
  • 网络Harmonic Suppression;APF;harmonic attenuation;dBc
  1. 三相H桥三电平逆变器谐波抑制方法

    Harmonic suppression of three-phase three-level inverter with H bridges

  2. 三电平变换器对HVDC系统谐波抑制仿真研究

    Simulation study of three-level convertors for harmonic suppression in HVDC systems

  3. 基于Matlab的电力系统谐波抑制研究

    Research on harmonic restriction for power systems based on Matlab

  4. 可控变流器的谐波抑制与MATLAB仿真

    Harmonic Control of Converter Circuit and Simulation with MATLAB

  5. 基于MATLAB的有源滤波系统谐波抑制与无功补偿的研究

    Study on Harmonics Restraining and Reactive Compensating in Active Filter System Based on Matlab

  6. 按谐波抑制原理形成PWM波的研究

    Study on the Method of Producing PWM Waveforms According to Harmonic-suppressing Theory

  7. PWM逆变器特定消谐式谐波抑制技术的研究

    The Study of Selective Harmonic Elimination Technology in PWM Inverter

  8. PWM晶体管电流型逆变器&感应电动传传动及其谐波抑制

    PWM Transistorized Current Source Inverter & Induction Motor Drive And Harmonic Elimination

  9. LC谐波抑制装置超电流运行的分析

    Analysis of Overcurrent Operation of LC Harmonic Suppression Device

  10. 高压直流(HVDC)输电系统交流侧的谐波抑制

    The Harmonic Compensation on AC Side of HVDC

  11. 通过对三种传统采样方式的比较研究,利用Matlab对其谐波抑制能力进行分析,得出较优方案。

    Through comparative study of the three traditional sampling methods using Matlab for analysis of its ability to suppress harmonics , resulting in better ;

  12. SVC在电铁谐波抑制中的研究

    Study on SVC in Harmonic Suppression of Railway Electrification

  13. 有源电力滤波器(APF)是一种很有发展前景的谐波抑制装置。

    Active power filter ( APF ) is a promising device for harmonic suppression .

  14. 电力有源滤波器(APF)是谐波抑制和无功补偿的先进方法。

    Active Power Filter is a method of harmonic suppression and reactive power compensation .

  15. 为保证敏感负载的高稳定电能供应,提出了一种应用于Z源AC/AC变流器的谐波抑制及稳压算法。

    An algorithm of harmonic elimination and voltage stabilization is proposed for Z-source AC / AC converter to ensure its stable power supply .

  16. 混沌SPWM原理及其谐波抑制特性分析

    Generation of chaos-based SPWM and analysis of its spectral property for suppression of harmonics

  17. 高速发电机;谐波抑制;PWM整流器;移相电抗器;有源电力滤波器;谐波注入;三相四臂逆变器;

    High Speed Generator ; Harmonic Repression ; PWM Rectifier ; Phase-shifting Reactor ; Active Power Filter ; Harmonic Injection ; Three-phase Four-leg Inverter ;

  18. 研究了按谐波抑制原理形成PWM波的原理和规律,指出了存在的问题和解决的方向。

    Through researching the rule of producing PWM waveforms according to Harmonic-suppressing theory , this paper puts forth the existing problem and direction of improving SHE technique .

  19. 这种滤波器的特点是其寄生响应可以通过阻抗比K进行控制,因而增进了谐波抑制性能。

    A prominent feature of this filter is that the spurious response can be controlled by the impedance ratio K of the resonator , thereby the performance for harmonic suppression is improved .

  20. 第四章从谐波抑制措施的角度介绍了几种适合于大型抽水蓄能电站SFC装置的谐波抑制措施;

    In chapter four different harmonics elimination methods applied for bulk : pumped storage power station explained .

  21. 通过LC谐振引入传输零点和在高通滤波器后面级联π型低通滤波器增强谐波抑制。

    Transmission zeros introduced by the LC resonator and cascade a π - type low-pass filter behind of the high-pass filter are adopted to enhance the harmonic suppression .

  22. 采用数字信号处理技术、现代电力电子技术以及先进控制理论的ACconverter与TSF混合型的装置在谐波抑制与无功补偿中显得性价比极高。

    AC converter and TSF that combine power electronic technology , digital signal processing and advance control theory has high cost performance on reactive power compensation and harmonic suppression .

  23. 良好的输入特性,包括高谐波抑制能力和高功率因数是体现UPS高性能、高效率的一个非常重要的指标。

    Good input character , including good harmonic restrain ability and high power factor corrector is a very important purpose to show the high performance and high efficiency of UPS .

  24. 有源功率因数校正技术(PFC)作为一种有效的谐波抑制方法,得到了广泛而深入地研究与应用。

    As an effective way of eliminating high frequency harmonic , active Power Factor Correction ( PFC ) technology has been deeply researched and has broad application .

  25. 遵照LC设计原则进行的实验证明了该串联混合有源电力滤波器具有结构简单,适用频率范围宽,谐波抑制效果好等优点。

    The experiment by the LC design principle verifies that the series hybrid active power filter has characteristics of simple structure , wide frequency range and good harmonic restrain capability .

  26. 与传统并联型APF和PWM整流器相比,它还具有谐波抑制效果好、处理功率容量小的优点。

    It also has the advantages of better performance of suppressing harmonic and smaller power capacity processed by active power switch comparing with traditional shunt APF and pulse width modulation rectifier .

  27. 为了抑制电压型谐波源,利用电感与电容的并联谐振原理,采用变压器和交流电容设计了新的谐波抑制装置&新型LC并联谐振型滤波器。

    For suppressing the voltage harmonic source , a new harmonic suppression device with transformer and AC capacitor is designed , based on the theory of shunt-resonance of inductance and capacitance .

  28. p-q-r法在三相四线制谐波抑制中的应用

    The usage of p-q-r theory in three-phase four-line system for harmonic restraint

  29. 通过比较,本文采用具有优越的高频谐波抑制能力和成本优势的LCL型并网逆变器作为研究对象。

    By comparison , this paper has superior high-frequency harmonic suppression capabilities and cost advantages of LCL-type grid-connected inverter for the study .

  30. 基于等面积原理,提出了一种新型变频器SPWM波形动态递推算法,分析了该波形的频谱特性,讨论了其谐波抑制能力。

    SPWM inverter is widely used in industry . We present a new algorithm for generating SPWM waveform to improve its performance . Our new algorithm is based on area equivalent principle .