
xǔ yuàn
  • Make a wish;promise;make a vow;make a vow (to a god)
许愿 [xǔ yuàn]
  • (1) [make a vow (to a god)]∶向神祈福,并应允应验后再祭祀答谢

  • (2) [promise]∶事前答应对方给以某种利益

许愿[xǔ yuàn]
  1. 如果你能在椰树林看到绿光的话,赶快许愿吧!你的愿望一定能实现。

    If you can see a beam of green rays in the cocos , make a vow please ! at the moment your dreams must come true !

  2. 传5:4你向神许愿、偿还不可迟延.因他不喜悦愚昧人.所以你许的愿应当偿还。

    When you make a vow to God , do not be late in paying it ; for He takes no delight in fools . Pay what you vow !

  3. 一位哲学家曾说过:“别轻易许愿——你可能会如愿以偿。”

    A philosopher once said , ' Be careful what you wish for ; you might get it . '

  4. 既然许愿就要还愿。

    If you make a promise , you should carry it out . ; Promise is debt .

  5. 说话要算数,不能光许愿不还愿。

    You should keep your word ; you can 't make promises and not keep them .

  6. 政治家们为获取人们的支持而漫天许愿。

    The politicians are bidding for our favour by making wild promises that they can 't keep .

  7. 许愿基金会(MakeaWishFoundation)给罹患末期疾病的孩童们一个美梦成真的机会;

    The Make a Wish Foundation gives terminally ill children a chance to have their dream come true .

  8. 因此当许愿基金会(MakeAWishFoundation)联系他时,他的愿望是能让他的青少年足球队获得特许在他最爱的美国职业足球大联盟踢球。

    So when the Make A Wish Foundation got in touch , his wish was for his youth soccer team to play his favorite MLS franchise .

  9. 结婚underavow发过誓,许愿例句我们发誓永远做朋友。

    We made a vow to stay friends forever .

  10. n.喷泉,喷水�有些人会掷铜币到许愿池里并许个愿,他们相信这些愿望会成真。

    fountain Some people throw coins into fountains and make a wish , believing that their wish will come true .

  11. 为了寻找她想帮助的家庭,L去了当地的学校,要了一张生活在贫困线上的家庭的许愿单。

    To find her " adopted " family , Linda goes to the local schools and requests a wish list for a family that 's struggling to survive .

  12. 火之龙,Nuova,是在悟空还是小孩时,短笛大魔王许愿回复青春时诞生的。

    Nuova Shenron-The Dragon of Fire , Nuova , was born when King Piccolo wished for youth when Goku was a child .

  13. 为了增加公众意识,JAXA正在举行一个“对这月亮许愿”的活动。

    To raise public awareness , JAXA is conducting a " Wish Upon the Moon " campaign that allows people to send brief messages up with the orbiter .

  14. 新年许愿往往不灵,我没说错吧?

    New year is never what you expect , is it ?

  15. 当你向一颗星星许愿。

    Jlmlny crlcket : * when you wish upon a star .

  16. 我想各位或许愿意听一听。

    I thought maybe your people would like to hear it .

  17. 唉许愿需谨慎啊

    Yeah , well , be careful what you wish for .

  18. 你可以像许愿一样这麽做。

    You may do this as many times as you wish .

  19. 向流星许愿会让你梦想成真的。

    Your wish will be granted upon a shooting star .

  20. 我许愿希望我的弟弟从没出生过。

    I wished that my brother had never been born .

  21. 你可以许愿我们都离开这里。

    Y ou could have wished us out of here .

  22. 我向上帝许愿我想说你是错的。

    I wished to God I could sayyou were wrong .

  23. 向闪烁的星星许愿,让你的梦想成真。

    Wish upon a shooting star , make your dream come ture .

  24. 迈克:许愿是否也是你的日程?

    Mike : Oh , are wishes on your itinerary ?

  25. 每一颗星星都是为你闪耀的许愿星。

    Every stars a wishing star that shines for you .

  26. 我许愿宇航员的弟弟能回到他身边。

    I wished the astronaut guy had his brother back .

  27. 来吧,父亲,许愿吧,愿咱们有30000英镑。”

    Go on , Father , wish for thirty thousand pounds ! "

  28. 所以接着许愿!快点!”

    So go on , wish it ! Quick ! '

  29. 但是这并无法用许愿来达成。

    But this is not to be achieved by wishing .

  30. 他们中有许多人用自己的鲜血签订了许愿书。

    Many of them used their own blood to sign the covenant .