
  • order food;Ordering Food;Restaurant.apk
  1. 消防人员赶到后发现,她仅仅是想让他们帮忙订餐。

    When the fire department arrived , they learned that she really just wanted help ordering food .

  2. 如第二张图表所示,受访者表示,他们最常使用移动支付平台的地方是超市和商场,但他们也喜欢使用移动支付平台缴纳公用事业费、订餐、买机票和火车票、外出就餐时支付餐费。

    Respondents said they most often used them for payments in supermarkets and shopping malls , but they are also popular for paying utilities , ordering food , buying travel tickets or eating out , as the second chart shows .

  3. 旅客可以通过在线订餐服务下单,然后在始发站取餐。

    Online food ordering service is also available so that passengers can get their deliveries at their boarding stations .

  4. 但目前针对酒店订餐业的CRM系统却非常少。

    But now very few CRM systems are used for ordering .

  5. PDA在医院订餐管理系统中的应用

    Application of PDA in the Management System of Ordering Meal in the Hospital

  6. 顾客可以通过Android手机下载客户端,实现无线订餐。

    People can download the client into their android mobile and make a wireless order .

  7. 他还提到,曾委托他进行研究的英国订餐网站JUSTEAT正“认真考虑”在外卖中配带音乐。

    He said Just Eat , the online takeaway-ordering company that commissioned his research , was " seriously thinking " about providing music with its food .

  8. 阐述了带有读写卡器的PDA应用于医院订餐管理系统。

    The PDA with reading and writing IC card machine used in the management of ordering meal in the hospital is described .

  9. 该邮件是澳大利亚的麦当劳发给客户,用来推广麦当劳手机app订餐享受75折优惠的活动。

    The email was sent out to customers in Australia to publicise a 25 % discount when they order through the McDonald 's smartphone app .

  10. Anytime还具有其它功能,比如订餐,听音乐以及订餐。

    It also has a number of other features , including being able to order food , listen to music and split a bill .

  11. 在iPhone手机上下载免费的B4YouBoard应用程序,可以在这几个航站楼里的五家合作餐馆里订餐,送到你的登机口。

    Download the free B4 You Board iPhone app to order a meal from one of five participating restaurants throughout the terminals to have a meal delivered to your gate .

  12. w公司成立于2008年12月份,定位于新兴互联网领域&移动互联网,以提供便捷实惠午餐信息和订餐服务为主,目前已经开始步入商业运作阶段。

    Founded in December , 2008 , W Company targets at emerging Internet field-mobile Internet . It mainly engages in offering convenient and affordable lunch information and food ordering service . Now it has entered the stage of business operation .

  13. 日前,阿里巴巴正在扩宽线上线下服务,并推出了手机客户端喵街,这款app能够让消费者了解一系列销售活动,并以60亿人民币投资创建订餐客户端淘点点。

    Alibaba has recently sought to expand in the so-called online-to-offline business with the rolling out of an app called Miaojie which tells consumers about sales and a 6 billion yuan investment in the meal booking app Taodiandian .

  14. 在这儿,你们走进的每个房间都满是雄心勃勃、让人着迷的人,他们也和你一样关心哪家匹萨店可以网上订餐,你们在《使命召唤:黑色行动II》(CallofDuty:BlackOpsII)中杀死僵尸的点数是多少。

    Every room you 've walked into here was filled with ambitious , fascinating people who shared your interests in which pizza places took online orders and what your zombie kill count was in ' Call of Duty : Black Ops II . '

  15. Seamless成立于1999年,当时,纽约律师杰森•芬格和朋友们一起成立了一家外卖订餐服务网SeamlessWeb,主要客户是经常加班到很晚的律师和投资银行家。

    The company got its start in 1999 when New York lawyer Jason finger collaborated with a few friends to start a web-based takeout meal service for the legions of lawyers and investment bankers who routinely worked late .

  16. 不管怎样,上海的上班族们仍会通过O2O订餐。

    Either way , Shanghai 's workers will keep ordering O2O meals .

  17. 百度的地图应用可以让用户约优步(Uber)平台上的车,预定餐厅或酒店,订餐,买电影票,还可以找到所在位置附近几乎所有类型的商铺。

    Baidu 's mapping app lets users order an Uber , reserve a restaurant or hotel , order in food , buy movie tickets and find just about any type of store nearby .

  18. 在线餐厅订餐服务Wi-Q的首席技术官斯图尔特•巴尼特(StuartBarnett)尝试过几家大型数据服务提供商,他表示技术问题通常依靠电子邮件处理。

    Stuart Barnett , chief technology officer of Wi-Q , an online restaurant ordering service , has tried several big providers and says that technical problems are often handled by email .

  19. AzurLodge酒店并非LuxuryLodges协会成员,原因很简单:它不提供晚餐,但员工可从附近多家国际餐厅订餐。

    Azur is not part of the lodges association for the simple reason that it doesn 't serve dinner , but instead staff will order food in from one of the many international restaurants nearby .

  20. 组装线上的工人重复执行一些被明确定义的任务,麦当劳的厨师、收银员和得来速(drive-thru)订餐员也同样如此。

    The assembly line worker repeatedly performs a few tasks that are specifically defined . So does the McDonald 's cook , cashier and drive-thru order taker .

  21. 本文的研究脉络是在对现有订餐系统经营模式相关文献研究的基础上,运用了问卷调查法、德尔菲法及SWOT战略分析法等相关的研究方法。

    Based on the former and present researches , this paper analyzes the feasibility of the internet ordering system in the implementation of enterprise . It adopts the questionnaire and Delphi method , SWOT strategy analysis method and during analyzing the SWOT strategy analysis model is established .

  22. 在春节期间,福临门香港两家酒楼的订餐情况都很不错,而据Chui表示,需求在很大程度上是由到香港过节的大陆食客推动的。

    The chain 's two Hong Kong restaurants are booked solid over the New Year season , and Ms. Chui says demand is largely fueled by mainland Chinese diners holidaying in the city .

  23. 而另外一些,比如点评网站Yelp、旅游网站TripAdvisor、流媒体音乐网站Pandora和订餐平台OpenTable,却在2013年闷声发大财,日子过得颇为滋润。

    But others , like yelp ( yelp ) , TripAdvisor ( trip ) , Pandora ( P ) , and OpenTable ( open ) , are without much fanfare having a great year in 2013 .

  24. 若能利用计算机来扩充电话来电显示的功能,将来电显示模块(CID)加以扩展并与高端CRM系统结合形成针对酒店行业的电话订餐系统,那将有很广阔的应用前景。

    If we can use computers to extend the function of caller ID phone , caller ID module will be expanded and combined with the formation of high-end CRM system for the hotel industry , the telephone ordering system , it will have very broad application prospects .

  25. 我为下十分钟订餐呢。

    I 've been ordering dinner for the last 10 minutes .

  26. 我饿了……我们现在可以去GrubHub(订餐搜索引擎公司)吗?

    I 'm hungry ... Can we go to GrubHub now ?

  27. 然而,目前中国的网络订餐服务非常有限制。

    However , such service is very limited in present Chinese market .

  28. 你再也别想从我们这里订餐了!

    Don 't you ever order from us any more !

  29. 我们不是说好订餐的吗

    I thought we said we were ordering dinner . You said .

  30. 我饿坏了你要订餐吗

    I 'm starved . Do you wanna order in ?