
diào yùn
  • Dispatch;allocate and transport
调运 [diào yùn]
  • [allocate and transport] 调拨、运输物资

  • 调运物资

调运[diào yùn]
  1. 基于Petri网的集装箱空箱调运仿真分析

    Simulation of collection and allocation of empty containers based on Petri net

  2. Petri网在物资调运问题中的应用

    The Application of Petri Net in Material Dispatching System

  3. 物资调运过程的PETRI网建模及仿真

    The Petri Nets Model of a Material Dispatch System and the Designing of its Simulator

  4. 三西至华东地区煤炭调运问题的研究&运输模式(径路)的选择(三)T.东写西说(三)

    Study on Transporting Coal From the 3 Western Districts of 3 Provinces Region to the East China the Selection of Transport Modal ( Route )

  5. VRP在大规模物资调运、劳务人员的任务分配等方面具有重要的使用价值。

    The algorithm for VRP is very valuable in the respects of dispatching large quantity goods and assignment tasks for labors .

  6. LPG水上运输是一种既经济又安全的运输方式,其大批量、长距离、低成本的优势使其成为LPG跨区调运的主要运输方式之一。

    LPG shipping is an economical and safe mode of transport , its high-volume , long distance , low-cost advantages make it one of the main mode of inter-regional LPG transportation .

  7. 应用OLAP工具对物流配送调运模型处理后的数据进行分析,辅助企业的管理者对配送计划的制定、配送方案的实施等方面进行有效的决策。

    We also used the tool of OLAP to analyze the data after the dealing of logistics distribution system , and supported the formulation of plan and so on .

  8. 另一辆原型车用飞机从伦敦调运——这部原型车会出现在即将上映的由迈克尔.贝(MichaelBay)执导的《变形金刚》(Transformers)中——但由于航班推迟,错过了发布会开场。

    Another prototype was flown over from London , where it is appearing in a forthcoming Transformers movie directed by Michael Bay , but the flight was delayed , missing the beginning of the show .

  9. 本文就是结合作者在对广西龙滩工程物资设备实时调运指挥系统开发的工作体会,采用基于Agent的建模方法,以Swarm为仿真平台,对供应链管理系统仿真做出的一点探索性的研究。

    The paper used to study the modelling method based on the Agent is combined with the thoughts of my work at the Longtan project , and we take the Swarm as the simulation terrace , using it for the researches into simulating the supply chain management system .

  10. 论述了物资调运的数学模型,并给出了具体算法。

    Discusses the mathematical model and algorithm for material dispatching detailedly .

  11. 水电工程堆石坝料物调运规划与模拟实现

    Material Planning and Transportation Simulation of Rockfill Dam for Hydropower Project

  12. 还在调运10万片氯片剂用于消毒水。

    100000 chlorine tablets are also being sent to disinfect water .

  13. 大型水电工程物资调运建模及算法

    Modeling and Algorithm for Material Dispatching of Large Scale Hydroelectric Project

  14. 随机条件下海运集装箱空箱调运优化问题研究

    The Optimization Research of Sea-bound Empty Container Allocation under Stochastic Conditions

  15. 基于变权的航材调运模糊决策分析

    Fuzzy Decision Analysis Based on Varied Weight for Transportation of Air-materials

  16. 物资调运时间为区间数的最短路问题研究

    Research on the Shortest Path of Material Transportation in Interval Time

  17. 甘肃对承担紧急调运任务的经营户给予运费补贴。

    Gansu also subsidized operators carrying out emergency distribution for freight .

  18. 一种求解粮食调运优化问题的两阶段方法

    Two-stage Optimization Approach for the Problem of Grain Dispatching and Transportation

  19. 地方商务部门也积极协调紧急调运工作。

    Local commerce authorities also actively coordinated the emergency distribution .

  20. 单个需求点军械紧急调运的多层规划模型

    Research on mathematical model of urgency ordnance transport on single requirement point

  21. 军用油料调运优化中的参数值修改法

    Method for Modifying Parameters in Optimizing Military Oil Delivering Plan

  22. 基于多维数据库的集装箱空箱调运优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Empty Container Allocation Based on the Multi-dimensional Database

  23. 分布式物资调运指挥系统流程设计研究

    Research on flow design for distributed material dispatching information system

  24. 大型工程物资调运信息及决策支持系统

    Material dispatching management information and decision support system of large scale project

  25. 确定型多出救点组合应急物资调运决策模型研究

    Research on the decision-making model of emergency materials based on multi-save point

  26. 具有空箱调运需求的海运集装箱超订模型

    Overbooking Model of Ocean Shipping Containers with Empty Containers Transportation

  27. 基于两阶段模型的海运集装箱空箱调运问题研究

    A Study on the Marine Empty Containers Reposition Based on Two-Stage Model

  28. 全国原油调运优化模型

    Optimization Models on the Allocation and Transportation of Crude Oil in China

  29. 计算机物资调运系统的设计与算法

    Design and algorithm for computer system making materials for transport

  30. 飞机起飞调运航路规划、调度与仿真研究

    Research on Path Planning , Scheduling and Simulation of Airplanes