠(andyxie)辩称,投机的根源在于实际利率为负,这迫使储户寻求其它方式投资。

    Andy Xie , a Shanghai-based economist , argues that the root cause of speculation is negative real interest rates , which forces savers to look for different ways to invest their money .

  9. 谢国忠表示,2009年香港IPO市场的繁荣,在很大程度上是受到大量外来资金的推动。当时,全球投资者利用低利率和美元下跌的机会,加大了对中国市场的投资。

    Mr Xie says the boom in Hong Kong IPOs in 2009 was largely driven by huge inflows of money , as global investors boosted their exposure to China , taking advantage of low interest rates and the falling US dollar .

  10. 相比之下,其他权威分析人士,包括驻上海的独立经济学家谢国忠(andyxie)则表示,香港股市未来数月有可能大幅下挫,因为它们容易受到去年充斥市场的外资突然流出的影响。

    By contrast , other respected analysts , including Andy Xie , an independent economist based in Shanghai , say Hong Kong stocks are likely to fall sharply in coming months as they are vulnerable to a sudden outflow of the foreign funds that flooded the market last year .

  11. 反击“泡沫论”罗奇和谢国忠的错误预测有功吗?

    " bubble theory " erroneous projections meritorious Roche and Xieguozhong ?

  12. 谢国忠:房价下降目标每平米为家庭年收入10%。

    Xieguozhong : price per square metre drop goal for10 % of household income .

  13. 但谢国忠的论调到底有多少可信度?

    But how credible are Xie 's arguments ?

  14. 谢国忠在邮件中写道:“人们把他捧得像个王子似的。”

    Mr Xie wrote : " people fawned on him like a prince . "

  15. 谢国忠是一个独立的经济学家。

    Andy Xie is an independent economist .

  16. 根据谢国忠的观点,弱势美元对全球经济的影响是扩张性的。

    In Xie 's view , the weak dollar was expansionary for the global economy .

  17. 独立经济学家谢国忠说道,如果再不控制物价,北京会面临社会动荡的危险。

    Independent economist , Andy Xie , says Beijing risks unrest if prices are not contained .

  18. 与罗奇一样,谢国忠有着令人印象深刻的履历,是一位备受敬重的经济学家和才智超群的学者。

    Xie , like Roach , is a highly regarded economist with impressive credentials and a fierce intellect .

  19. 不过,谢国忠表示,正是这种过热增长,使中国面临着硬着陆的风险。

    Yet it is precisely this growth , Xie says , that risks a hard landing for China .

  20. 谢国忠和佩蒂斯等经济学家都警告,各国政府在削减经济刺激计划时都必须小心谨慎。

    Economists such as Xie and Pettis warn that governments must move carefully as they wind down stimulus packages .

  21. 谢国忠因对中国经济发表言辞犀利的研究报告,在金融和媒体领域赢得较高威望。

    Mr Xie earned a high profile in financial and media circles for his provocative research notes on the Chinese economy .

  22. 谢国忠表示,美元充斥系统造成流动性泛滥和中国压低人民币汇率交互作用,将产生严重的后果。

    Xie says the combination of US dollars flooding the system with liquidity and China holding its currency down will be potent .

  23. 我个人认为谢国忠过度夸大了高房价和高空置率的危险性。

    Xie overestimates the dangers of high prices and empty apartments , because he wrongly dismisses the role leverage plays in causing bubbles .

  24. 10多年来,目前在上海做独立经济学家的谢国忠一直预言中国经济将遭遇大劫,但最近几个月,奇怪的事情发生了。

    For more than a decade , Xie , now an independent economist based in Shanghai , has been predicting apocalypse for the Chinese economy but in recent months something strange has happened .

  25. 谢国忠表示,两位数、甚至三位数利率的诱惑,吸引投资者把资金投向地下放贷市场或理财产品,而不是股市。

    The lure of double or even triple-digit interest rates has attracted investors to place their money in underground lending markets or wealth management products , rather than in the stock market , says Mr Xie .

  26. 谢国忠表示,国资委及其它政府机构今年以来所采取的行动,已经大大提高了外资银行在华销售衍生品的难度,并将切断一块主要的利润来源。

    Mr Xie says actions taken this year by SASAC and other government bodies have already made selling derivatives in China much more difficult for foreign banks , and would cut off a major source of profits .

  27. 当代年轻人和他们的父辈就像是两个不同世纪的人,谢国忠表示。他们想在大城市定居,而且与其它国家的同龄人一样,期待获得有趣、高薪的工作。

    Today 's young adults and their parents may as well be from different centuries , says Mr Xie . They want to settle down in big cities and have interesting , well-paying jobs – just like their counterparts in other countries .

  28. 来自上海的独立经济学家谢国忠,建议说,刺激消费最快的方法就是政府把自己手中国有企业的股份分给个人,并迫使这些企业加大分红力度。

    Andy Xie , an independent economist based in Shanghai , suggests that the quickest way to boost consumption would be for the government to distribute the shares that it holds in state-owned enterprises to households , and to force those firms to pay larger dividends .